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245 records found for:
Author = Voils C
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  1. Ulmer CS, Voils CI, Jeffreys AS, Olsen M, Zervakis J, Goodwin K, Gentry P, Rose C, Weidenbacher HJ, Beckham JC, Bosworth HB. Nurse-Supported Self-Directed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA internal medicine. 2024 Sep 9.
  2. Carpenter SM, Shetty A, Hetzel SJ, Garza K, Porter LS, Gray KE, Shaw RJ, Lewis MA, Mao L, Pabich S, Johnson HM, Yancy WS, Elwert F, Voils CI. A non-randomized comparison of engagement and outcomes for in-person versus virtual delivery of the Partner2Lose weight management trial. Obesity science & practice. 2024 Aug 1; 10(4):e778.
  3. Voils CI, Shaw RJ, Gavin KL, Hetzel SJ, Lewis MA, Pabich S, Johnson HM, Elwert F, Mao L, Gray KE, Yuroff A, Garza K, Yancy WS, Porter LS. Outcomes from Partner2Lose: a randomized controlled trial to evaluate 24-month weight loss in a partner-assisted intervention. BMC public health. 2024 Jul 20; 24(1):1948.
  4. Wyman MF, Jacobs J, Stalter L, Venkatesh M, Voils CI, Trivedi RB, Gleason CE, Byers AL. Association of Caregiving Receipt With Mental Health Utilization in a National Cohort of Older Adults. The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. 2024 Dec 1; 32(12):1387-1398.
  5. Funk LM, Williams CB, Breuer CR, Hetzel S, LaSage SC, Villasenor CJ, Moin T, Cook J, Sampene E, Stroupe KT, Alagoz E, Raffa SD, Voils CI. The TOTAL trial for weight management participation: A randomized controlled trial protocol. Contemporary clinical trials. 2024 Sep 1; 144:107611.
  6. Melendez K, Gutierrez-Meza D, Gavin KL, Alagoz E, Sperber N, Wu RR, Silva A, Pati B, Voora D, Hung A, Roberts MC, Voils CI. Patient Perspectives of Barriers and Facilitators for the Uptake of Pharmacogenomic Testing in Veterans Affairs' Pharmacogenomic Testing for the Veterans (PHASER) Program. Journal of personalized medicine. 2023 Sep 9; 13(9).
  7. Wright CE, Sheeran P, Voils CI, Blalock DV. A review of implementation intentions as a tool to benefit high-need patients and healthcare systems: U.S. veterans affairs as an exemplar. Patient education and counseling. 2023 Nov 1; 116:107937.
  8. Parmasad V, Keating J, McKinley L, Evans C, Rubin M, Voils C, Safdar N. Frontline perspectives of C. difficile infection prevention practice implementation within veterans affairs health care facilities: A qualitative study. American journal of infection control. 2023 Oct 1; 51(10):1124-1131.
  9. Ulmer CS, Bosworth HB, Zervakis J, Goodwin K, Gentry P, Rose C, Jeffreys AS, Olsen MK, Weidenbacher HJ, Beckham JC, Voils CI. Provider-supported self-management cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (Tele-Self CBTi): Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Contemporary clinical trials. 2023 Feb 1; 125:107060.
  10. Gray KE, Silvestrini M, Ma EW, Nelson KM, Bastian LA, Voils CI. Gender differences in social support for diabetes self-management: A qualitative study among veterans. Patient education and counseling. 2023 Feb 1; 107:107578.
  11. Voils CI, Gavin KL, Thorpe CT, Pabich SK, Reeve BB, Mian GJ, Faacks A, Kronish IM. Validating a Self-Reported Medication Nonadherence Measure in the Context of Multiple Chronic Diseases and Routes of Medication Administration Among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Patient preference and adherence. 2022 Nov 17; 16:3119-3130.
  12. Voils CI, Coffman CJ, Wu RR, Grubber JM, Fisher DA, Strawbridge EM, Sperber N, Wang V, Scheuner MT, Provenzale D, Nelson RE, Hauser E, Orlando LA, Goldstein KM. A Cluster Randomized Trial of a Family Health History Platform to Identify and Manage Patients at Increased Risk for Colorectal Cancer. Journal of general internal medicine. 2023 May 1; 38(6):1375-1383.
  13. Goldstein KM, Voils CI, Bastian LA, Heisler M, Olsen MK, Woolson S, White-Clark C, Zervakis J, Oddone EZ. An Innovation to Expand the Reach of Peer Support: A Feasibility and Acceptability Study. Military medicine. 2022 Oct 13.
  14. Funk LM, Alagoz E, Murtha JA, Breuer CR, Pati B, Eierman L, Jawara D, Farrar-Edwards D, Voils CI. Socioeconomic disparities and bariatric surgery outcomes: A qualitative analysis. American journal of surgery. 2023 Apr 1; 225(4):609-614.
  15. Murtha JA, Alagoz E, Breuer CR, Eierman L, Jawara D, Farrar-Edwards D, Voils CI, Funk LM. Impact of COVID-19 on the Postoperative Bariatric Surgery Patient Experience. Annals of surgery. 2023 Apr 1; 277(4):e745-e751.
  16. Funk LM, Alagoz E, Jolles SA, Shea GE, Gunter RL, Raffa SD, Voils CI. A Qualitative Study of the System-level Barriers to Bariatric Surgery Within the Veterans Health Administration. Annals of surgery. 2022 Jan 1; 275(1):e181-e188.
  17. Murtha JA, Alagoz E, Breuer CR, Finn A, Raffa SD, Voils CI, Funk LM. Individual-level barriers to bariatric surgery from patient and provider perspectives: A qualitative study. American journal of surgery. 2022 Jul 1; 224(1 Pt B):429-436.
  18. Kobe EA, Crowley MJ, Jeffreys AS, Yancy WS, Zervakis J, Edelman D, Voils CI, Maciejewski ML, Coffman CJ. Heterogeneity of Treatment Effects Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Elevated Body Mass Index in a Study Comparing Group Medical Visits Focused on Weight Management and Medication Intensification. Medical care. 2021 Nov 1; 59(11):1031-1038.
  19. Grewe ME, Khalil L, Felder K, Goldstein KM, McNeil RB, Sims KJ, Provenzale D, Voils CI. Gulf War Era Veterans' perspectives on research: a qualitative study. Life sciences. 2021 Dec 15; 287:120113.
  20. Dong OM, Roberts MC, Wu RR, Voils CI, Sperber N, Gavin KL, Bates J, Chanfreau-Coffinier C, Naglich M, Kelley MJ, Vassy JL, Sriram P, Heise CW, Rivas S, Ribeiro M, Chapman JG, Voora D. Evaluation of the Veterans Affairs Pharmacogenomic Testing for Veterans (PHASER) clinical program at initial test sites. Pharmacogenomics. 2021 Nov 1; 22(17):1121-1133.
  21. Gettel CJ, Voils CI, Bristol AA, Richardson LD, Hogan TM, Brody AA, Gladney MN, Suyama J, Ragsdale LC, Binkley CL, Morano CL, Seidenfeld J, Hammouda N, Ko KJ, Hwang U, Hastings SN. Care transitions and social needs: A Geriatric Emergency care Applied Research (GEAR) Network scoping review and consensus statement. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. 2021 Dec 1; 28(12):1430-1439.
  22. Funk LM, Breuer CR, Venkatesh M, Muraveva A, Alagoz E, Hanlon BM, Raffa SD, Voils CI. Protocol and short-term results for a feasibility randomized controlled trial of a video intervention for Veterans with obesity: The TOTAL (Teaching Obesity Treatment Options to Adult Learners) pilot study. Contemporary clinical trials communications. 2021 Sep 1; 23:100816.
  23. Voils CI, Pendergast J, Hale SL, Gierisch JM, Strawbridge EM, Levine E, McVay MA, Reed SD, Yancy WS, Shaw RJ. A randomized feasibility pilot trial of a financial incentives intervention for dietary self-monitoring and weight loss in adults with obesity. Translational behavioral medicine. 2021 Apr 26; 11(4):954-969.
  24. Goldstein KM, Zullig LL, Andrews SM, Sperber N, Lewinski AA, Voils CI, Oddone EZ, Bosworth HB. Patient experiences with a phone-based cardiovascular risk reduction intervention: Are there differences between women and men? Patient education and counseling. 2021 Nov 1; 104(11):2834-2838.
  25. Gavin KL, Voils CI, Yancy WS, Olsen MK. Two-year weight trajectories following completion of a behavioral weight loss maintenance intervention. Obesity science & practice. 2021 Jun 1; 7(3):321-325.
  26. Kronish IM, Thorpe CT, Voils CI. Measuring the multiple domains of medication nonadherence: findings from a Delphi survey of adherence experts. Translational behavioral medicine. 2021 Feb 11; 11(1):104-113.
