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Author = Rosen%20A
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  1. Kelley AT, Torre MP, Wagner TH, Rosen AK, Shwartz M, Lu CC, Brown TK, Zheng T, Beilstein-Wedel E, Vanneman ME. Trends in Bundled Outpatient Behavioral Health Services in VA-Direct Versus VA-Purchased Care. Administration and policy in mental health. 2024 Aug 8; 10.007/sj10488-024-014.
  2. Rosen AK, Beilstein-Wedel E, Shwartz M, Davila H, Gurewich D. Racial and Ethnic and Rural Variations in Access to Primary Care for Veterans Following the MISSION Act. JAMA health forum. 2024 Jun 7; 5(6):e241568.
  3. Rosen AK, Beilstein-Wedel E, Chan J, Borzecki A, Miech EJ, Mohr DC, Yackel EE, Flynn J, Shwartz M. Standardizing Patient Safety Event Reporting between Care Delivered or Purchased by the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. 2023 Dec 8.
  4. Shwartz M, Rosen AK, Beilstein-Wedel E, Davila H, Harris AH, Gurewich D. Using the Kitagawa Decomposition to Measure Overall-and Individual Facility Contributions to-Within-facility and Between-facility Differences: Analyzing Racial and Ethnic Wait Time Disparities in the Veterans Health Administration. Medical care. 2023 Jun 1; 61(6):392-399.
  5. Gurewich D, Beilstein-Wedel E, Shwartz M, Davila H, Rosen AK. Disparities in Wait Times for Care Among US Veterans by Race and Ethnicity. JAMA Network Open. 2023 Jan 3; 6(1):e2252061.
  6. Itani KMF, Rosen AK. Association of Expanded Health Care Options for Community Care With Veterans' Surgical Outcomes. JAMA surgery. 2022 Dec 1; 157(12):1123-1124.
  7. Shover CL, Rosen A, Mata J, Robie B, Alvarado J, Frederes A, Romero R, Beltran J, Bratcher A, Chang AH, Choi KR, Garcia C, Shoptaw S, Guha P, Richard L, Sixx G, Baez A, Coleman A, Harvell S, Jackson S, Lee C, Swan J, Torres K, Kantrim EU, McKeever M, Nguyen A, Rice A, Rosales M, Spoliansky J, Bromley E, Behforouz H, Gelberg L, Gorbach PM, Rimoin AW, Thomas EH. Engaging Same-Day Peer Ambassadors to Increase Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination Among People Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness in Los Angeles County: A Hybrid Feasibility-Evaluation Study. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2022 Oct 7; 226(Supplement_3):S346-S352.
  8. Giori NJ, Beilstein-Wedel EE, Shwartz M, Harris AHS, Vanneman ME, Wagner TH, Rosen AK. Association of Quality of Care With Where Veterans Choose to Get Knee Replacement Surgery. JAMA Network Open. 2022 Sep 1; 5(9):e2233259.
  9. Vanneman ME, Rosen AK, Wagner TH, Shwartz M, Gordon SH, Greenberg G, Zheng T, Cook J, Beilstein-Wedel E, Greene T, Kelley AT. Differences Between VHA-Delivered and VHA-Purchased Behavioral Health Care in Service and Patient Characteristics. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 2023 Feb 1; 74(2):148-157.
  10. McGrath BM, Takamine L, Hogan CK, Hofer TP, Rosen AK, Sussman JB, Wiitala WL, Ryan AM, Prescott HC. Interpretability, credibility, and usability of hospital-specific template matching versus regression-based hospital performance assessments; a multiple methods study. BMC health services research. 2022 Jun 3; 22(1):739.
  11. Linsky AM, Kressin NR, Stolzmann K, Pendergast J, Rosen AK, Bokhour BG, Simon SR. Direct-to-consumer strategies to promote deprescribing in primary care: a pilot study. BMC primary care. 2022 Mar 22; 23(1):53.
  12. Rosen AK, Beilstein-Wedel EE, Harris AHS, Shwartz M, Vanneman ME, Wagner TH, Giori NJ. Comparing Postoperative Readmission Rates Between Veterans Receiving Total Knee Arthroplasty in the Veterans Health Administration Versus Community Care. Medical care. 2022 Feb 1; 60(2):178-186.
  13. Cheng J, Fairchild JK, McNerney MW, Noda A, Ashford JW, Suppes T, Chao SZ, Taylor J, Rosen AC, Durazzo TC, Lazzeroni LC, Yesavage J. Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation as a Treatment for Veterans with Cognitive Impairment and Multiple Comorbidities. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease : Jad. 2022 Jan 1; 85(4):1593-1600.
  14. Ehrlich TJ, Bhat J, Horwege AM, Mathalon DH, Glover GH, Roach BJ, Badran BW, Forman SD, George MS, Scott JC, Thase ME, Yesavage JA, Yurgelun-Todd DA, Rosen AC. Ruminative reflection is associated with anticorrelations between the orbitofrontal cortex and the default mode network in depression: implications for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. Brain imaging and behavior. 2022 Jun 1; 16(3):1186-1195.
  15. Vincent BM, Molling D, Escobar GJ, Hofer TP, Iwashyna TJ, Liu VX, Rosen AK, Ryan AM, Seelye S, Wiitala WL, Prescott HC. Hospital-specific Template Matching for Benchmarking Performance in a Diverse Multihospital System. Medical care. 2021 Dec 1; 59(12):1090-1098.
  16. Wagner TH, Lo J, Beilstein-Wedel E, Vanneman ME, Shwartz M, Rosen AK. Estimating the Cost of Surgical Care Purchased in the Community by the Veterans Health Administration. MDM policy & practice. 2021 Nov 16; 6(2):23814683211057902.
  17. Jreige N, Talutis SD, Zambrano S, Heckscher D, Mehrazarin K, Rosen AK. Health Care Needs of Incarcerated Patients: A Case Study at a Large Urban Hospital. Journal of correctional health care : the official journal of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care. 2021 Dec 1; 27(4):272-279.
  18. Harris AHS, Beilstein-Wedel EE, Rosen AK, Shwartz M, Wagner TH, Vanneman ME, Giori NJ. Comparing Complication Rates After Elective Total Knee Arthroplasty Delivered Or Purchased By The VA. Health affairs (Project Hope). 2021 Aug 1; 40(8):1312-1320.
  19. Davila H, Rosen AK, Beilstein-Wedel E, Shwartz M, Chatelain L, Gurewich D. Rural Veterans' Experiences With Outpatient Care in the Veterans Health Administration Versus Community Care. Medical care. 2021 Jun 1; 59(Suppl 3):S286-S291.
  20. Gordon SH, Beilstein-Wedel E, Rosen AK, Zheng T, Kelley AT, Cook J, Zahakos SS, Wagner TH, Vanneman ME. County-level Predictors of Growth in Community-based Primary Care Use Among Veterans. Medical care. 2021 Jun 1; 59(Suppl 3):S301-S306.
  21. Gurewich D, Shwartz M, Beilstein-Wedel E, Davila H, Rosen AK. Did Access to Care Improve Since Passage of the Veterans Choice Act?: Differences Between Rural and Urban Veterans. Medical care. 2021 Jun 1; 59(Suppl 3):S270-S278.
