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VA Health Systems Research

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Publication Requirements: Notification & Attribution

The VA ORD Health Systems Research (HSR) has established the following requirements regarding notification of pending publications and presentations:

Notification Process

Please let us know as soon as you have an article accepted for publication. This applies to all publications based on an HSR-funded, or HSR-managed project, or authored/coauthored by an HSR-supported investigator, regardless of funding source. Early notification allows us to prepare briefing materials for VA leadership and plan for other dissemination. See the HSR&D Program Guide 1204.01 and VHA Directive 1200.19 (Presentation of Research Results) for more details.

Submit your notifications by following the simple steps below:

  • Go to the ORD PubTracker Website by copying and pasting the following URL into browser:
    (Access restricted to VA Intranet)
  • Click the submission type – pre-publication, presentation, media, or other – and fill in the form
    (Be sure to upload a copy of the presentation abstract or complete accepted article)

Please note that notification emails should no longer be sent to the HSR/ORD publications email addresses. However, notification questions or questions about the new web site or process can still be directed to

We strictly adhere to embargoes put in place by the journals. Let us know if your article has an embargo date.

Attribution (Acknowledgement of VA Research Support/Employment)

VA and its employees have a responsibility to ensure that VA receives proper credit for VA-supported research in articles, presentations, interviews, and other professional activities in which the results of that research are publicized or recognized. All investigators will initiate and document references to VA where either direct or indirect support for the research emanates from VA.

Failure to acknowledge VA support or employment may result in the discontinuation of current VA R&D funding and/or ineligibility to receive future R&D funding for up to 5 years.

Acknowledgement of VA Research Support

All publications and presentations of VA research results must contain the following (or equivalent) acknowledgement:

  1. "This material is based upon work supported (or supported in part) by the Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration, Office of Research and Development" (add as applicable Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development, Clinical Sciences Research and Development including the Cooperative Studies Program, Rehabilitation Research and Development Service, and Health Services Research and Development).
  2. If VA provided no direct research funding, but the research involved the use of other VA resources (e.g., facilities or patients), the publications, or presentations must contain a similar acknowledgement. For example, "This material is the result of work supported with resources and the use of facilities at the (name and location of VA medical center)."

Acknowledgement of VA Employment

Authors of clinical and research manuscripts, abstracts, books, book chapters, and presentations must acknowledge their employment using the following format: "VA Title, VA Service, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, City, and State."

  1. When the author also holds a faculty appointment, the academic title and school also may be acknowledged.
  2. When the Principal Investigator (PI) has a 5/8ths or more VA appointment, VA must be named first, regardless whether VA is the primary source of funding or where the funds are administered.
  3. Authors or presenters of research results are required to list VA employment first if any of the following conditions apply:
    (a) Work was funded primarily from VA resources (50 percent or more), either directly or indirectly;
    (b) The research was conducted primarily in VA facilities; or
    (c) The first author was a junior scientist (e.g., resident, fellow trainee) whose salary may not have been provided by VA, but who primarily used VA funding or facilities, or whose mentor or supervisor was primarily employed or funded by VA.


When publishing or disseminating research findings be sure to acknowledge that your findings do not necessarily reflect VA policy. See sample disclaimer below:

"The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the Department of Veterans Affairs or the United States government."

Questions about the HSR website? Email the Web Team

Any health information on this website is strictly for informational purposes and is not intended as medical advice. It should not be used to diagnose or treat any condition.