  27. McVay MA, Yancy WS, Bennett GG, Levine E, Jung SH, Jung S, Anton S, Voils CI. A web-based intervention to increase weight loss treatment initiation: results of a cluster randomized feasibility and acceptability trial. Translational behavioral medicine. 2021 Feb 11; 11(1):226-235.
  28. Sagalla N, Yancy WS, Edelman D, Jeffreys AS, Coffman CJ, Voils CI, Alexopoulos AS, Maciejewski ML, Dar M, Crowley MJ. Factors associated with non-adherence to insulin and non-insulin medications in patients with poorly controlled diabetes. Chronic Illness. 2022 Jun 1; 18(2):398-409.
  29. Orlando LA, Sperber NR, Voils C, Nichols M, Myers RA, Wu RR, Rakhra-Burris T, Levy KD, Levy M, Pollin TI, Guan Y, Horowitz CR, Ramos M, Kimmel SE, McDonough CW, Madden EB, Damschroder LJ, IGNITE Network. Correction: Developing a common framework for evaluating the implementation of genomic medicine interventions in clinical care: the IGNITE Network's Common Measures Working Group. Genetics in Medicine : Official Journal of The American College of Medical Genetics. 2020 Oct 1; 22(10):1729.
  30. Wyman MF, Voils CI, Trivedi R, Boyle L, Goldman D, Umucu E, Zuelsdorff M, Johnson AL, Gleason CE. Perspectives of Veterans Affairs mental health providers on working with older adults with dementia and their caregivers. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education. 2021 Jan 1; 42(1):114-125.
  31. Voils CI, Adler R, Strawbridge E, Grubber J, Allen KD, Olsen MK, McVay MA, Raghavan S, Raffa SD, Funk LM. Early-phase study of a telephone-based intervention to reduce weight regain among bariatric surgery patients. Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 2020 May 1; 39(5):391-402.
  32. Yancy WS, Crowley MJ, Dar MS, Coffman CJ, Jeffreys AS, Maciejewski ML, Voils CI, Bradley AB, Edelman D. Comparison of Group Medical Visits Combined With Intensive Weight Management vs Group Medical Visits Alone for Glycemia in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Noninferiority Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA internal medicine. 2020 Jan 1; 180(1):70-79.
  33. Alexopoulos AS, Yancy WS, Edelman D, Coffman CJ, Jeffreys AS, Maciejewski ML, Voils CI, Sagalla N, Barton Bradley A, Dar M, Mayer SB, Crowley MJ. Clinical associations of an updated medication effect score for measuring diabetes treatment intensity. Chronic Illness. 2021 Dec 1; 17(4):451-462.
  34. Goldstein KM, Fisher DA, Wu RR, Orlando LA, Coffman CJ, Grubber JM, Rakhra-Burris T, Wang V, Scheuner MT, Sperber N, Datta SK, Nelson RE, Strawbridge E, Provenzale D, Hauser ER, Voils CI. An electronic family health history tool to identify and manage patients at increased risk for colorectal cancer: protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2019 Oct 7; 20(1):576.
  35. Raghavan S, Xu K, Coffman CJ, Pabich S, Edelman D, Voils CI. Associations of Diabetes Genetic Risk Counseling with Incident Diabetes and Weight: 5-Year Follow-up of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of general internal medicine. 2020 Mar 1; 35(3):944-946.
  36. Goldstein KM, Duan-Porter W, Alkon A, Olsen MK, Voils CI, Hastings SN. Enrollment and Retention of Men and Women in Health Services Research and Development Trials. Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health. 2019 Jun 25; 29 Suppl 1:S121-S130.
  37. Voils CI, King HA, Thorpe CT, Blalock DV, Kronish IM, Reeve BB, Boatright C, Gellad ZF. Content Validity and Reliability of a Self-Report Measure of Medication Nonadherence in Hepatitis C Treatment. Digestive diseases and sciences. 2019 Oct 1; 64(10):2784-2797.
  38. Jolles SA, Alagoz E, Liu N, Voils CI, Shea G, Funk LM. Motivations of Males with Severe Obesity, Who Pursue Medical Weight Management or Bariatric Surgery. Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A. 2019 Jun 1; 29(6):730-740.
  39. Wu RR, Myers RA, Buchanan AH, Dimmock D, Fulda KG, Haller IV, Haga SB, Harry ML, McCarty C, Neuner J, Rakhra-Burris T, Sperber N, Voils CI, Ginsburg GS, Orlando LA. Effect of Sociodemographic Factors on Uptake of a Patient-Facing Information Technology Family Health History Risk Assessment Platform. Applied clinical informatics. 2019 Mar 1; 10(2):180-188.
  40. Miller KEM, Lindquist JH, Olsen MK, Smith V, Voils CI, Oddone EZ, Sperber NR, Shepherd-Banigan M, Wieland GD, Henius J, Kabat M, Van Houtven CH. Invisible partners in care: Snapshot of well-being among caregivers receiving comprehensive support from Veterans Affairs. Health science reports. 2019 Mar 1; 2(3):e112.
  41. Blalock DV, Zullig LL, Bosworth HB, Taylor SS, Voils CI. Self-reported medication nonadherence predicts cholesterol levels over time. Journal of psychosomatic research. 2019 Mar 1; 118:49-55.
  42. Taylor LJ, Xu K, Maloney JD, Voils CI, Weber SM, Funk LM, Abbott DE. Deficiencies in postoperative surveillance for veterans with gastrointestinal cancer. Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2019 Mar 1; 119(3):273-277.
  43. Bosworth HB, Blalock DV, Hoyle RH, Czajkowski SM, Voils CI. The role of psychological science in efforts to improve cardiovascular medication adherence. The American Psychologist. 2018 Nov 1; 73(8):968-980.
  44. Khalil L, McNeil RB, Sims KJ, Felder KA, Hauser ER, Goldstein KM, Voils CI, Klimas NG, Brophy MT, Thomas CM, Whitley RL, Dursa EK, Helmer DA, Provenzale DT. The Gulf War Era Cohort and Biorepository: A Longitudinal Research Resource of Veterans of the 1990-1991 Gulf War Era. American journal of epidemiology. 2018 Nov 1; 187(11):2279-2291.
  45. Scheuner MT, Russell MM, Chanfreau-Coffinier C, Peredo J, Yano EM, Hamilton AB, Lerner B, Provenzale D, Knight SJ, Voils CI. Stakeholders' views on the value of outcomes from clinical genetic and genomic interventions. Genetics in Medicine : Official Journal of The American College of Medical Genetics. 2019 Jun 1; 21(6):1371-1380.
  46. Chanfreau-Coffinier C, Peredo J, Russell MM, Yano EM, Hamilton AB, Lerner B, Provenzale D, Knight SJ, Voils CI, Scheuner MT. A logic model for precision medicine implementation informed by stakeholder views and implementation science. Genetics in Medicine : Official Journal of The American College of Medical Genetics. 2019 May 1; 21(5):1139-1154.
  47. Taylor SS, Olsen MK, McVay MA, Grubber J, Gierisch JM, Yancy WS, Voils CI. The role of group cohesion in a group-based behavioral weight loss intervention. Journal of behavioral medicine. 2019 Feb 1; 42(1):162-168.
  48. Blalock DV, Bosworth HB, Reeve BB, Voils CI. Co-occurring reasons for medication nonadherence within subgroups of patients with hyperlipidemia. Journal of behavioral medicine. 2019 Apr 1; 42(2):291-299.
  49. McVay MA, Yancy WS, Bennett GG, Jung SH, Voils CI. Perceived barriers and facilitators of initiation of behavioral weight loss interventions among adults with obesity: a qualitative study. BMC public health. 2018 Jul 11; 18(1):854.
  50. Wu RR, Myers RA, Sperber N, Voils CI, Neuner J, McCarty CA, Haller IV, Harry M, Fulda KG, Cross D, Dimmock D, Rakhra-Burris T, Buchanan AH, Ginsburg GS, Orlando LA. Implementation, adoption, and utility of family health history risk assessment in diverse care settings: evaluating implementation processes and impact with an implementation framework. Genetics in Medicine : Official Journal of The American College of Medical Genetics. 2019 Feb 1; 21(2):331-338.
  51. Goldstein KM, Zullig LL, Oddone EZ, Andrews SM, Grewe ME, Danus S, Heisler M, Bastian LA, Voils CI. Understanding women veterans' preferences for peer support interventions to promote heart healthy behaviors: A qualitative study. Preventive medicine reports. 2018 Jun 1; 10:353-358.