  22. Janeway MG, Sanchez SE, Rosen AK, Patts G, Allee LC, Lasser KE, Dechert TA. Disparities in Utilization of Ambulatory Cholecystectomy: Results From Three States. The Journal of surgical research. 2021 Oct 1; 266:373-382.
  23. Mattocks KM, Cunningham KJ, Greenstone C, Atkins D, Rosen AK, Upton M. Innovations in Community Care Programs, Policies, and Research. Medical care. 2021 Jun 1; 59(Suppl 3):S229-S231.
  24. Mengeling MA, Mattocks KM, Hynes DM, Vanneman ME, Matthews KL, Rosen AK. Partnership Forum: The Role of Research in the Transformation of Veterans Affairs Community Care. Medical care. 2021 Jun 1; 59(Suppl 3):S232-S241.
  25. Pettey WBP, Wagner TH, Rosen AK, Beilstein-Wedel E, Shwartz M, Vanneman ME. Comparing Driving Miles for Department of Veterans Affairs-delivered Versus Department of Veterans Affairs-purchased Cataract Surgery. Medical care. 2021 Jun 1; 59(Suppl 3):S307-S313.
  26. Rosen AC, Bhat JV, Cardenas VA, Ehrlich TJ, Horwege AM, Mathalon DH, Roach BJ, Glover GH, Badran BW, Forman SD, George MS, Thase ME, Yurgelun-Todd D, Sughrue ME, Doyen SP, Nicholas PJ, Scott JC, Tian L, Yesavage JA. Targeting location relates to treatment response in active but not sham rTMS stimulation. Brain Stimulation. 2021 May 1; 14(3):703-709.
  27. Mull HJ, Rosen AK, Charns MP, Itani KMF, Rivard PE. Identifying Risks and Opportunities in Outpatient Surgical Patient Safety: A Qualitative Analysis of Veterans Health Administration Staff Perceptions. Journal of Patient Safety. 2021 Apr 1; 17(3):e177-e185.
  28. Janeway MG, Sanchez SE, Chen Q, Nofal MR, Wang N, Rosen A, Dechert TA. Association of Race, Health Insurance Status, and Household Income With Location and Outcomes of Ambulatory Surgery Among Adult Patients in 2 US States. JAMA surgery. 2020 Dec 1; 155(12):1123-1131.
  29. George J, Parker VA, Sullivan JL, Greenan MA, Chan J, Shin MH, Chen Q, Shwartz M, Rosen AK. How hospitals select their patient safety priorities: An exploratory study of four Veterans Health Administration hospitals. Health care management review. 2020 Oct 1; 45(4):E56-E67.
  30. Sunthankar KI, Griffith KN, Talutis SD, Rosen AK, McAneny DB, Kulke MH, Tseng JF, Sachs TE. Cancer stage at presentation for incarcerated patients at a single urban tertiary care center. PLoS ONE. 2020 Sep 15; 15(9):e0237439.
  31. Vanneman ME, Wagner TH, Shwartz M, Meterko M, Francis J, Greenstone CL, Rosen AK. Veterans' Experiences With Outpatient Care: Comparing The Veterans Affairs System With Community-Based Care. Health affairs (Project Hope). 2020 Aug 1; 39(8):1368-1376.
  32. Rosen AK, Vanneman ME, O'Brien WJ, Pershing S, Wagner TH, Beilstein-Wedel E, Lo J, Chen Q, Cockerham GC, Shwartz M. Comparing cataract surgery complication rates in veterans receiving VA and community care. Health services research. 2020 Oct 1; 55(5):690-700.
  33. Molling D, Vincent BM, Wiitala WL, Escobar GJ, Hofer TP, Liu VX, Rosen AK, Ryan AM, Seelye S, Prescott HC. Developing a template matching algorithm for benchmarking hospital performance in a diverse, integrated healthcare system. Medicine. 2020 Jun 12; 99(24):e20385.
  34. Fouayzi H, Ash AS, Rosen AK. A cardiovascular disease risk prediction algorithm for use with the Medicare current beneficiary survey. Health services research. 2020 Aug 1; 55(4):568-577.
  35. Sullivan JL, Davila H, Rosen AK. The Changing Dynamics of Providing Health Care to Older Veterans in the 21st Century: How Do We Best Serve Those Who Have Borne the Battle? GSA 75th Anniversary. Kaskie B, editor. Public Policy & Aging Report: Gerontological Society of America; 2019 Dec 2. 3-5 p. Report No.: 30.
  36. Linsky A, Stolzmann K, Simon SR, Cabral H, Rosen AK. Patient Possession of Excess Medication Supply in the VA: A Retrospective Database Study. Medical care. 2019 Nov 1; 57(11):898-904.
  37. Borzecki AM, Rosen AK. Is there a 'best measure' of patient safety?. BMJ quality & safety. 2020 Mar 1; 29(3):185-188.
  38. Mull HJ, Rosen AK, Charns MP, O WJ, Hawn MT, Itani KMF, Pizer SD. Emergency Department Use After Outpatient Surgery Among Dually Enrolled VA and Medicare Patients. Quality management in health care. 2019 Oct 1; 28(4):191-199.
  39. Talutis SD, Chen Q, Wang N, Rosen AK. Comparison of Risk-Standardized Readmission Rates of Surgical Patients at Safety-Net and Non-Safety-Net Hospitals Using Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and American Hospital Association Data. JAMA surgery. 2019 May 1; 154(5):391-400.
  40. Graham LA, Mull HJ, Wagner TH, Morris MS, Rosen AK, Richman JS, Whittle J, Burns E, Copeland LA, Itani KMF, Hawn MT. Comparison of a Potential Hospital Quality Metric With Existing Metrics for Surgical Quality-Associated Readmission. JAMA Network Open. 2019 Apr 5; 2(4):e191313.
  41. Branch-Elliman W, Pizer SD, Dasinger EA, Gold HS, Abdulkerim H, Rosen AK, Charns MP, Hawn MT, Itani KMF, Mull HJ. Facility type and surgical specialty are associated with suboptimal surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis practice patterns: a multi-center, retrospective cohort study. Antimicrobial resistance and infection control. 2019 Mar 6; 8:49.
  42. Dasinger EA, Graham LA, Wahl TS, Richman JS, Baker SJ, Hawn MT, Hernandez-Boussard T, Rosen AK, Mull HJ, Copeland LA, Whittle JC, Burns EA, Morris MS. Preoperative opioid use and postoperative pain associated with surgical readmissions. American journal of surgery. 2019 Nov 1; 218(5):828-835.
  43. Dasinger EA, Branch-Elliman W, Pizer SD, Abdulkerim H, Rosen AK, Charns MP, Hawn MT, Itani KMF, Mull HJ. Association between postoperative opioid use and outpatient surgical adverse events. American journal of surgery. 2019 Apr 1; 217(4):605-612.
