VA’s Health Services Research & Development Service (HSR&D) was well-represented among both award recipients and presenters at the AcademyHealth 2018 Annual Research Meeting (ARM), which was held June 24-26 in Seattle, WA. There were several VA sessions at the Meeting, including:
Please visit the HSR&D podcast webpage to hear from HSR&D investigators interviewed during ARM on their presentations, ranging in topic from caregiver support to end-of-life care to Veterans’ experiences with the Choice Program.
Mitesh Patel, MD, MBA, an HSR&D Career Development Awardee and part of HSR&D’s Center for Health Equity Research & Promotion (CHERP) located in Philadelphia, received AcademyHealth’s Alice B. Hersh New Investigator Award. This prestigious award recognizes scholars early in their careers as health services researchers who show exceptional promise for future contributions. Dr. Patel's research focuses on studying innovative ways to change health behaviors and improve health outcomes by combining digital health approaches that collect data using wireless and wearable devices with engagement strategies that leverage insights from behavioral economics. He has led more than 10 clinical trials that evaluated financial and social incentive designs within hospitals and in partnership with insurers, employers, and community organizations. Dr. Patel also is Director of the Penn Medicine Nudge Unit –the world’s first behavioral design team embedded within a health system.
Leah Zullig, PhD, MPH, an HSR&D Career Development Awardee and a core investigator at the Durham Center for Health Services Research in Primary Care, received the Women and Gender Health: Carol Weisman and Gary Chase Gender-Based Research Award for her abstract titled “Telehealth Services Designed for Women: An Evidence Map.” Presented each year as part of AcademyHealth’s Gender and Health Interest Group Meeting, this award recognizes excellence in gender-based research.
The following Abstracts by HSR&D investigators were selected as the most outstanding research submitted for presentation in the Call for Papers Themes (underlined):
AcademyHealth is the leading professional organization for health services researchers, policy analysts, and practitioners, and is a non-partisan informational resource for health services research and policy. Recognition of VA research across multiple areas at this high-profile meeting reflects positively on VA's research mission, and is of importance in disseminating valuable lessons learned via research conducted within the nation's largest integrated healthcare system.
Eve Kerr, MD, MPH, Director of HSR&D’s Center for Clinical Management Research, was elected by the members of AcademyHealth to chair the planning committee for next year’s annual meeting that will be held in Washington, DC in early June.