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Quality Enhancement Research Initiative Advances Implementation Science

This Editorial offers a perspective from implementation researchers outside the U.S. about VA/HSR&D’s Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) and its impact on and contributions to implementation science. This involved factors such as: QUERI serving as the change agent; designing guiding frameworks (i.e., six-step QUERI process); developing mechanisms to increase opportunities for service providers and researchers to develop meaningful and sustained interactions and collaborations; focusing on changing attitudes and cultures; and developing methods and tools.

The authors note that a major contribution to the field of implementation science is that the QUERI model divides the implementation process into manageable and logical steps. They suggest that other health systems and health research funders carefully consider what aspects of QUERI they could and should emulate or adapt, since much can be learned from this comprehensive approach to bringing about health system change to nurture and support evidence-based quality improvement and implementation research. The articles included in Implementation Science’s QUERI Series provide information that allows implementation researchers, as well as those implementing interventions, to make use of QUERI frameworks, methods, and tools.

PubMed Logo Graham I and Tetroe J. Learning from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Quality Enhancement Research Initiative. Implementation Science Mar 6, 2009;4:13.


This article was part of a special QUERI series featured in the online journal, Implementation Science. VA’s Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) is managed through HSR&D.

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