July 21, 2010
Co-Director of VA/HSR&D's HIV/Hepatitis Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (HIV/Hepatitis-QUERI) Allen Gifford, MD, presented findings from an HSR&D-funded study during the International AIDS Conference, held in Vienna, Austria from July 18-23, 2010. The International AIDS Conference is the premier gathering for those working in the field of HIV.Dr. Gifford and HSR&D colleagues John Fortney, PhD; Geoffrey Curran, PhD; Jeffrey Pyne, MD; Hildi Hagedorn, PhD; and Steven Asch, MD, MPH conducted the study, "HIV Translating Initiatives for Depression into Effective Solutions" (HITIDES). HITIDES was developed to implement an existing collaborative care model for primary care-based depression treatment into HIV clinical care. (Depression is the most common mental disorder in patients with HIV.) Study results showed that when implemented in HIV clinical care, the HITIDES approach improved depression and HIV symptom outcomes. Results of this study have been published in the Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services and the journal AIDS Care.