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Sandelowski M, Voils CI, Leeman J, Crandell JL. Mapping the Mixed Methods-Mixed Research Synthesis Terrain. Journal of mixed methods research. 2012 Oct 1; 6(4):317-331.
Mixed methods-mixed research synthesis is a form of systematic review in which the findings of qualitative and quantitative studies are integrated via qualitative and/or quantitative methods. Although methodological advances have been made, efforts to differentiate research synthesis methods have been too focused on methods and not focused enough on the defining logics of research synthesis-each of which may be operationalized in different ways-or on the research findings themselves that are targeted for synthesis. The conduct of mixed methods-mixed research synthesis studies may more usefully be understood in terms of the logics of aggregation and configuration. Neither logic is preferable to the other nor tied exclusively to any one method or to any one side of the qualitative/quantitative binary.