  52. Zullig LL, Goldstein KM, Bosworth HB, Andrews SM, Danus S, Jackson GL, Provenzale D, Weinberger M, Kelley MJ, Voils CI. Chronic disease management perspectives of colorectal cancer survivors using the Veterans Affairs healthcare system: a qualitative analysis. BMC health services research. 2018 Mar 9; 18(1):171.
  53. Maciejewski ML, Hammill BG, Voils CI, Ding L, Bayliss EA, Curtis LH, Wang V. Prescriber continuity and medication availability in older adults with cardiometabolic conditions. SAGE open medicine. 2018 Feb 6; 6:2050312118757388.
  54. Raghavan S, Liu WG, Michael Ho P, Plomondon ME, Barón AE, Caplan L, Joynt Maddox KE, Magid D, Saxon DR, Voils CI, Bradley SM, Maddox TM. Coronary artery disease severity modifies associations between glycemic control and both mortality and myocardial infarction. Journal of diabetes and its complications. 2018 May 1; 32(5):480-487.
  55. Voils CI, Levine E, Gierisch JM, Pendergast J, Hale SL, McVay MA, Reed SD, Yancy WS, Bennett G, Strawbridge EM, White AC, Shaw RJ. Study protocol for Log2Lose: A feasibility randomized controlled trial to evaluate financial incentives for dietary self-monitoring and interim weight loss in adults with obesity. Contemporary clinical trials. 2018 Feb 1; 65:116-122.
  56. Van Houtven CH, Miller KEM, O'Brien EC, Wolff JL, Lindquist J, Kabat M, Campbell-Kotler M, Henius J, Voils CI. Development and Initial Validation of the Caregiver Perceptions About Communication With Clinical Team Members (CAPACITY) Measure. Medical care research and review : MCRR. 2019 Dec 1; 76(6):784-806.
  57. Voils CI, Venne VL, Weidenbacher H, Sperber N, Datta S. Comparison of Telephone and Televideo Modes for Delivery of Genetic Counseling: a Randomized Trial. Journal of Genetic Counseling. 2018 Apr 1; 27(2):339-348.
  58. Gellad WF, Thorpe CT, Steiner JF, Voils CI. The myths of medication adherence. Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety. 2017 Dec 1; 26(12):1437-1441.
  59. Orlando LA, Sperber NR, Voils C, Nichols M, Myers RA, Wu RR, Rakhra-Burris T, Levy KD, Levy M, Pollin TI, Guan Y, Horowitz CR, Ramos M, Kimmel SE, McDonough CW, Madden EB, Damschroder LJ. Developing a common framework for evaluating the implementation of genomic medicine interventions in clinical care: the IGNITE Network's Common Measures Working Group. Genetics in Medicine : Official Journal of The American College of Medical Genetics. 2018 Jun 1; 20(6):655-663.
  60. Funk LM, Grubber JM, McVay MA, Olsen MK, Yancy WS, Voils CI. Patient predictors of weight loss following a behavioral weight management intervention among US Veterans with severe obesity. Eating and Weight Disorders : EWD. 2018 Oct 1; 23(5):587-595.
  61. Ulmer CS, Bosworth HB, Beckham JC, Germain A, Jeffreys AS, Edelman D, Macy S, Kirby A, Voils CI. Veterans Affairs Primary Care Provider Perceptions of Insomnia Treatment. Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. 2017 Aug 15; 13(8):991-999.
  62. Nieuwsma JA, Wray LO, Voils CI, Gierisch JM, Dundon M, Coffman CJ, Jackson GL, Merwin R, Vair C, Juntilla K, White-Clark C, Jeffreys AS, Harris A, Owings M, Marr J, Edelman D. A problem-solving intervention for cardiovascular disease risk reduction in veterans: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Contemporary clinical trials. 2017 Sep 1; 60:42-50.
  63. Funk LM, Shan Y, Voils CI, Kloke J, Hanrahan LP. Electronic Health Record Data Versus the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES): A Comparison of Overweight and Obesity Rates. Medical care. 2017 Jun 1; 55(6):598-605.
  64. Sperber NR, Carpenter JS, Cavallari LH, J Damschroder L, Cooper-DeHoff RM, Denny JC, Ginsburg GS, Guan Y, Horowitz CR, Levy KD, Levy MA, Madden EB, Matheny ME, Pollin TI, Pratt VM, Rosenman M, Voils CI, W Weitzel K, Wilke RA, Ryanne Wu R, Orlando LA. Challenges and strategies for implementing genomic services in diverse settings: experiences from the Implementing GeNomics In pracTicE (IGNITE) network. BMC medical genomics. 2017 May 22; 10(1):35.
  65. Crowley MJ, Edelman D, Voils CI, Maciejewski ML, Coffman CJ, Jeffreys AS, Turner MJ, Gaillard LA, Hinton TA, Strawbridge E, Zervakis J, Barton AB, Yancy WS. Jump starting shared medical appointments for diabetes with weight management: Rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial. Contemporary clinical trials. 2017 Jul 1; 58:1-12.
  66. Voils CI, Olsen MK, Gierisch JM, McVay MA, Grubber JM, Gaillard L, Bolton J, Maciejewski ML, Strawbridge E, Yancy WS. Maintenance of Weight Loss After Initiation of Nutrition Training: A Randomized Trial. Annals of internal medicine. 2017 Apr 4; 166(7):463-471.
  67. Maciejewski ML, Hammill BG, Bayliss EA, Ding L, Voils CI, Curtis LH, Wang V. Prescriber Continuity and Disease Control of Older Adults. Medical care. 2017 Apr 1; 55(4):405-410.
  68. Sperber NR, Voils CI, Coe NB, Konetzka RT, Boles J, Van Houtven CH. How Can Adult Children Influence Parents' Long-Term Care Insurance Purchase Decisions? The Gerontologist. 2017 Apr 1; 57(2):292-299.
  69. Abbott DE, Voils CL, Fisher DA, Greenberg CC, Safdar N. Socioeconomic disparities, financial toxicity, and opportunities for enhanced system efficiencies for patients with cancer. Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2017 Mar 1; 115(3):250-256.
  70. McVay MA, Yancy WS, Scott CN, Wilson-Barlow L, Woolson S, McSherry WC, Allen S, Voils CI. Patient factors associated with initiation of behavioral weight loss treatment: a prospective observational study in an integrated care setting. Translational behavioral medicine. 2017 Mar 1; 7(1):75-83.
  71. Buchanan AH, Voils CI, Schildkraut JM, Fine C, Horick NK, Marcom PK, Wiggins K, Skinner CS. Adherence to Recommended Risk Management among Unaffected Women with a BRCA Mutation. Journal of Genetic Counseling. 2017 Feb 1; 26(1):79-92.
  72. Voils CI, Grubber JM, McVay MA, Olsen MK, Bolton J, Gierisch JM, Taylor SS, Maciejewski ML, Yancy WS. Recruitment and Retention for a Weight Loss Maintenance Trial Involving Weight Loss Prior to Randomization. Obesity science & practice. 2016 Dec 1; 2(4):355-365.
  73. Ulmer CS, Voils CI. Management of Insomnia in the Primary Care Setting. HSR&D Career Development Award Enhancement Initiative [Cyberseminar]. HSR&D. 2016 Oct 11.
  74. Funk LM, Jolles SA, Voils CI. Obesity as a disease: has the AMA resolution had an impact on how physicians view obesity? Surgery for obesity and related diseases : official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery. 2016 Aug 1; 12(7):1431-1435.
  75. McVay MA, Voils CI, Geiselman PJ, Smith VA, Coffman CJ, Mayer S, Yancy WS. Food preferences and weight change during low-fat and low-carbohydrate diets. Appetite. 2016 Aug 1; 103:336-343.
  76. Broyles IH, Sperber NR, Voils CI, Konetzka RT, Coe NB, Van Houtven CH. Understanding the Context for Long-Term Care Planning. Medical care research and review : MCRR. 2016 Jun 1; 73(3):349-68.
  77. Funk LM, Jolles SA, Greenberg CC, Schwarze ML, Safdar N, McVay MA, Whittle JC, Maciejewski ML, Voils CI. Primary care physician decision making regarding severe obesity treatment and bariatric surgery: a qualitative study. Surgery for obesity and related diseases : official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery. 2016 May 1; 12(4):893-901.
  78. Sperber NR, Andrews SM, Voils CI, Green GL, Provenzale D, Knight S. Barriers and Facilitators to Adoption of Genomic Services for Colorectal Care within the Veterans Health Administration. Journal of personalized medicine. 2016 Apr 28; 6(2).
  79. Masheb R, Maguen S, Higgins D, Voils CI. High-Risk patient Groups with Obesity and Implications for Tailoring Weight Loss Treatments. Poster session presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2016 Apr 2; Washington, DC.