  44. Rosen AK, Wagner TH, Pettey WBP, Shwartz M, Chen Q, Lo J, O WJ, Vanneman ME. Differences in Risk Scores of Veterans Receiving Community Care Purchased by the Veterans Health Administration. Health services research. 2018 Dec 1; 53 Suppl 3:5438-5454.
  45. Wahl TS, Graham LA, Morris MS, Richman JS, Hollis RH, Jones CE, Itani KM, Wagner TH, Mull HJ, Whittle JC, Telford GL, Rosen AK, Copeland LA, Burns EA, Hawn MT. Association Between Preoperative Proteinuria and Postoperative Acute Kidney Injury and Readmission. JAMA surgery. 2018 Sep 19; 153(9):e182009.
  46. Mull HJ, Itani KMF, Pizer SD, Charns MP, Rivard PE, McIntosh N, Hawn MT, Rosen AK. Development of an Adverse Event Surveillance Model for Outpatient Surgery in the Veterans Health Administration. Health services research. 2018 Dec 1; 53(6):4507-4528.
  47. Sullivan JL, Shin MH, Engle RL, Yaksic E, VanDeusen Lukas C, Paasche-Orlow MK, Starr LM, Restuccia JD, Holmes SK, Rosen AK. Evaluating the Implementation of Project Re-Engineered Discharge (RED) in Five Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Hospitals. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. 2018 Nov 1; 44(11):663-673.
  48. Mull HJ, Graham LA, Morris MS, Rosen AK, Richman JS, Whittle J, Burns E, Wagner TH, Copeland LA, Wahl T, Jones C, Hollis RH, Itani KMF, Hawn MT. Association of Postoperative Readmissions With Surgical Quality Using a Delphi Consensus Process to Identify Relevant Diagnosis Codes. JAMA surgery. 2018 Aug 1; 153(8):728-737.
  49. Borzecki AM, Chen Q, O'Brien W, Shwartz M, Najjar PA, Itani KMF, Rosen AK. The Patient Safety Indicator Perioperative Pulmonary Embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis: Is there associated surveillance bias in the Veterans Health Administration? American journal of surgery. 2018 Nov 1; 216(5):974-979.
  50. Mull HJ, Itani KMF, Charns MP, Pizer SD, Rivard PE, Hawn MT, Rosen AK. The Nature and Severity of Adverse Events in Select Outpatient Surgical Procedures in the Veterans Health Administration. Quality management in health care. 2018 Jul 1; 27(3):136-144.
  51. Titan A, Graham L, Rosen A, Itani K, Copeland LA, Mull HJ, Burns E, Richman J, Kertesz S, Wahl T, Morris M, Whittle J, Telford G, Wilson M, Hawn M. Homeless Status, Postdischarge Health Care Utilization, and Readmission After Surgery. Medical care. 2018 Jun 1; 56(6):460-469.
  52. Chen Q, Rosen AK, Amirfarzan H, Rochman A, Itani KMF. Improving detection of intraoperative medical errors (iMEs) and intraoperative adverse events (iAEs) and their contribution to postoperative outcomes. American journal of surgery. 2018 Nov 1; 216(5):846-850.
  53. Shin MH, Rivard PE, Shwartz M, Borzecki A, Yaksic E, Stolzmann K, Zubkoff L, Rosen AK. Tailoring an educational program on the AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators to meet stakeholder needs: lessons learned in the VA. BMC health services research. 2018 Feb 14; 18(1):114.
  54. Mull HJ, Rosen AK, O'Brien WJ, McIntosh N, Legler A, Hawn MT, Itani KMF, Pizer SD. Factors Associated with Hospital Admission after Outpatient Surgery in the Veterans Health Administration. Health services research. 2018 Oct 1; 53(5):3855-3880.
  55. Shwartz M, Rosen AK, Burgess JF. Can Composite Measures Provide a Different Perspective on Provider Performance Than Individual Measures? Medical care. 2017 Dec 1; 55(12):e99-e103.
  56. Chen L, Chan JA, Alligood E, Rosen AK, Borzecki AM. Does Surveillance Bias Influence the Validity of Measures of Inpatient Complications? A Systematic Review. American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality. 2018 May 1; 33(3):291-302.
  57. Mi Z, Biswas K, Fairchild JK, Davis-Karim A, Phibbs CS, Forman SD, Thase M, Georgette G, Beale T, Pittman D, McNerney MW, Rosen A, Huang GD, George M, Noda A, Yesavage JA. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for treatment-resistant major depression (TRMD) Veteran patients: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2017 Sep 2; 18(1):409.
  58. Rosen AK, O'Brien W, Chen Q, Shwartz M, Itani KFM, Gunnar W. Trends in the Purchase of Surgical Care in the Community by the Veterans Health Administration. Medical care. 2017 Jul 1; 55 Suppl 7 Suppl 1:S45-S52.
  59. Chen Q, Oriel BS, Rosen AK, Greenan MA, Amirfarzan H, Mull HJ, Shapiro M, Fisichella PM, Itani KMF. Detection and potential consequences of intraoperative adverse events: A pilot study in the veterans health administration. American journal of surgery. 2017 Nov 1; 214(5):786-791.
  60. Copeland LA, Graham LA, Richman JS, Rosen AK, Mull HJ, Burns EA, Whittle J, Itani KM, Hawn MT. A study to reduce readmissions after surgery in the Veterans Health Administration: design and methodology. BMC health services research. 2017 Mar 14; 17(1):198.
  61. Mull HJ, Rivard PE, Legler A, Pizer SD, Hawn MT, Itani KMF, Rosen AK. Comparing definitions of outpatient surgery: Implications for quality measurement. American journal of surgery. 2017 Aug 1; 214(2):186-192.
  62. Hollis RH, Graham LA, Richman JS, Morris MS, Mull HJ, Wahl TS, Burns E, Copeland LA, Telford GL, Rosen AK, Itani KF, Whittle J, Wagner TH, Hawn MT. Hospital Readmissions after Surgery: How Important Are Hospital and Specialty Factors? Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2017 Apr 1; 224(4):515-523.
  63. Hanchate AD, Stolzmann KL, Rosen AK, Fink AS, Shwartz M, Ash AS, Abdulkerim H, Pugh MJV, Shokeen P, Borzecki A. Does adding clinical data to administrative data improve agreement among hospital quality measures? Healthcare (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2017 Sep 1; 5(3):112-118.
  64. Chen Q, Rosen AK, Borzecki A, Shwartz M. Using Harm-Based Weights for the AHRQ Patient Safety for Selected Indicators Composite (PSI-90): Does It Affect Assessment of Hospital Performance and Financial Penalties in Veterans Health Administration Hospitals? Health services research. 2016 Dec 1; 51(6):2140-2157.
  65. Mull HJ, Rosen AK, Pizer SD, Itani KM. Association Between Postoperative Admission and Location of Hernia Surgery: A Matched Case-Control Study in the Veterans Administration. JAMA surgery. 2016 Dec 1; 151(12):1187-1190.
  66. Elwy AR, Itani KM, Bokhour BG, Mueller NM, Glickman ME, Zhao S, Rosen AK, Lynge D, Perkal M, Brotschi EA, Sanchez VM, Gallagher TH. Surgeons' Disclosures of Clinical Adverse Events. JAMA surgery. 2016 Nov 1; 151(11):1015-1021.
