How do I download my CE certificate?
All CE certificates are available for download from TMS at the end of the course. Sessions are accredited as part of a multi-part course; view the course in TMS to find all session dates. At the end of the course, a TMS survey will be available, and you will have 30 days to complete the survey to receive credit for all sessions attended. Once you complete the course survey you can download your CE certificates. We cannot provide CE certificates earlier than this.
How do I know if a session has accredited CE?
Accredited sessions are denoted with green check mark in our upcoming catalog.
Can you offer credit for my discipline?
We are limited by what accreditations the VA has available, and by what we can get approved. We always try to offer ACCME-NP credit so if we do not offer your specific discipline, check to see if you are able to use ACCME-NP credit.
How do a register for a session?
Registration links are available in our upcoming catalog. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with the link to join the live session. Join from any computer, tablet, or smartphone that connects to the internet.
I’m having trouble joining the session
Please try using a different browser. Internet Explorer doesn’t work on some computers, whereas Chrome will connect. We see the reverse sometimes, where Chrome won’t connect, but IE will.
Can I get a certificate of attendance?
Yes, a certificate of attendance will automatically be sent to the email address you used to register; this can take up to a few weeks post-session. You must join through your unique GoToWebinar link to receive the certificate.