  80. Masheb R, Maguen S, Higgins D, Voils CI. High-risk patient groups with obesity and implications for tailoring weight loss treatments. Presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2016 Apr 1; Washington, DC.
  81. Voils CI, Olsen MK, Gierisch JM, Grubber J, McVay M, Bolton J, Gaillard L, Maciejewski ML, Yancy WS. Weight outcome from the Maintenance After Initiation of Nutrition Training (MAINTAIN) trial. Presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2016 Apr 1; Washington, DC.
  82. Fisher DA, Voils CI, Choudhry K. Physician attitudes about and adherence to guidelines for screening colonoscopy intervals. Poster session presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2016 Mar 31; Washington, DC.
  83. Svetkey LP, Batch BC, Lin PH, Intille SS, Corsino L, Tyson CC, Bosworth HB, Grambow SC, Voils C, Loria C, Gallis JA, Schwager J, Bennett GG. Erratum: Cell phone intervention for you (CITY): A randomized, controlled trial of behavioral weight loss intervention for young adults using mobile technology. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2016 Feb 1; 24(2):536.
  84. Lin PH, Intille S, Bennett G, Bosworth HB, Corsino L, Voils C, Grambow S, Lazenka T, Batch BC, Tyson C, Svetkey LP. Adaptive intervention design in mobile health: Intervention design and development in the Cell Phone Intervention for You trial. Clinical trials (London, England). 2015 Dec 1; 12(6):634-45.
  85. Yancy WS, McVay MA, Voils CI. Effect of allowing choice of diet on weight loss--in response. Annals of internal medicine. 2015 Nov 17; 163(10):805-6.
  86. Funk LM, Jolles S, Greenberg CC, Voils CI. Primary Care Physician Approaches to Severe Obesity Treatment and Bariatric Surgery: A Qualitative Study. Presented at: American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Annual Conference; 2015 Nov 5; Los Angeles, CA.
  87. Funk LM, McVay M, Olsen MK, Grubber J, Yancy WS, Voils CI. Psychosocial predictors of weight loss following a behavioral weight management intervention among Veterans with severe obesity. Poster session presented at: Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting; 2015 Nov 4; New Orleans, LA.
  88. Voils CI, Grubber J, Olsen MK, McVay M. Predictors of Initiation of a behavioral weight loss program. Poster session presented at: Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting; 2015 Nov 2; Los Angeles, CA.
  89. Svetkey LP, Batch BC, Lin PH, Intille SS, Corsino L, Tyson CC, Bosworth HB, Grambow SC, Voils C, Loria C, Gallis JA, Schwager J, Bennett GG, Bennett GB. Cell phone intervention for you (CITY): A randomized, controlled trial of behavioral weight loss intervention for young adults using mobile technology. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2015 Nov 1; 23(11):2133-41.
  90. Voils CI, Coffman CJ, Grubber JM, Edelman D, Sadeghpour A, Maciejewski ML, Bolton J, Cho A, Ginsburg GS, Yancy WS. Does Type 2 Diabetes Genetic Testing and Counseling Reduce Modifiable Risk Factors? A Randomized Controlled Trial of Veterans. Journal of general internal medicine. 2015 Nov 1; 30(11):1591-8.
  91. Maciejewski ML, Voils CI, Wang V, Ding L, Curtis L, Qualls L, Bayliss El, Hammill B. Prescriber Continuity, Medication Adherence, Utilization and Expenditures for Complex Medicare Beneficiaries. Poster session presented at: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Annual Conference; 2015 Oct 4; Crystal City, VA.
  92. Funk LM, Jolles S, Fischer LE, Voils CI. Patient and Referring Practitioner Characteristics Associated With the Likelihood of Undergoing Bariatric Surgery: A Systematic Review. JAMA surgery. 2015 Oct 1; 150(10):999-1005.
  93. Ulmer CS, Van Voorhees E, Germain AE, Voils CI, Beckham JC, VA Mid-Atlantic Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center Registry Workgroup. A Comparison of Sleep Difficulties among Iraq/Afghanistan Theater Veterans with and without Mental Health Diagnoses. Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. 2015 Sep 15; 11(9):995-1005.
  94. Yancy WS, Barton AB, McVay MA, Voils CI. Efficacy of Commercial Weight-Loss Programs. Annals of internal medicine. 2015 Sep 1; 163(5):398-9.
  95. Fox B, Chen E, Suzo A, Jolles S, Greenberg JA, Campos GM, Voils CI, Funk LM. Dietary and psych predictors of weight loss after gastric bypass. The Journal of surgical research. 2015 Aug 1; 197(2):283-90.
  96. Steinhauser KE, Voils CI, Bosworth H, Tulsky JA. What constitutes quality of family experience at the end of life? Perspectives from family members of patients who died in the hospital. Palliative & supportive care. 2015 Aug 1; 13(4):945-52.
  97. Maciejewski ML, Voils CI, Wang V, Ding L, Curtis L, Qualls L, Bayliss E, Hammill B. Prescriber Continuity, Medication Adherence, Utilization and Expenditures for Complex Medicare Beneficiaries. Paper presented at: International Health Economics Association Biennial World Congress on Health Economics; 2015 Jul 13; Milan, Italy.
  98. Knight SJ, Provenzale D, Voils CI, Scheuner MT, Venne VL. Veterans’ access to genomic innovations in clinical care: Lessons from VA genomic medicine collaboration. Presented at: VA HSR&D / QUERI National Meeting; 2015 Jul 9; Philadelphia, PA.
  99. Knight SJ, Provenzale DT, Voils CI, Scheuner MT, Venne VL. Access to genomic innovations in clinical care for Veterans: Learning from the VA genomic medicine collaboration. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D / QUERI National Meeting; 2015 Jul 9; Philadelphia, PA.
  100. McVay MA, Beadles C, Wu R, Grubber J, Coffman CJ, Yancy WS, Reiner IL, Voils CI. Effects of provision of type 2 diabetes genetic risk feedback on patient perceptions of diabetes control and diet and physical activity self-efficacy. Patient education and counseling. 2015 Jun 30.
  101. Broyles I, Sperber N, Voils CI, Konetzka T, Coe NB, Van Houtven CH. Understanding the context for long-term care planning. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2015 Jun 18; Minneapolis, MN.
  102. Yancy WS, Mayer SB, Coffman CJ, Smith VA, Kolotkin RL, Geiselman PJ, McVay MA, Oddone EZ, Voils CI. Effect of Allowing Choice of Diet on Weight Loss: A Randomized Trial. Annals of internal medicine. 2015 Jun 16; 162(12):805-14.
  103. Maciejewski ML, Voils CI, Wang V, Ding L, Curtis LH, Qualls E, Bayliss E, Hammill B. Prescriber Continuity and Medication Adherence for Complex Medicare Beneficiaries. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2015 Jun 15; Minneapolis, MN.
  104. Kiernan M, Leahey R, Tate D, Voils CI. Evidence-based strategies that improve recruitment, adherence and retention of randomized trials. Presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2015 Apr 25; San Antonio, TX.
  105. King HA, Coffman CJ, McVay M, Jeffreys AL, Voils CI. Similarity in patient and spouse outcomes from a spouse-assisted lifestyle intervention. Poster session presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2015 Apr 25; San Antonio, TX.
  106. Kiernan M, Leahey T, Tate D, Voils CI. Evidence-based strategies that improve recruitment, adherence and retention of randomized trials. Paper presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2015 Apr 22; San Antonio, TX.
  107. McVay M, Yancy WS, Scott CN, Allen S, McSherry WC, Voils CI. Identifying factors to target to increase initiation of behavioral weight loss treatment. Poster session presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2015 Apr 22; San Antonio, TX.
  108. Voils CI, Gierisch JM, McVay M, Maciejewski ML, Olsen MK, Yancy WS. Predictors of initiation and retention in a run-in phase to determine eligibility for a weight maintenance phase. Poster session presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2015 Apr 22; San Antonio, TX.
  109. McVay MA, King HA, Jeffreys AS, Coffman CJ, Voils CI. Mechanisms of patient health behavior change in a randomized controlled trial of a spouse-assisted intervention. Psychology, health & medicine. 2015 Mar 16; 20(7):753-66.
  110. Hansen RA, Voils CI, Farley JF, Powers BJ, Sanders LL, Sleath B, Maciejewski ML. Prescriber continuity and medication adherence for complex patients. The Annals of pharmacotherapy. 2015 Mar 1; 49(3):293-302.
  111. Weidenbacher HJ, Beadles CA, Maciejewski ML, Reeve BB, Voils CI. Extent and reasons for nonadherence to antihypertensive, cholesterol, and diabetes medications: the association with depressive symptom burden in a sample of American veterans. Patient preference and adherence. 2015 Feb 20; 9:327-36.
