Elizabeth Yano, PhD, MSPH, Director of HSR&D's Center for the Study of Healthcare Innovation, Implementation and Policy (CSHIIP) at the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, was recently elected to AcademyHealth's Board of Directors. AcademyHealth is the leading professional organization for health services researchers, policy analysts, and practitioners, and is a non-partisan informational resource for health services research and policy. AcademyHealth is overseen by a Board of Directors, which serves as its governing body and provides overall strategic direction. Board members represent national leaders in health services research, health care management, health economics, as well as health policy and strategic development. Dr. Yano is the only VA representative on the Board of Directors, and her nomination and successful member election reflects AcademyHealth's growing interest in implementation science and research-clinical-policy partnerships that hold promise for increasing the impact of health services research. She also is on the Advisory Committee for AcademyHealth's Translation & Dissemination Institute.
Dr. Yano currently directs HSR&D's Women Veterans Healthcare CREATE—a collaborative, partnered research initiative comprised of five inter-related studies designed to accelerate the implementation of comprehensive care for women Veterans. In addition, she directs the VA Women's Health Research Network that provides education, training, and support to a national consortium of more than 250 researchers and clinicians - and facilitates the inclusion of women Veterans in VA research through the VA Women's Health Practice-Based Research Network, which she co-directs, and now includes 60 member VA medical centers. Dr. Yano has been funded continuously as a principal investigator for more than 25 years. She has published nearly 180 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters, has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of General Internal Medicine and Women's Health Issues, and been guest editor on five journal supplements focused on primary care, women's health, and partnered research. And at both VA and UCLA, Dr. Yano has mentored more than 40 career development awardees and post- and pre-doctoral fellows locally and across the country.
HSR&D congratulates Dr. Yano on her election to AcademyHealth's Board of Directors and is extremely proud to have such an excellent VA representative.