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VA Health Systems Research

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Transformative Health Systems Research to Improve Veteran Equity and Independence (THRIVE) logoTHRIVE conducts cutting-edge research to improve treatments, programs, and policies for Veterans and their healthcare providers. Our work focuses on maximizing impact and advancing VA's status as a national Learning Health System (LHS) within Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS).

THRIVE Investigators pursue a diverse range of research objectives and strive to make impactful contributions across various fields:

  • THRIVE’S research goals involve guiding LTSS development to improve the quintuple aim. Leading mental health and suicide prevention research focused on older Veterans/LTSS
  • Increasing the number of prepared scientists focusing on LTSS Veterans for the Performance to Data LHS phase.
  • Developing Pharmacologic Intervention in Later Life (PILL). PILL addresses drug efficacy and improves care affected by rapidly changing medications, indications, guidelines and vaccines.

Visit our Research page to learn more about these areas.

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