  112. Fox BT, Chen EY, Suzo A, Jolles SA, Greenberg JA, Campos GM, Garren MJ, Voils CI, Funk LM. Nutritional and psychiatric weight loss predictors following bariatric surgery. Poster session presented at: Academic Surgical Annual Congress; 2015 Feb 3; Las Vegas, NV.
  113. McVay MA, Jeffreys AS, King HA, Olsen MK, Voils CI, Yancy WS. The relationship between pretreatment dietary composition and weight loss during a randomised trial of different diet approaches. Journal of human nutrition and dietetics : the official journal of the British Dietetic Association. 2015 Feb 1; 28 Suppl 2:16-23.
  114. Beadles CA, Voils CI, Crowley MJ, Farley JF, Maciejewski ML. Continuity of medication management and continuity of care: Conceptual and operational considerations. SAGE open medicine. 2014 Dec 9; 2:2050312114559261.
  115. Orlando LA, Sperber N, Voils CI. Lessons learned from pre-implementation activities to integrate a web-based personalized health risk assessment program in diverse primary care settings. Paper presented at: National Institutes of Health / AcademyHealth Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation; 2014 Dec 8; Washington, DC.
  116. King HA, Jeffreys AS, McVay MA, Coffman CJ, Voils CI. Spouse health behavior outcomes from a randomized controlled trial of a spouse-assisted lifestyle change intervention to improve patient low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Journal of behavioral medicine. 2014 Dec 1; 37(6):1102-7.
  117. McVay MA, Voils CI, Coffman CJ, Geiselman PJ, Kolotkin RL, Mayer SB, Smith VA, Gaillard L, Turner MJ, Yancy WS. Factors associated with choice of a low-fat or low-carbohydrate diet during a behavioral weight loss intervention. Appetite. 2014 Dec 1; 83:117-24.
  118. Steinhauser KE, Voils CI, Bosworth HB, Tulsky JA. Validation of a measure of family experience of patients with serious illness: the QUAL-E (Fam). Journal of pain and symptom management. 2014 Dec 1; 48(6):1168-81.
  119. Voils CI, King HA, Maciejewski ML, Allen KD, Yancy WS, Shaffer JA. Approaches for informing optimal dose of behavioral interventions. Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. 2014 Dec 1; 48(3):392-401.
  120. Voils CI, Grubber J, Olsen MK, McVay M, Gierisch JM, Maciejewski ML, Yancy WS. Predictors of initiation of a behavioral weight loss intervention. Poster session presented at: Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting; 2014 Nov 4; Boston, MA.
  121. Yancy WS, Coffman CJ, Smith V, Mayer SB, McVay M, Kolotkin RL, Geiselman PJ, Oddone EZ, Voils CI. Improving weight loss: Is it a matter of (diet) choice? Presented at: Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting; 2014 Nov 4; Boston, MA.
  122. McVay M, Voils CI, Smith V, Geiselman P, Coffman CJ, Yancy WS. Can congruency between food preferences and weight loss dietary approach improve weight loss? Poster session presented at: Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting; 2014 Nov 2; Boston, MA.
  123. Voils CI, Sleath B, Maciejewski ML. Patient perspectives on having multiple versus single prescribers of chronic disease medications: results of a qualitative study in a veteran population. BMC health services research. 2014 Oct 25; 14(1):490.
  124. Maciejewski ML, Voils CI. Patient complexity, prescriber continuity and acute care. [Editorial]. Journal of general internal medicine. 2014 Sep 1; 29(9):1225.
  125. Voils CI, Gierisch JM, Olsen MK, Maciejewski ML, Grubber J, McVay MA, Strauss JL, Bolton J, Gaillard L, Strawbridge E, Yancy WS. Study design and protocol for a theory-based behavioral intervention focusing on maintenance of weight loss: the Maintenance After Initiation of Nutrition TrAINing (MAINTAIN) study. Contemporary clinical trials. 2014 Sep 1; 39(1):95-105.
  126. Beadles CA, Voils CI, Crowley M, Maciejewski ML. Continuity of medication management and continuity of care: Conceptual and operational considerations. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2014 Jun 8; San Diego, CA.
  127. Gellad W, McElwee N, Hubbard T, Powers C, Voils CI. Medication adherence: Update on policy and practice. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2014 Jun 8; San Diego, CA.
  128. Sperber N, Morris S, Voils CI, Knight S, Provenzale D. Barriers and Facilitators to Diffusion of Genomic Services for Colorectal Care in the Veterans Health Administration. Paper presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2014 Jun 8; San Diego, CA.
  129. Limkakeng AT, de Oliveira LL, Moreira T, Phadtare A, Garcia Rodrigues C, Hocker MB, McKinney R, Voils CI, Pietrobon R. Systematic review and metasummary of attitudes toward research in emergency medical conditions. Journal of medical ethics. 2014 Jun 1; 40(6):401-8.
  130. Voils CI, Gierisch JM, Yancy WS, Sandelowski M, Smith R, Bolton J, Strauss JL. Differentiating Behavior Initiation and Maintenance: Theoretical Framework and Proof of Concept. Health education & behavior : the official publication of the Society for Public Health Education. 2014 Jun 1; 41(3):325-36.
  131. Linville JC, Gaunt EE, Goldstein K, McNeil R, Provenzale D, Thomas C, Voils CI. Cognitive interviews of Veterans for the Gulf War Era Cohort and Biorepository. Poster session presented at: American Association for Public Opinion Research Annual Conference; 2014 May 15; Anaheim, CA.
  132. McVay M, Beadles CA, Wu R, Grubber J, Coffman CJ, Voils CI. Effects of genetic risk counseling for diabetes on known predictors of health behavior: A randomized controlled trial. Poster session presented at: VA Durham VAMC Annual Research Week; 2014 May 13; Durham, NC.
  133. Voils CI, King HA, Neelon B, Hoyle RH, Reeve BB, Maciejewski ML, Yancy WS. Characterizing weekly self-reported antihypertensive medication nonadherence across repeated occasions. Patient preference and adherence. 2014 May 7; 8:643-50.
  134. McVay MA, Yancy WS, Vijan S, Van Scoyoc L, Neelon B, Voils CI, Maciejewski ML. Obesity-related health status changes and weight-loss treatment utilization. American journal of preventive medicine. 2014 May 1; 46(5):465-72.
  135. Allen KD, Sanders L, Olsen MK, Bowlby L, Katz JN, Mather RC, Powers BJ, Sperber N, Voils CI, Williams JW. Effectiveness of Internet and DVD decision aids for patients with hip and knee osteoarthritis. Poster session presented at: Osteoarthritis Research Society International World Congress on Osteoarthritis; 2014 Apr 24; Paris, France.
  136. Buchanan AH, Fine C, Skinner CS, Schildkraut JM, Horick N, Marcom PK, Voils CI. Perceived benefits of and barriers to risk management among unaffected BRCA mutation carriers. Poster session presented at: Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Foundation International Symposium; 2014 Apr 23; Montreal, Canada.
  137. Corsino L, Grambow S, Gallis J, Lin P, Batch B, Intille S, Voils CI, Bosworth HB, Bennett GB, Tyson C, Svetkey LP. Psychosocial factors and body mass index (BMI) in young adults enrolled in the cell phone intervention for you trial (CITY). Poster session presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2014 Apr 23; Philadelphia, PA.
  138. Voils CI, Grubber J, Coffman CJ, Edelman D, McVay M, Maciejewski ML, Bolton J, Cho A, Ginsburg GS, Yancy WS. Does genetic testing increase perceived diabetes risk? Results from a RCT. Poster session presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2014 Apr 23; Philadelphia, PA.
  139. Voils CI, Grubber J, Coffman CJ, McVay M, Gierisch JM, Edelman D, Yancy WS. Motivational Effects of Genetic Testing for Type 2 Diabetes. Presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2014 Apr 23; Philadelphia, PA.
  140. Yancy WS, Coffman CJ, Smith V, Mayer SB, Kolotkin RL, Geiselman PJ, McVay M, Oddone EZ, Voils CI. Allowing patient choice between two diverse diets did not improve weight loss. Presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting; 2014 Apr 23; San Diego, CA.
  141. Maciejewski ML, Powers BJ, Sanders LL, Farley JF, Hansen RA, Sleath B, Voils CI. The intersection of patient complexity, prescriber continuity and acute care utilization. Journal of general internal medicine. 2014 Apr 1; 29(4):594-601.
  142. Kronish I, Lin J, Cohen B, Voils CI, Olamiju B, Edmonson D. PTSD and Medication No Adherence in Patients with Uncontrolled Hypertension. Presented at: American Psychosomatic Society Annual Scientific Meeting; 2014 Mar 12; San Francisco, CA.