  67. Mull HJ, Rosen AK, Rivard PE, Itani KM. Defining Outpatient Surgery: Perspectives of Surgical Staff in the Veterans Health Administration. The American surgeon. 2016 Nov 1; 82(11):1142-1145.
  68. Morris MS, Graham LA, Richman JS, Hollis RH, Jones CE, Wahl T, Itani KM, Mull HJ, Rosen AK, Copeland L, Burns E, Telford G, Whittle J, Wilson M, Knight SJ, Hawn MT. Postoperative 30-day Readmission: Time to Focus on What Happens Outside the Hospital. Annals of surgery. 2016 Oct 1; 264(4):621-31.
  69. Borzecki AM, Chen Q, Mull HJ, Shwartz M, Bhatt DL, Hanchate A, Rosen AK. Do Acute Myocardial Infarction and Heart Failure Readmissions Flagged as Potentially Preventable by the 3M Potentially Preventable Readmissions Software Have More Process-of-Care Problems? Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes. 2016 Sep 6; 9(5):532-41.
  70. Sullivan JL, Rivard PE, Shin MH, Rosen AK. Applying the High Reliability Health Care Maturity Model to Assess Hospital Performance: A VA Case Study. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. 2016 Sep 1; 42(9):389-411.
  71. Wagner TH, Gehlert E, Rosen A, Valenstein M. Technical Report 31: Updating the Psychiatric Case Mix System (PsyCMS) Mental Health and Substance Use Grouper for ICD-10-CM. Menlo Park, CA: HERC; 2016 Aug 1. 4 p. Report No.: 31.
  72. Chen Q, Mull HJ, Rosen AK, Borzecki AM, Pilver C, Itani KM. Measuring readmissions after surgery: do different methods tell the same story? American journal of surgery. 2016 Jul 1; 212(1):24-33.
  73. Shimada SL, Allison JJ, Rosen AK, Feng H, Houston TK. Sustained Use of Patient Portal Features and Improvements in Diabetes Physiological Measures. Journal of medical Internet research. 2016 Jul 1; 18(7):e179.
  74. Mull HJ, Rosen AK, Hawn M, Itani K, Pizer SD. Predictors of Hospitalization after Outpatient Surgery in the Veterans Health Administration. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2016 Jun 26; Boston, MA.
  75. Hatoun J, Chan JA, Yaksic E, Greenan MA, Borzecki AM, Shwartz M, Rosen AK. A Systematic Review of Patient Safety Measures in Adult Primary Care. American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality. 2017 May 1; 32(3):237-245.
  76. Chen Q, Shin MH, Chan JA, Sullivan JL, Borzecki AM, Shwartz M, Rivard PE, Hatoun J, Rosen AK. Partnering With VA Stakeholders to Develop a Comprehensive Patient Safety Data Display: Lessons Learned From the Field. American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality. 2016 Mar 1; 31(2):178-86.
  77. Padula CB, Weitlauf JC, Rosen AC, Reiber G, Cochrane BB, Naughton MJ, Li W, Rissling M, Yaffe K, Hunt JR, Stefanick ML, Goldstein MK, Espeland MA. Longitudinal Cognitive Trajectories of Women Veterans from the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study. The Gerontologist. 2016 Feb 1; 56(1):115-25.
  78. Rosen AK, Chen Q, Shwartz M, Pilver C, Mull HJ, Itani KF, Borzecki A. Does Use of a Hospital-wide Readmission Measure Versus Condition-specific Readmission Measures Make a Difference for Hospital Profiling and Payment Penalties? Medical care. 2016 Feb 1; 54(2):155-61.
  79. Rosen AK, Mull HJ. Identifying adverse events after outpatient surgery: improving measurement of patient safety. [Editorial]. BMJ quality & safety. 2016 Jan 1; 25(1):3-5.
  80. Borzecki AM, Chen Q, Restuccia J, Mull HJ, Shwartz M, Gupta K, Hanchate A, Strymish J, Rosen A. Do pneumonia readmissions flagged as potentially preventable by the 3M PPR software have more process of care problems? A cross-sectional observational study. BMJ quality & safety. 2015 Dec 1; 24(12):753-63.
  81. Branch-Elliman W, Strymish J, Kudesia V, Rosen AK, Gupta K. Natural Language Processing for Real-Time Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection Surveillance: Results of a Pilot Implementation Trial. Infection control and hospital epidemiology. 2015 Sep 1; 36(9):1004-10.
  82. Mull HJ, Rivard PE, Legler A, Pizer SD, Hawn M, Itani K, Rosen AK. Defining Outpatient Surgery Using a Consensus Approach in the Veteran’s Health Administration (VA). Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D Career Development Annual Meeting; 2015 Jul 8; Philadelphia, PA.
  83. Mull HJ, Brennan CW, Folkes T, Hermos J, Chan J, Rosen AK, Simon SR. Identifying Previously Undetected Harm: Piloting the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's Global Trigger Tool in the Veterans Health Administration. Quality management in health care. 2015 Jul 1; 24(3):140-6.
  84. Sacks NC, Ash AS, Ghosh K, Rosen AK, Wong JB, Cutler DM, Rosen AB. Recent national trends in acute myocardial infarction hospitalizations in Medicare: shrinking declines and growing disparities. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.). 2015 Jul 1; 26(4):e46-7.
  85. Saczynski JS, Rosen AB, McCammon RJ, Zivin K, Andrade SE, Langa KM, Vijan S, Pirraglia PA, Briesacher BA. Antidepressant Use and Cognitive Decline: The Health and Retirement Study. The American journal of medicine. 2015 Jul 1; 128(7):739-46.
  86. Mull HJ, Rivard PE, Pizer SD, Itani K, Rosen AK. Comparing Definitions of Outpatient Surgery: Implications for Quality Measurement. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2015 Jun 15; Minneapolis, MN.
  87. Padula CB, Weitlauf JC, Rosen AC, Reiber G, Naughton M, Rissling M, Hunt J, Li W, Cochrane B, Goldstein MK, Yaffe K, Espeland MA. Longitudinal Cognitive Trajectories of Women Veterans from the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study. [Abstract]. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS. 2015 May 12; 21(S1):82.
  88. Mull HJ, Rosen AK, Rivard PE, Itani K. Defining Outpatient Surgery Using a Consensus Approach in the Veteran’s Health Administration (VA). Presented at: VA Association of Surgeons Annual Meeting; 2015 May 3; Miami, FL.
  89. Mull HJ, Rosen AK, Shimada SL, Rivard PE, Nordberg B, Long B, Hoffman JM, Leecaster M, Savitz LA, Shanahan CW, Helwig A, Nebeker JR. Assessing the potential adoption and usefulness of concurrent, action-oriented, electronic adverse drug event triggers designed for the outpatient setting. EGEMS (Washington, DC). 2015 Apr 30; 3(1):1116.
  90. Bastian LA, Mattocks KM, Rosen AK, Hamilton AB, Bean-Mayberry B, Sadler AG, Klap RS, Yano EM. Informing policy to deliver comprehensive care for women veterans. Medical care. 2015 Apr 1; 53(4 Suppl 1):S1-4.
