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Ulmer CS, Voils CI. Management of Insomnia in the Primary Care Setting. HSR&D Career Development Award Enhancement Initiative [Cyberseminar]. HSR&D. 2016 Oct 11.
Description: Patients are likely to first report an insomnia complaint to their primary care provider, yet little is known about the decision process used by PCPs to determine insomnia treatment strategies and documentation of insomnia in the medical record. The objectives of this presentation are: a) to present the available research on patient and primary care provider perspectives on Insomnia; b) present the insufficient evidence for the use of Sleep Hygiene for insomnia treatment; and c) discuss the challenges presented by the shortage of VA providers trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia. An agenda for future directions for insomnia management within the VA is proposed. Intended audience: CDAs, HSRandD, Primary Care Providers, Sleep Medicine and Behavioral Sleep Medicine Clinicians.