  143. Gellad ZF, Voils CI, Lin L, Provenzale D. Physician perceptions on colonoscopy quality: results of a national survey of gastroenterologists. Gastroenterology research and practice. 2014 Mar 6; 2014:510494.
  144. Batch BC, Tyson C, Bagwell J, Corsino L, Intille S, Lin PH, Lazenka T, Bennett G, Bosworth HB, Voils C, Grambow S, Sutton A, Bordogna R, Pangborn M, Schwager J, Pilewski K, Caccia C, Burroughs J, Svetkey LP. Weight loss intervention for young adults using mobile technology: design and rationale of a randomized controlled trial - Cell Phone Intervention for You (CITY). Contemporary clinical trials. 2014 Mar 1; 37(2):333-41.
  145. Kronish IM, Lin JJ, Cohen BE, Voils CI, Edmondson D. Posttraumatic stress disorder and medication nonadherence in patients with uncontrolled hypertension. JAMA internal medicine. 2014 Mar 1; 174(3):468-70.
  146. Norton BL, Voils CI, Timberlake SH, Hecker EJ, Goswami ND, Huffman KM, Landgraf A, Naggie S, Stout JE. Community-based HCV screening: knowledge and attitudes in a high risk urban population. BMC infectious diseases. 2014 Feb 10; 14:74.
  147. Gallagher P, Yancy WS, Denissen JJ, Kühnel A, Voils CI. Correlates of daily leisure-time physical activity in a community sample: Narrow personality traits and practical barriers. Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 2013 Dec 1; 32(12):1227-35.
  148. McVay M, Jeffreys AL, Olsen MK, Voils CI, King HA, Yancy WS. The relationship between pre-treatment macronutrient intake and weight loss during a randomized trial of different diet approaches. Poster session presented at: Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting; 2013 Nov 15; Atlanta, GA.
  149. Voils CI, Coffman CJ, Grubber J, Edelman D, Sadeghpour A, Bolton J, Maciejewski ML, Cho A, Ginsburg GS, Yancy WS. The clinical utility of genetic testing for type 2 diabetes: Results from a randomized trial. Presented at: Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting; 2013 Nov 15; Atlanta, GA.
  150. Yancy WS, Smith V, Coffman CJ, Mayer S, McVay M, Geiselman PJ, Kolotkin R, Oddone EZ, Voils CI. Characteristics of dieters choosing either a low carbohydrate or low fat diet in a randomized trial examining the impact of choice on weight loss. Presented at: Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting; 2013 Nov 15; Atlanta, GA.
  151. Voils CI, Maciejewski ML. Nonadherence to medications. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association. 2013 Oct 9; 310(14):1505.
  152. Buchanan AH, Schildkraut JM, Voils CI, Fine C, Horick N, Murray S, Marcom K, Skinner CS. Adherence to Cancer Risk Management: Recommendations Among Unaffected RCA Mutation Carriers. Poster session presented at: National Society of Genetic Counselors Annual Education Conference; 2013 Oct 1; Anaheim, CA.
  153. Trivedi RB, Szarka JG, Beaver K, Brousseau K, Nevins E, Yancy WS, Slade A, Voils CI. Recruitment and retention rates in behavioral trials involving patients and a support person: a systematic review. Contemporary clinical trials. 2013 Sep 1; 36(1):307-18.
  154. Gallagher P, Yancy WS, Jeffreys AS, Coffman CJ, Weinberger M, Bosworth HB, Voils CI. Patient self-efficacy and spouse perception of spousal support are associated with lower patient weight: baseline results from a spousal support behavioral intervention. Psychology, health & medicine. 2013 Aug 5; 18(2):175-81.
  155. Vorderstrasse AA, Cho A, Voils CI, Orlando LA, Ginsburg GS. Clinical utility of genetic risk testing in primary care: the example of Type 2 diabetes. Personalized medicine. 2013 Aug 1; 10(6):539-548.
  156. Corsino L, Lin PH, Batch BC, Intille S, Grambow SC, Bosworth HB, Bennett GG, Tyson C, Svetkey LP, Voils CI. Recruiting young adults into a weight loss trial: report of protocol development and recruitment results. Contemporary clinical trials. 2013 Jul 1; 35(2):1-7.
  157. Sperber NR, Sandelowski M, Voils CI. Spousal support in a behavior change intervention for cholesterol management. Patient education and counseling. 2013 Jul 1; 92(1):121-6.
  158. Gellad ZF, Voils CI, Lin L, Provenzale D. Clinical practice variation in the management of diminutive colorectal polyps: results of a national survey of gastroenterologists. The American journal of gastroenterology. 2013 Jun 1; 108(6):873-8.
  159. King HA, Jeffreys AL, McVay M, Coffman CJ, Voils CI. Spouse Outcomes from a Spouse-Assisted Lifestyle Intervention to Lower Patient Cholesterol. Poster session presented at: VA Durham VAMC Annual Research Week; 2013 May 15; Durham, NC.
  160. McVay M, Voils CI, Yancy WS. Effects of Pre-treatment Carbohydrate and Fat Intake on Weight Outcomes during Two Different Diet Approaches. Poster session presented at: VA Durham VAMC Annual Research Week; 2013 May 15; Durham, NC.
  161. Voils CI, Maciejewski ML, Hoyle RH, Reeve BB, Gallagher MP, Bryson CL, Yancy WS. In response. [Editorial]. Medical care. 2013 May 1; 51(5):468-9.
  162. Yancy WS, Coffman CJ, Geiselman PJ, Kolotkin RL, Almirall D, Oddone EZ, Mayer SB, Gaillard LA, Turner M, Smith VA, Voils CI. Considering patient diet preference to optimize weight loss: design considerations of a randomized trial investigating the impact of choice. Contemporary clinical trials. 2013 May 1; 35(1):106-16.
  163. Han C, Voils CI, Williams JW. Uptake of Web-based clinical resources from the MacArthur Initiative on Depression and Primary Care. Community mental health journal. 2013 Apr 1; 49(2):166-71.
  164. Voils CI, King HA, Neelon B, Hoyle RH, Maciejewski ML, Reeve BB, Yancy WS. Within-person variability in the extent of and reasons for antihypertensive medication nonadherence. Poster session presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2013 Mar 27; San Francisco, CA.
  165. King HA, Coffman CJ, McVay M, Voils CI. Spouse outcomes from a spouse-assisted intervention to lower patient cholesterol. Paper presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2013 Mar 22; San Francisco, CA.
  166. Voils CI, Coffman CJ, Edelman D, McVay M, Maciejewski ML, Bolton J, Cho A, Ginsburg GS, Yancy WS. Does genetic testing increase perceived diabetes risk? Results from a RCT. Paper presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2013 Mar 20; San Francisco, CA.
  167. Balajonda N, Bisanar TL, Mathew JP, Pang H, Voils CI. Determinants of a subject's decision to participate in clinical anesthesia research. Anesthesia and analgesia. 2013 Feb 1; 116(2):448-54.
  168. Voils CI, Coffman CJ, Yancy WS, Weinberger M, Jeffreys AS, Datta S, Kovac S, McKenzie J, Smith R, Bosworth HB. A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of CouPLES: a spouse-assisted lifestyle change intervention to improve low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Preventive medicine. 2013 Jan 1; 56(1):46-52.
  169. Voils CI, Maciejewski ML, Hoyle RH, Reeve BB, Gallagher P, Bryson CL, Yancy WS. Initial validation of a self-report measure of the extent of and reasons for medication nonadherence. Medical care. 2012 Dec 1; 50(12):1013-9.
  170. Voils CI, Chang Y, Crandell J, Leeman J, Sandelowski M, Maciejewski ML. Informing the dosing of interventions in randomized trials. Contemporary clinical trials. 2012 Nov 1; 33(6):1225-30.
  171. Gallagher P, Yancy WS, Swartout K, Denissen JJ, Kühnel A, Voils CI. Age and sex differences in prospective effects of health goals and motivations on daily leisure-time physical activity. Preventive medicine. 2012 Oct 1; 55(4):322-4.
  172. Sandelowski M, Voils CI, Leeman J, Crandell JL. Mapping the Mixed Methods-Mixed Research Synthesis Terrain. Journal of mixed methods research. 2012 Oct 1; 6(4):317-331.
  173. Shah TU, Voils CI, McNeil R, Wu R, Fisher DA. Understanding gastroenterologist adherence to polyp surveillance guidelines. The American journal of gastroenterology. 2012 Sep 1; 107(9):1283-7.
  174. Voils CI, Coffman CJ, Edelman D, Maciejewski ML, Grubber JM, Sadeghpour A, Cho A, McKenzie J, Blanpain F, Scheuner M, Sandelowski M, Gallagher MP, Ginsburg GS, Yancy WS. Examining the impact of genetic testing for type 2 diabetes on health behaviors: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2012 Aug 1; 13(1):121.