  91. Padula CB, Weitlauf JC, Rosen AC, Reiber G, Naughton M, Rissling M, Hunt J, Li W, Cochrane B, Goldstein MK, Yaffe K, Espeland MA. Longitudinal Cognitive Trajectories of Women Veterans from the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study. Presented at: International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting; 2015 Feb 5; Denver, CO.
  92. Hanchate AD, Ash AS, Borzecki A, Abdulkerim H, Stolzmann KL, Rosen AK, Fink AS, Pugh MJ, Shokeen P, Shwartz M. How pooling fragmented healthcare encounter data affects hospital profiling. The American journal of managed care. 2015 Feb 1; 21(2):129-38.
  93. O'Brien WJ, Chen Q, Mull HJ, Shwartz M, Borzecki AM, Hanchate A, Rosen AK. What is the value of adding Medicare data in estimating VA hospital readmission rates? Health services research. 2015 Feb 1; 50(1):40-57.
  94. Robinson WP, Huang W, Rosen A, Schanzer A, Fang H, Anderson FA, Messina LM. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Inpatient Quality Indicator #11 overall mortality rate does not accurately assess mortality risk after abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Journal of vascular surgery : official publication, the Society for Vascular Surgery [and] International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, North American Chapter. 2015 Jan 1; 61(1):44-9.
  95. Rosen A, Weitlauf JC. Different Diagnosis, Shared Vulnerabilities: The Value of Cross Disorder Validation of Capacity to Consent. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease : Jad. 2015 Jan 1; 46(1):11-3.
  96. Shin MH, Sullivan JL, Rosen AK, Solomon JL, Dunn EJ, Shimada SL, Hayes J, Rivard PE. Examining the validity of AHRQ's patient safety indicators (PSIs): is variation in PSI composite score related to hospital organizational factors? Medical care research and review : MCRR. 2014 Dec 1; 71(6):599-618.
  97. Shwartz M, Peköz EA, Burgess JF, Christiansen CL, Rosen AK, Berlowitz D. A probability metric for identifying high-performing facilities: an application for pay-for-performance programs. Medical care. 2014 Dec 1; 52(12):1030-6.
  98. Chen Q, Tsai TC, Mull HJ, Rosen AK, Itani KM. Using a composite readmission measure to assess surgical quality in the Veterans Health Administration: how well does it correlate with established surgical measures? JAMA surgery. 2014 Nov 1; 149(11):1206-7.
  99. Mull HJ, Chen Q, Shwartz M, Itani KM, Rosen AK. Measuring surgical quality: which measure should we trust? JAMA surgery. 2014 Nov 1; 149(11):1210-2.
  100. Rosen AK, Chen Q, Borzecki AM, Shin M, Itani KM, Shwartz M. Using estimated true safety event rates versus flagged safety event rates: does it change hospital profiling and payment? Health services research. 2014 Oct 1; 49(5):1426-45.
  101. Rosen AK, Chen Q, Borzecki AM, Shin M, Itani K, Shwartz M. Using Estimated True Safety Event Rates vs. Flagged Safety Event Rates: Does it Change Hospital Profiling and Payment? Presented at: American Statistical Association Joint Statistical Annual Meeting; 2014 Aug 3; Boston, MA.
  102. Rosen AK. Overview of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Patient Safety Indicators. 2014 Jul 8.
  103. Aiello FA, Shue B, Kini N, Rosen A, Messina L, Robinson W, Gona P, Schanzer A. Outcomes reported by the Vascular Quality Initiative and the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program are not comparable. Journal of vascular surgery : official publication, the Society for Vascular Surgery [and] International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, North American Chapter. 2014 Jul 1; 60(1):152-9, 159.e1-3.
  104. Chen Q, Hanchate A, Shwartz M, Borzecki AM, Mull HJ, Shin MH, Rosen AK. Comparison of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Patient Safety Indicator Rates Among Veteran Dual Users. American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality. 2014 Jul 1; 29(4):335-43.
  105. Borzecki AM, Mull HJ, Shwartz M, Labonte AJ, Rosen AK. Are Readmissions Flagged as Potentially Preventable More Likely to Have Process of Care Problems than Non-flagged Readmissions? Applying the 3M™ PPR Software to Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Veterans Health Administration. Presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2014 Jun 10; San Diego, CA.
  106. Chen Qi, Tsai TC, Mull HJ, Itani K, Rosen AK. Using A Composite Readmission Measure to Assess Surgical Quality in the Veterans Health Administration: How Well Does It Correlate with Established Surgical Measures? Presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2014 Jun 10; San Diego, CA.
  107. Rosen AK, Chen Qi, Restuccia JD, Shwartz M, O'Brien W, Borzecki AM. Supplementing Administrative Data with Prior Utilization and Clinical Information: Does it Contribute to Improving Prediction of Potentially Preventable Readmissions and Lead to Changes in VA Hospital Profiles? Presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2014 Jun 10; San Diego, CA.
  108. Shimada SL, Feng H, Rosen AK, Allison JJ, Houston TK. Is Use of a Patient Portal Good for Your Diabetes? Paper presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2014 Jun 10; San Diego, CA.
  109. Rosen AK, Branch-Elliman W, Strymish J, Kudesia V, Gupta K. Electronic Surveillance of Hospital Acquired Infections: Implementation of an Electronic Algorithm to Detect Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections in the Veterans Health Administration. Presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2014 Jun 9; San Diego, CA.
  110. Shimada SL, Allison JJ, Brandt CA, Rosen AK, Feng H, Rao S, Houston TK. Sociodemographic Differences in Patient Portal Adoption and Use among Veterans with Diabetes. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2014 Jun 9; San Diego, CA.
  111. Mull HJ, Borzecki AM, Chen Q, Shin MH, Rosen AK. Using AHRQ patient safety indicators to detect postdischarge adverse events in the Veterans Health Administration. American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality. 2014 May 1; 29(3):213-9.
  112. Chen Qi, Tsai TC, Mull HJ, Rosen AK, Itani K. Using A Composite Readmission Measure to Assess Surgical Quality in the Veterans Health Administration: How Well Does It Correlate with Established Surgical Measures? Presented at: VA Association of Surgeons Annual Meeting; 2014 Apr 8; New Haven, CT.
  113. Mull HJ, Borzecki AM, Loveland S, Hickson K, Chen Q, MacDonald S, Shin MH, Cevasco M, Itani KM, Rosen AK. Detecting adverse events in surgery: comparing events detected by the Veterans Health Administration Surgical Quality Improvement Program and the Patient Safety Indicators. American journal of surgery. 2014 Apr 1; 207(4):584-95.
  114. Silber JH, Romano PS, Itani KM, Rosen AK, Small D, Lipner RS, Bosk CL, Wang Y, Halenar MJ, Korovaichuk S, Even-Shoshan O, Volpp KG. Assessing the effects of the 2003 resident duty hours reform on internal medicine board scores. Academic Medicine. 2014 Apr 1; 89(4):644-51.
