Hardeep Singh, M.D., M.P.H., Chief of the Health Policy, Quality, and Informatics Program with the HSR&D Center for Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness and Safety (iQuEST) at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, was among 19 new Fellows inducted into the American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI) on November 16, 2014.
Dr. Singh, an internist, is also an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, Section of Health Services Research at Baylor College of Medicine. His research focuses on three specific areas: understanding and reducing diagnostic errors in the ambulatory care setting (especially those that involve missed and delayed cancer diagnosis); use of health information technology to identify and reduce diagnostic errors; and patient safety related to the implementation and use of the VA's electronic health record. Dr. Singh is also principal investigator of an HSR&D funded study, Automated Point of-Care Surveillance of Outpatient Delays in Cancer Diagnosis, that will evaluate the accuracy of a "real-time" automated surveillance system to identify Veterans at risk for missed or delayed diagnosis of common cancers. Dr. Singh is widely published in the subject areas of patient safety and diagnostic errors. Dr. Singh was a recipient of the 2013 Presidential Early Career Scientist Award for Scientists and Engineers.
Alexa McCray, PhD, president of ACMI and Director of Center for Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School, noted that "the election of ACMI Fellows represents the strength and diversity of biomedical informatics with recognition of 19 accomplished individuals who are subject matter experts in the science of informatics as it relates to clinical care, research, education, and policy practicing in domains as varied as academic institutions, delivery systems, government, and industry. It reflects the growing impact of the field in healthcare."
ACMI is an honorary College of elected Informatics Fellows from the United States and abroad who have made significant and sustained contributions to the field of medical informatics and who have met rigorous scholarly scrutiny by their peers. ACMI is an entity within the American Medical Informatics Association, the leading professional association for informatics professionals.