  175. Sperber N, Sandelowski M, Voils CI. Process evaluation of a dyadic lifestyle change intervention to improve low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D / QUERI National Meeting; 2012 Jul 18; National Harbor, MD.
  176. Voils CI, Maciejewski ML, Hoyle RH, Reeve BB, Gallagher MP, Yancy WS. Improving the detection of medication nonadherence. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D / QUERI National Meeting; 2012 Jul 18; National Harbor, MD.
  177. Grubber J, Coffman CJ, Yancy WS, Voils CI. Personalized Risk Graphs for Intervention Trials – in Technicolor! Using PROC GKPI and CALL EXECUTE to Get the Job Done. Paper presented at: Pharmaceutical Industry SAS Users Group Annual Conference; 2012 May 1; San Francisco, CA.
  178. Gallagher MP, Yancy WS, Denissen JJ, Kühnel A, Voils CI. Correlates of leisure time physical activity in a one-month daily diary study: Practical barriers and narrow personality traits. Poster session presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2012 Apr 12; New Orleans, LA.
  179. Voils CI, Maciejewski ML, Hoyle RH, Reeve BB, Gallagher MP, Yancy WS. Developing a theoretically informed measure to better detect and address self-reported medication nonadherence. Poster session presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2012 Apr 12; New Orleans, LA.
  180. Van Houtven CH, Voils CI, Weinberger M. An organizing framework for informal caregiver interventions: detailing caregiving activities and caregiver and care recipient outcomes to optimize evaluation efforts. BMC geriatrics. 2011 Nov 22; 11:77.
  181. Leeman J, Chang Y, Voils CI, Crandell JL, Sandelowski M. A mixed-methods approach to synthesizing evidence on mediators of intervention effects. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 2011 Nov 1; 33(7):870-900.
  182. Farley JF, Wang CC, Hansen RA, Voils CI, Maciejewski ML. Continuity of antipsychotic medication management for Medicaid patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 2011 Jul 1; 62(7):747-52.
  183. Voils CI, Yancy WS, Weinberger M, Bolton J, Coffman CJ, Jeffreys A, Oddone EZ, Bosworth HB. The trials and tribulations of enrolling couples in a randomized, controlled trial: a self-management program for hyperlipidemia as a model. Patient education and counseling. 2011 Jul 1; 84(1):33-40.
  184. Gallagher MP, Voils CI. The percentage of people's behaviors that reflect trait standing. Poster session presented at: Association for Research in Personality Annual Conference; 2011 Jun 16; Riverside, CA.
  185. Voils CI, Hoyle RH, Thorpe C, Maciejewski ML, Yancy WS. On improving the measurement of medication nonadherence. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2011 Jun 6; Seattle, WA.
  186. Voils CI, Crandell JL, Chang Y, Leeman J, Sandelowski M. Combining adjusted and unadjusted findings in mixed research synthesis. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice. 2011 Jun 1; 17(3):429-34.
  187. Corsin L, Lin P, Batch BC, Intille S, Grambow SC, Bosworth HB, Voils CI, Bennett G, Lester J, Han Y, Svetkey LP. Cell Phone Intervention for You (City): Randomized trial of behavioral interventions for weight loss in young adults. Paper presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2011 Apr 4; Washington, DC.
  188. Voils CI, Yancy WS, Coffman CJ, Weinberger M, Jeffreys AL, McKenzie JB, Bosworth HB. Primary outcomes from the Couples Partnering for Lipid Enhancing Strategies (CouPLES) trial. Poster session presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2011 Apr 4; Washington, DC.
  189. Crandell JL, Voils CI, Chang Y, Sandelowski M. Bayesian data augmentation methods for the synthesis of qualitative and quantitative research findings. Quality & quantity. 2011 Apr 1; 45(3):653-669.
  190. Straits-Troster K, Gierisch JM, Calhoun PS, Strauss JL, Voils CI, Kudler H. Living in Transition: Veterans’ perspectives on the post-deployment shift to civilian and family life. In: Treating Young Veterans: Promoting Resilience through Practice and Advocacy. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company; 2011. 384 p.
  191. Voils CI, Yancy WS, Coffman CJ, Jeffreys AL, McKenzie JB, Bosworth HB. Outcomes from the Couples Partnering for Lipid Enhancing Strategies (CouPLES) trial. Poster session presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2011 Apr 1; Washington, DC.
  192. Voils CI, Hoyle RH, Thorpe CT, Maciejewski ML, Yancy WS. Improving the measurement of self-reported medication nonadherence. Journal of clinical epidemiology. 2011 Mar 1; 64(3):250-4.
  193. Voils CI, Yancy WS. Comparison of two self-rating instruments for medication adherence assessment in hypertension revealed insufficient psychometric properties. Journal of clinical epidemiology. 2011 Mar 1; 64(3):340-1; discussion 341-2.
  194. Voils CI, Maciejewski ML, Yancy WS. Psychometric overview for proper development, validation, and evaluation of self-report measures. Presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2011 Feb 16; National Harbor, MD.
  195. Leeman J, Chang YK, Lee EJ, Voils CI, Crandell J, Sandelowski M. Implementation of antiretroviral therapy adherence interventions: a realist synthesis of evidence. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2010 Sep 1; 66(9):1915-30.
  196. Allen KD, Coffman CJ, Golightly YM, Stechuchak KM, Voils CI, Keefe FJ. Comparison of pain measures among patients with osteoarthritis. The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society. 2010 Jun 1; 11(6):522-7.
  197. Rocha-Goldberg Mdel P, Corsino L, Batch B, Voils CI, Thorpe CT, Bosworth HB, Svetkey LP. Hypertension Improvement Project (HIP) Latino: results of a pilot study of lifestyle intervention for lowering blood pressure in Latino adults. Ethnicity And Health. 2010 Jun 1; 15(3):269-82.
  198. Yancy WS, Voils CI. Improving Dietary Adherence. In: Improving Patient Treatment Adherence. New York, NY: Springer; 2010. Chapter 3. 39-68 p.
  199. Voils CI, Yancy WS, Weinberger M, Coffman CJ, McKenzie JB, Jeffreys AL, Oddone EZ, Bosworth HB. The relationship between spousal support for exercise and diet behaviors: Baseline analyses from the Couples Partnering for Lipid-Enhancing Strategies (CouPLES) trial. Poster session presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2010 Apr 8; Seattle, WA.
  200. Lyerly AD, Steinhauser K, Voils C, Namey E, Alexander C, Bankowski B, Cook-Deegan R, Dodson WC, Gates E, Jungheim ES, McGovern PG, Myers ER, Osborn B, Schlaff W, Sugarman J, Tulsky JA, Walmer D, Faden RR, Wallach E. Fertility patients' views about frozen embryo disposition: results of a multi-institutional U.S. survey. Fertility and Sterility. 2010 Feb 1; 93(2):499-509.
  201. Chang Y, Voils CI, Sandelowski M, Hasselblad V, Crandell JL. Transforming verbal counts in reports of qualitative descriptive studies into numbers. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 2009 Nov 1; 31(7):837-52.
  202. Voils C, Hassselblad V, Crandell J, Chang Y, Lee E, Sandelowski M. A Bayesian method for the synthesis of evidence from qualitative and quantitative reports: the example of antiretroviral medication adherence. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy. 2009 Oct 1; 14(4):226-33.
  203. Sandelowski M, Voils CI, Chang Y, Lee EJ. A systematic review comparing antiretroviral adherence descriptive and intervention studies conducted in the USA. AIDS Care. 2009 Aug 1; 21(8):953-66.
  204. Sandelowski M, Voils CI, Knafl G. On Quantitizing. Journal of mixed methods research. 2009 Jul 1; 3(3):208-222.
  205. Fisher DA, Voils CI, Coffman CJ, Grubber JM, Dudley TK, Vernon SW, Bond JH, Provenzale D. Validation of a questionnaire to assess self-reported colorectal cancer screening status using face-to-face administration. Digestive diseases and sciences. 2009 Jun 1; 54(6):1297-306.
  206. Sandelowski M, Barroso J, Voils CI. Gender, race/ethnicity, and social class in research reports on stigma in HIV-positive women. Health care for women international. 2009 Apr 1; 30(4):273-88.
  207. Voils CI. Can Bayesian methods be used to synthesize qualitative and quantitative research findings? Poster session presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2009 Apr 1; Montréal, Canada.
  208. Voils CI. Couples-based health intervention studies: Overcoming the challenges. Paper presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2009 Apr 1; Montréal, Canada.
  209. Steinhauser KE, Voils CI, Bosworth HB, Tulsky JA. Measuring the quality of family experience of patients with serious illness. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2009 Feb 14; Baltimore, MD.