  115. Wilkinson J, Lauer E, Greenwood NW, Freund KM, Rosen AK. Evaluating representativeness and cancer screening outcomes in a state department of developmental services database. Intellectual and developmental disabilities. 2014 Apr 1; 52(2):136-46.
  116. Rosen AK, Chen Q, Shin MH, O'Brien W, Shwartz M, Mull HJ, Cevasco M, Borzecki AM. Medical and surgical readmissions in the Veterans Health Administration: what proportion are related to the index hospitalization? Medical care. 2014 Mar 1; 52(3):243-9.
  117. Zubkoff L, Neily J, Mills PD, Borzecki A, Shin M, Lynn MM, Gunnar W, Rosen A. Using a virtual breakthrough series collaborative to reduce postoperative respiratory failure in 16 Veterans Health Administration hospitals. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. 2014 Jan 1; 40(1):11-20.
  118. Singer SJ, Rivard PE, Hayes JE, Shokeen P, Gaba D, Rosen A. Improving patient care through leadership engagement with frontline staff: a Department of Veterans Affairs case study. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. 2013 Aug 1; 39(8):349-60.
  119. Volpp KG, Small DS, Romano PS, Itani KM, Rosen AK, Even-Shoshan O, Wang Y, Bellini L, Halenar MJ, Korovaichuk S, Zhu J, Silber JH. Teaching hospital five-year mortality trends in the wake of duty hour reforms. Journal of general internal medicine. 2013 Aug 1; 28(8):1048-55.
  120. Borzecki AM, Cevasco M, Chen Q, Shin M, Itani KM, Rosen AK. Improving identification of postoperative respiratory failure missed by the patient safety indicator algorithm. American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality. 2013 Jul 1; 28(4):315-23.
  121. Luther SL, Neumayer L, Henderson WG, Foulis P, Richardson M, Haun J, Mikelonis M, Rosen A. The use of breast-conserving surgery for women treated for breast cancer in the Department of Veterans Affairs. American journal of surgery. 2013 Jul 1; 206(1):72-9.
  122. Mull HJ, Chen Q, O'Brien WJ, Shwartz M, Borzecki AM, Hanchate A, Rosen AK. Comparing 2 methods of assessing 30-day readmissions: what is the impact on hospital profiling in the veterans health administration? Medical care. 2013 Jul 1; 51(7):589-96.
  123. Chen Q, Mull HJ, O'Brien W, Itani K, Rosen AK. Examining Potentially Preventable Readmissions after Surgical Procedures in the Veteran Health Administration. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2013 Jun 26; Baltimore, MD.
  124. Mull HJ, Chen Qi, O'Brien W, Shwartz M, Borzecki AM, Hanchate AD, Rosen AK. Comparing Two Methods of Assessing 30-Day Readmissions in the Veterans Health Administration: What is the Effect on Hospital Reporting and Pay-for-Performance? Presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2013 Jun 25; Baltimore, MD.
  125. O'Brien W, Chen Qi, Mull HJ, Borzecki AM, Shwartz M, Hanchate AD, Rosen AK. Tracking Readmissions Across Healthcare Systems: Implications for Readmission Rates and Payment Penalties. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2013 Jun 25; Baltimore, MD.
  126. Rosen AK, Chen Qi, O'Brien W, Borzecki AM, Frakt AB, Shwartz M, Bauer MS. Assessing the Impact of Serious Mental Illness (SMI) and Substance Use Disorders (SUD) on Risk of Readmission for Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction, Heart Failure, and Pneumonia in the Veterans Health Administration (VA). Presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2013 Jun 25; Baltimore, MD.
  127. Chen Q, Borzecki A, O'Brien W, Mull HJ, Restuccia J, Rosen AK. Validating the 3M™ Potentially Preventable Readmissions Software in a Cohort of Veterans with Pneumonia. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2013 Jun 24; Baltimore, MD.
  128. Mull HJ, Chen Qi, O'Brien W, Shin M, Rosen AK. Hospital-level Variation in Potentially Preventable Hospital Readmission Rates within the Veterans Health Administration. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2013 Jun 24; Baltimore, MD.
  129. Borzecki AM, Cevasco M, Mull H, Shin M, Itani K, Rosen AK. Improving the identification of postoperative wound dehiscence missed by the Patient Safety Indicator algorithm. American journal of surgery. 2013 Jun 1; 205(6):674-80.
  130. Mull HJ, Borzecki AM, Hickson K, Itani KM, Rosen AK. Development and testing of tools to detect ambulatory surgical adverse events. Journal of Patient Safety. 2013 Jun 1; 9(2):96-102.
  131. Chen Q, Borzecki AM, Cevasco M, Shin MH, Shwartz M, Itani KM, Rosen AK. Examining the relationship between processes of care and selected AHRQ patient safety indicators postoperative wound dehiscence and accidental puncture or laceration using the VA electronic medical record. American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality. 2013 May 1; 28(3):206-13.
  132. Navathe AS, Silber JH, Small DS, Rosen AK, Romano PS, Even-Shoshan O, Wang Y, Zhu J, Halenar MJ, Volpp KG. Teaching hospital financial status and patient outcomes following ACGME duty hour reform. Health services research. 2013 Apr 1; 48(2 Pt 1):476-98.
  133. Chen Q, Mull HJ, O'Brien W, Borzecki AM, Itani K, Rosen AK, Rosen AK. Chen Q, Mull HJ, O’Brien W, Borzecki A, Itani KMF, Rosen AK. How Many 30-Day Readmissions after Surgical Procedures Are Preventable? Application of the 3M Potentially Preventable Readmission Classification System in the Veterans Health Administration. Presented at: Grasberger Research Symposium; 2013 Feb 25; Boston, MA.
  134. Chen Qi, Mull HJ, O'Brien W, Borzecki AM, Itani K, Rosen AK. How Many 30-Day Readmissions after Surgical Procedures Are Preventable? Application of the 3M Potentially Preventable Readmission Classification System in the Veterans Health Administration. Presented at: Boston University School of Medicine Department of Surgery Annual Grasberger Research Symposium; 2013 Feb 25; Boston, MA.
  135. Rivard PE, Parker VA, Rosen AK. Quality improvement for patient safety: project-level versus program-level learning. Health care management review. 2013 Jan 1; 38(1):40-50.
  136. Rosen AK, Loveland S, Shin M, Shwartz M, Hanchate A, Chen Q, Kaafarani HM, Borzecki A. Examining the impact of the AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) on the Veterans Health Administration: the case of readmissions. Medical care. 2013 Jan 1; 51(1):37-44.
  137. Borzecki AM, Cowan AJ, Cevasco M, Shin MH, Shwartz M, Itani K, Rosen AK. Is development of postoperative venous thromboembolism related to thromboprophylaxis use? A case-control study in the Veterans Health Administration. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. 2012 Aug 1; 38(8):348-58.
  138. Smith EG, Zhao S, Rosen AK. Using the patient safety indicators to detect potential safety events among US veterans with psychotic disorders: clinical and research implications. International journal for quality in health care : journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care. 2012 Aug 1; 24(4):321-9.
