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HSR&D Investigators Honored At AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting

July 5, 2016

VA's Health Services Research & Development Service (HSR&D) was well-represented among both award recipients and presenters at the AcademyHealth 2016 Annual Research Meeting, which was held June 26-28 in Boston, MA.

Article-of-the-Year Award

Kevin Volpp, MD, PhD, and David Asch, MD, MBA, associate investigators with HSR&D's Center for Health Equity Research & Promotion (CHERP) located in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, received AcademyHealth's Article-of-the-Year Award for "Effect of Financial Incentives to Physicians, Patients, or Both on Lipid Levels: A Randomized Clinical Trial." Findings from this research showed that in primary care practices, shared financial incentives for physicians and patients– but not incentives to physicians and patients alone – resulted in a statistically significant difference in the reduction of LDL cholesterol levels among patients with high cardiovascular risk.

The Article-of-the-Year Award recognizes the best scientific work that the fields of health services research and health policy have produced and published during the previous calendar year. The award-winning article provides new insights into the delivery of healthcare and advances the knowledge of the field.

Carol Weisman and Gary Chase Gender-Based Research Award

Jill Darling, MSMH, part of HSR&D's Center for Healthcare Innovation, Implementation, and Policy (CSHIIP), and the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, and Jillian Shipherd, PhD, co-Directorof VA's Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Program, received the Carol Weisman and Gary Chase Gender-Based Research Award for their abstract "Factors Affecting Sexual and Gender Minority Women Veterans."

Presented each year as part of AcademyHealth's Gender and Health Interest Group Meeting, this award recognizes excellence in gender-based research and was created to honor the legacy of Drs. Weisman and Chase– early members of the Interest Group, as well as strong advocates for gender-based research approaches.

Outstanding Research Abstracts

Among the 21 abstracts selected as "Outstanding Research Abstracts," the following winners were authored by, or affiliated with HSR&D investigators.

Category: Aging, Disability, and End of Life

Abstract: Quality of End-of-Life Care Provided to Patients with Different Life-Limiting Conditions.

HSR&D-Affiliated Contributor:

  • Melissa Wachterman, MD, MPH, HSR&D Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research (CHOIR), Bedford and Boston, MA (presenter).

Category: Complex Chronic Conditions

Abstract: Remote Patient Monitoring after Discharge of Hospitalized Heart Failure: The Better Effectiveness after Transition-Heart Failure (BEAT-HF) Randomized Controlled Trial.

HSR&D-Affiliated Contributor:

  • Michael Ong, MD, PhD, HSR&D Center for Healthcare Innovation, Implementation, and Policy (CSHIIP), Los Angeles, CA (presenter).

Category: Consumer Choice and Behavioral Economics

Abstract: Change in Generic Medication Prescribing Rates after Health System-Wide Redesign of Default Options within the Electronic Health Record.

HSR&D-Affiliated Contributors:

  • Mitesh Patel, MD, MBA, MS, HSR&D Center for Healthcare Innovation, Implementation, and Policy (CSHIIP), Los Angeles, CA (presenter), and
  • Kevin Volpp, MD, PhD, HSR&D Center for Health Equity Research & Promotion (CHERP), Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, PA (presenter).

Category: Disparities and Health Equity

Abstract: Improving Identification of Patients at High Risk for Readmission Using Socio-Behavioral Patient Characteristics.

HSR&D-Affiliated Contributor:

  • Amol Navathe, MD, PhD, HSR&D Center for Health Equity Research & Promotion (CHERP), Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, PA (presenter).

Category: Improving Safety, Quality, and Value

Abstract: Using Harm-Based Weights for the AHRQ Patient Safety for Selected Indicators Composite (PSI-90): Does it Affect Assessment of Hospital Performance and Financial Penalties in Veterans' Health Administration Hospitals?

HSR&D-Affiliated Contributor:

  • Amy Rosen, PhD, HSR&D Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research (CHOIR), Bedford and Boston, MA (presenter).

Category: Organizational Behavior and Management

Abstract: Contextual Influences on Leadership and Teamwork in Surgical Operating Rooms: A Qualitative Study.

HSR&D-Affiliated Contributor:

  • Sara Singer, PhD, MBA, HSR&D Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research (CHOIR), Bedford and Boston, MA (co-author)

AcademyHealth is the leading professional organization for health services researchers, policy analysts, and practitioners, and is a non-partisan informational resource for health services research and policy. Recognition of VA research across multiple areas at this high-profile meeting reflects positively on VA's research mission, and is of importance in disseminating valuable lessons learned via research conducted within the nation's largest integrated healthcare system.

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