  210. Voils CI, Yancy WS, Kovac S, Coffman CJ, Weinberger M, Oddone EZ, Jeffreys A, Datta S, Bosworth HB. Study protocol: Couples Partnering for Lipid Enhancing Strategies (CouPLES) - a randomized, controlled trial. Trials. 2009 Feb 6; 10:10.
  211. Sandelowski M, Voils CI, Barroso J, Lee EJ. "Distorted into clarity": a methodological case study illustrating the paradox of systematic review. Research in nursing & health. 2008 Oct 1; 31(5):454-65.
  212. Scales CD, Voils CI, Fesperman SF, Sur RL, Kübler H, Preminger GM, Dahm P. Barriers to the practice of evidence-based urology. Digestive diseases and sciences. 2008 Jun 1; 179(6):2345-9; discussion 2349-50.
  213. Bosworth HB, Voils CI, Potter GG, Steffens DC. The effects of antidepressant medication adherence as well as psychosocial and clinical factors on depression outcome among older adults. International journal of geriatric psychiatry. 2008 Feb 1; 23(2):129-34.
  214. Voils CI, Olsen MK, Williams JW, Impact Study Investigators. Identifying depressed older adults in primary care: a secondary analysis of a multisite randomized controlled trial. Primary care companion to the Journal of clinical psychiatry. 2008 Jan 1; 10(1):9-14.
  215. Voils CI, Sandelowski M, Barroso J, Hasselblad V. Making Sense of Qualitative and Quantitative Findings in Mixed Research Synthesis Studies. Field methods. 2008 Jan 1; 20(1):3-25.
  216. Voils CI, Allaire JC, Olsen MK, Steffens DC, Hoyle RH, Bosworth HB. Five-year trajectories of social networks and social support in older adults with major depression. International Psychogeriatrics / IPA. 2007 Dec 1; 19(6):1110-24.
  217. Voils CI, Barroso J, Hasselblad V, Sandelowski M. In or out? Methodological considerations for including and excluding findings from a meta-analysis of predictors of antiretroviral adherence in HIV-positive women. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2007 Jul 1; 59(2):163-77.
  218. Cho AH, Voils CI, Yancy WS, Oddone EZ, Bosworth HB. Does participatory decision making improve hypertension self-care behaviors and outcomes? Journal of clinical hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2007 May 1; 9(5):330-6.
  219. Voils CI, Sandelowski M, Barroso J, Hasselblad V. Integrating qualitative and quantitative research findings. Poster session presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2007 Mar 1; Washington, DC.
  220. Sandelowski M, Barroso J, Voils CI. Using qualitative metasummary to synthesize qualitative and quantitative descriptive findings. Research in nursing & health. 2007 Feb 1; 30(1):99-111.
  221. Sandelowski M, Voils CI, Barroso J. Comparability work and the management of difference in research synthesis studies. Social science & medicine. 2007 Jan 1; 64(1):236-47.
  222. Barroso J, Sandelowski M, Voils CI. Research results have expiration dates: ensuring timely systematic reviews. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice. 2006 Aug 1; 12(4):454-62.
  223. Barroso J, Voils CI, Sandelowski M. Enhancing HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment and Care Through Nursing Research. Paper presented at: Nursing Science and HIV / AIDS International Annual Conference; 2006 Aug 1; Toronto, Canada.
  224. Voils CI, Olsen M, Allaire JC, Steffens DC, Hoff-Lindquist J, Bosworth BH. The longitudinal association between social support and depression in older adults. Paper presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine California / Hawaii Regional Annual Meeting; 2006 Mar 1; San Francisco, CA.
  225. Steinhauser KE, Voils CI, Clipp EC, Bosworth HB, Christakis NA, Tulsky JA. "Are you at peace?": one item to probe spiritual concerns at the end of life. Archives of internal medicine. 2006 Jan 9; 166(1):101-5.
  226. Bosworth HB, Dudley T, Olsen MK, Voils CI, Powers B, Goldstein MK, Oddone EZ. Racial differences in blood pressure control: potential explanatory factors. The American journal of medicine. 2006 Jan 1; 119(1):70.e9-15.
  227. Voils CI, Oddone EZ, Weinfurt KP, Friedman JY, Bright CM, Schulman KA, Bosworth HB. Racial differences in health concern. Journal of the National Medical Association. 2006 Jan 1; 98(1):36-42.
  228. Kim JW, Bosworth BH, Voils CI. Office measurements usually overestimate BP. Cleveland Clinic journal of medicine. 2005 Dec 1; 72(12):1148-1148.
  229. Kim JW, Bosworth HB, Voils CI, Olsen M, Dudley T, Gribbin M, Adams M, Oddone EZ. How well do clinic-based blood pressure measurements agree with the mercury standard? Journal of general internal medicine. 2005 Jul 1; 20(7):647-9.
  230. Van Houtven CH, Voils CI, Oddone EZ, Weinfurt KP, Friedman JY, Schulman KA, Bosworth HB. Perceived discrimination and reported delay of pharmacy prescriptions and medical tests. Journal of general internal medicine. 2005 Jul 1; 20(7):578-83.
  231. Cho A, Voils CI, Bosworth HB, Yancy WS, Oddone EZ. The relative contribution of participatory decision-making on different aspects of hypertension care. Paper presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting; 2005 May 1; New Orleans, LA.
  232. Henderson WG, Bosworth HB, Voils CI, Dudley T, McCant F, Gentry P, Oddone EZ. Overcoming clinical inertia: a visit-specific scale for measuring quality in hypertension care. Journal of clinical outcomes management : JCOM. 2005 Mar 1; 12:147-150.
  233. Voils CI. Understanding adherence to blood-pressure lowering regimens: A qualitative study of facilitators and barriers. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2005 Feb 18; Baltimore, MD.
  234. Voils CI, Steffens DC, Flint EP, Bosworth HB. Social support and locus of control as predictors of adherence to antidepressant medication in an elderly population. The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. 2005 Feb 1; 13(2):157-65.
  235. Voils CI, Oddone EZ, Weinfurt KP, Friedman JY, Schulman KA, Bosworth HB. For the patient. Who trusts healthcare institutions? Results from a community-based sample. Ethnicity & disease. 2005 Jan 1; 15(1):150.
  236. Voils CI, Oddone EZ, Weinfurt KP, Friedman JY, Schulman KA, Bosworth HB. Who trusts healthcare institutions? Results from a community-based sample. Ethnicity & disease. 2005 Jan 1; 15(1):97-103.
  237. Sultan S, Fisher DA, Voils CI, Kinney AY, Sandler RS, Provenzale D. Impact of functional support on health-related quality of life in patients with colorectal cancer. Cancer. 2004 Dec 15; 101(12):2737-43.
  238. Voils CI, Oddone EZ, Weinfurt KP, Friedman JY, Bright CM, Schulman K, Bosworth HB. Racial differences in concern about the consequences of disease and nonadherence to preventive health behaviors in a community sample. Paper presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2004 Jul 1; Honolulu, HI.
  239. Van Houten, Voils CI, Oddone EZ, Weinfurt KP, Friedman JY, Schulman KA, Bosworth HB. Perceived discrimination and delay of pharmacy prescriptions and medical tests. Paper presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2004 Jun 1; San Diego, CA.
  240. Henderson WO, Bosworth HB, Voils CI, Dudley TK, McCant FA, Gentry P, Oddone EZ. Visit-specific Hypertension Quality of Care Scale. Paper presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting; 2004 May 1; Chicago, IL.
  241. Kim J, Bosworth HB, Voils CI, Olsen MK, Dudley TK, Gribbin M, Oddone EZ. How well do clinic-based blood pressure measurements agree with rigorous standards? Presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting; 2004 May 1; Chicago, IL.
  242. Steinhauser KE, Clipp EC, Bosworth HB, McNeilly M, Christakis NA, Voils CI, Tulsky JA. Measuring Quality of Life at the End of Life: Valediction of the QUAL-E. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2004 Mar 1; Washington, DC.
  243. Steinhauser KE, Bosworth HB, Clipp EC, McNeilly M, Christakis NA, Voils CI, Tulsky JA. Measuring Quality of Life at the End of Life: Validation of the QUAL-E. Paper presented at: Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting; 2003 Nov 1; San Diego, CA.
  244. Bosworth HB, Voils CI. Theoretical models to understand adherence. In: Bosworth HB, Weinberger M, Oddone EZ, editors. Patient treatment adherence: Concepts, interventions, and measurement. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 2003.
  245. Monteith MJ, Ashburn-Nardo L, Voils CI, Czopp AM. Putting the brakes on prejudice: on the development and operation of cues for control. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 2002 Nov 1; 83(5):1029-50.

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