  139. Hynes D, Brown MM, Maciejewski ML, Wagner T, Rosen A. Current Research Applications and Future Directions in VA-CMS Data. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D / QUERI National Meeting; 2012 Jul 17; National Harbor, MD.
  140. O'Brien W, Chen Qi, Rosen AK. Adding Medicare Data to Assess Veterans’ Readmission Rates: More Trouble than it’s Worth? Presented at: VA HSR&D / QUERI National Meeting; 2012 Jul 15; National Harbor, MD.
  141. Mull HJ, Borzecki AM, Loveland S, Shin M, Chen Q, Rosen AK. Detecting Adverse Events with AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators: Assessing the Usefulness of Post-Discharge Administrative Data in the Veterans Health Administration. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2012 Jun 24; Orlando, FL.
  142. Rosen AK, Itani KM, Cevasco M, Kaafarani HM, Hanchate A, Shin M, Shwartz M, Loveland S, Chen Q, Borzecki A. Validating the patient safety indicators in the Veterans Health Administration: do they accurately identify true safety events? Medical care. 2012 Jan 1; 50(1):74-85.
  143. Wilkinson JE, Lauer E, Freund KM, Rosen AK. Determinants of mammography in women with intellectual disabilities. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM. 2011 Nov 1; 24(6):693-703.
  144. Carey K, Stefos T, Shibei Zhao, Borzecki AM, Rosen AK. Excess costs attributable to postoperative complications. Medical care research and review : MCRR. 2011 Aug 1; 68(4):490-503.
  145. Shin M, Borzecki A, Cevasco M, Shwartz M, Loveland S, Chen Q, Rosen AK. Admission Coding: Implications for Patient Safety Indicator Rates in the Veterans Health Administration. Presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2011 Jul 11; Seattle, WA.
  146. Loveland S, O'Brien W, Shwartz M, Borzecki A, Shin M, Cevasco M, Hanchate AD, Rosen AK. Socio-demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Early vs. Late Readmissions in the VA: A Study. Presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2011 Jun 13; Seattle, WA.
  147. Borzecki AM, O'Brien W, Mull H, Chen Q, Loveland S, Cevasco M, Shin M, Rosen AK. Do the Patient Safety Indicators Postoperative Respiratory Failure and Postoperative Wound Dehiscence Miss True Events? Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2011 Jun 12; Seattle, WA.
  148. Mull HJ, Burgess JF, Borzecki K, Ryan CK, Rosen AK. Comparison of Medical Chart Review Methods: Can an Electronic Chart Abstraction Tool Improve Data Quality? Presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2011 Jun 12; Seattle, WA.
  149. Borzecki AM, Kaafarani H, Cevasco M, Hickson K, Macdonald S, Shin M, Itani KM, Rosen AK. How valid is the AHRQ Patient Safety Indicator "postoperative hemorrhage or hematoma"? Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2011 Jun 1; 212(6):946-953.e1-2.
  150. Borzecki AM, Kaafarani HM, Utter GH, Romano PS, Shin MH, Chen Q, Itani KM, Rosen AK. How valid is the AHRQ Patient Safety Indicator "postoperative respiratory failure"? Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2011 Jun 1; 212(6):935-45.
  151. Cevasco M, Borzecki AM, Chen Q, Zrelak PA, Shin M, Romano PS, Itani KM, Rosen AK. Positive predictive value of the AHRQ Patient Safety Indicator "Postoperative Sepsis": implications for practice and policy. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2011 Jun 1; 212(6):954-61.
  152. Cevasco M, Borzecki AM, McClusky DA, Chen Q, Shin MH, Itani KM, Rosen AK. Positive predictive value of the AHRQ Patient Safety Indicator "postoperative wound dehiscence". Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2011 Jun 1; 212(6):962-7.
  153. Cevasco M, Borzecki AM, O'Brien WJ, Chen Q, Shin MH, Itani KM, Rosen AK. Validity of the AHRQ Patient Safety Indicator "central venous catheter-related bloodstream infections". Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2011 Jun 1; 212(6):984-90.
  154. Chen Q, Rosen AK, Cevasco M, Shin M, Itani KM, Borzecki AM. Detecting patient safety indicators: How valid is "foreign body left during procedure" in the Veterans Health Administration? Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2011 Jun 1; 212(6):977-83.
  155. Kaafarani HM, Borzecki AM, Itani KM, Loveland S, Mull HJ, Hickson K, Macdonald S, Shin M, Rosen AK. Validity of selected Patient Safety Indicators: opportunities and concerns. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2011 Jun 1; 212(6):924-34.
  156. Mull HJ, Nebeker JR, Shimada SL, Kaafarani HM, Rivard PE, Rosen AK. Consensus building for development of outpatient adverse drug event triggers. Journal of Patient Safety. 2011 Jun 1; 7(2):66-71.
  157. Rosen AK, Itani KM. Validating the patient safety indicators in the Veterans Health Administration: are they ready for prime time? Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2011 Jun 1; 212(6):921-3.
  158. Press MJ, Silber JH, Rosen AK, Romano PS, Itani KM, Zhu J, Wang Y, Even-Shoshan O, Halenar MJ, Volpp KG. The impact of resident duty hour reform on hospital readmission rates among Medicare beneficiaries. Journal of general internal medicine. 2011 Apr 1; 26(4):405-11.
  159. Rosen AK, Mull HJ, Kaafarani H, Nebeker J, Shimada S, Helwig A, Nordberg B, Long B, Savitz LA, Shanahan CW, Itani K. Applying trigger tools to detect adverse events associated with outpatient surgery. Journal of Patient Safety. 2011 Mar 1; 7(1):45-59.
  160. Borzecki AM, Cevasco M, Shin M, Chen Q, Rosen AK. Valid is the AHRQ Patient Safety Indicator Postoperative Metabolic Derangements? Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2011 Feb 18; National Harbor, MD.
  161. Rosen AK, Borzecki A. Using Clinical Groupers to Study Episodes of Care. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2011 Feb 18; National Harbor, MD.
  162. Borzecki A, Shin M, Cevasco M, Rosen AK. How Valid is the AHRQ Patient Safety Indicator Postoperative Metabolic Derangements? Presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2011 Feb 16; National Harbor, MD.
  163. Loveland S A, Shin M, Chen Q, Zhao S, Hanchate AD, Rosen AK, Borzecki A. Trends in Readmission Rates within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2011 Feb 16; Washington, DC.
  164. Utter GH, Borzecki AM, Rosen AK, Zrelak PA, Sadeghi B, Baron R, Cuny J, Kaafarani HM, Geppert JJ, Romano PS. Designing an abstraction instrument: lessons from efforts to validate the AHRQ patient safety indicators. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. 2011 Jan 1; 37(1):20-8.
  165. Volpp KG, Friedman W, Romano PS, Rosen A, Silber JH. Residency training at a crossroads: duty-hour standards 2010. [Editorial]. Annals of internal medicine. 2010 Dec 21; 153(12):826-8.
  166. Borzecki AM, Christiansen CL, Chew P, Loveland S, Rosen AK. Comparison of in-hospital versus 30-day mortality assessments for selected medical conditions. Medical care. 2010 Dec 1; 48(12):1117-21.
