A special issue of Health Services Research — now available online — celebrates the 25th anniversary of VA’s Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI). The issue, titled “Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Veterans Affairs Quality Enhancement Research Initiative and Evolution of Learning Health Systems,” features research articles and commentaries that highlight the scientific contributions and real-world impacts of QUERI during the past quarter century, and the evolution of QUERI as a learning health system.
Since its inception in 1998, QUERI, an evaluation and quality improvement program, has been instrumental in establishing VHA as a learning health system that uses an iterative process to identify operational priorities and related evidence gaps, with an ultimate goal of improving care access, quality, efficiency, and cost. The scope of QUERI projects has evolved from the implementation of guideline-based care for specific conditions to conducting system-wide quality improvement and implementation science to support evidence-based policymaking and rapid translation of research into practice.
HSR, QUERI’s parent program, is now adopting QUERI principles, with HSR priorities grounded in QUERI’s learning health system framework to establish evidence generation and evaluation priorities that align with VA’s Strategic Plan.