  167. Kaafarani HM, Rosen AK, Nebeker JR, Shimada S, Mull HJ, Rivard PE, Savitz L, Helwig A, Shin MH, Itani KM. Development of trigger tools for surveillance of adverse events in ambulatory surgery. Quality & Safety in Health Care. 2010 Oct 1; 19(5):425-9.
  168. Rosen AK. Quality of Care for Population-Patients from PHN Interventions: State of the Art. Paper presented at: University of Illinois at Chicago Quality of Public Health Nursing Care: Prioritizing the Research Agenda Conference; 2010 Oct 1; Oak Brook, IL.
  169. Rosen AK, Singer S, Shibei Zhao, Shokeen P, Meterko M, Gaba D. Hospital safety climate and safety outcomes: is there a relationship in the VA? Medical care research and review : MCRR. 2010 Oct 1; 67(5):590-608.
  170. Borzecki AM, Christiansen CL, Loveland S, Chew P, Rosen AK. Trends in the inpatient quality indicators: the Veterans Health Administration experience. Medical care. 2010 Aug 1; 48(8):694-702.
  171. Rosen AK, Chatterjee S, Glickman ME, Spiro A, Seal P, Eisen SV. Improving risk adjustment of self-reported mental health outcomes. The journal of behavioral health services & research. 2010 Jul 1; 37(3):291-306.
  172. Elwy AR, Mueller NM, Eisen SV, Gallagher TH, Rosen AK, Bokhour BG. Communicating adverse patient events in surgery: the CAPES study. Paper presented at: Communication, Medicine and Ethics (COMET) Interdisciplinary Annual Conference; 2010 Jun 28; Boston, MA.
  173. Volpp KG, Silber J, Wang Y, Even-Shoshan O, Halenar M, Bellini L, Romano P, Zhu J, Press M, Rosen A, Itani K, Loveland S, Hanchate HD, Borzecki A. The impact of resident duty hour reform on hospital readmission rates. Paper presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting; 2010 Apr 28; Minneapolis, MN.
  174. Singer SJ, Rosen A, Zhao S, Ciavarelli AP, Gaba DM. Comparing safety climate in naval aviation and hospitals: implications for improving patient safety. Health care management review. 2010 Apr 1; 35(2):134-46.
  175. Heisler M, Choi H, Rosen AB, Vijan S, Kabeto M, Langa KM, Piette JD. Hospitalizations and deaths among adults with cardiovascular disease who underuse medications because of cost: a longitudinal analysis. Medical care. 2010 Feb 1; 48(2):87-94.
  176. Silber JH, Rosenbaum PR, Rosen AK, Romano PS, Itani KM, Cen L, Mi L, Halenar MJ, Even-Shoshan O, Volpp KG. Prolonged hospital stay and the resident duty hour rules of 2003. Medical care. 2009 Dec 1; 47(12):1191-200.
  177. Kaafarani HM, Rosen AK. Using administrative data to identify surgical adverse events: an introduction to the Patient Safety Indicators. American journal of surgery. 2009 Nov 1; 198(5 Suppl):S63-8.
  178. Singer SJ, Falwell A, Gaba DM, Meterko M, Rosen A, Hartmann CW, Baker L. Identifying organizational cultures that promote patient safety. Health care management review. 2009 Oct 1; 34(4):300-11.
  179. Singer SJ, Hartmann CW, Hanchate A, Zhao S, Meterko M, Shokeen P, Lin S, Gaba DM, Rosen AK. Comparing safety climate between two populations of hospitals in the United States. Health services research. 2009 Oct 1; 44(5 Pt 1):1563-83.
  180. Volpp KG, Rosen AK, Rosenbaum PR, Romano PS, Itani KM, Bellini L, Even-Shoshan O, Cen L, Wang Y, Halenar MJ, Silber JH. Did duty hour reform lead to better outcomes among the highest risk patients? Journal of general internal medicine. 2009 Oct 1; 24(10):1149-55.
  181. Kaafarani H, Rosen AK, Nebeker JR, Shimada S, Mull H, Rivard PE, Long B, Savitz L, Helwig A, Itani K. Developing Trigger Tools for Surveillance of Adverse Events in Same-Day Surgery: A Literature-based, end-user inspired and expert-evaluated methodology. Poster session presented at: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Annual Conference; 2009 Sep 13; Rockville, MD.
  182. McCarthy JF, Szymanski B, Mach J, Blow FC, Rosen AK, Valenstein MT, Kales HC. Geriatric Mental Health Care. Poster session presented at: VA MIRECC Annual Best Practices in Mental Health Conference; 2009 Jul 22; Baltimore, MD.
  183. McCarthy JF, Szymanski B, Mach JJ, Blow FC, Rosen A, Valenstein M, Kales HC. Serious Mental Illness in VA community Living Centers and Risk Factors for Disruptive Behaviors. Poster session presented at: VA MIRECC Annual Best Practices in Mental Health Conference; 2009 Jul 22; Baltimore, MD.
  184. Kaafarani HM, Itani KM, Rosen AK, Zhao S, Hartmann CW, Gaba DM. How does patient safety culture in the operating room and post-anesthesia care unit compare to the rest of the hospital? American journal of surgery. 2009 Jul 1; 198(1):70-5.
  185. Rosen AK, Loveland SA, Romano PS, Itani KM, Silber JH, Even-Shoshan OO, Halenar MJ, Teng Y, Zhu J, Volpp KG. Effects of resident duty hour reform on surgical and procedural patient safety indicators among hospitalized Veterans Health Administration and Medicare patients. Medical care. 2009 Jul 1; 47(7):723-31.
  186. Borzecki AM, Loveland S, Chew PW, Loya PM, Rosen AK. Inpatient Quality Indicator Rates in Select Veteran Populations. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2009 Jun 30; Chicago, IL.
  187. Shimada SL, Rosen AK, Chew PW, Borzecki AM. Are There Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Mortality Rates and Surgical Procedure Use in the Veterans Health Administration? Paper presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2009 Jun 30; Chicago, IL.
  188. Hartmann CW, Meterko M, Rosen AK, Shibei Zhao, Shokeen P, Singer S, Gaba DM. Relationship of hospital organizational culture to patient safety climate in the Veterans Health Administration. Medical care research and review : MCRR. 2009 Jun 1; 66(3):320-38.
  189. Chatterjee S, Rath ME, Spiro A, Eisen S, Sloan KL, Rosen AK. Gender differences in veterans health administration mental health service use: effects of age and psychiatric diagnosis. Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health. 2009 May 1; 19(3):176-84.
  190. Loveland S, Rosen AK. Can Readmissions Serve as a Quality Indicator? Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2009 Feb 14; Baltimore, MD.
  191. Rosen AK, Borzecki AM, Kaafarani H, Hanchate AD, Loveland S, Hartmann CW, Shwartz M, Rivard P, Shin M. Validating the Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs): Do They Reflect True Safety Events? Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2009 Feb 14; Baltimore, MD.
  192. Borzecki AM, Chew PW, Loveland S, Loya PM, Rosen AK. Inpatient Quality Indicators Rates in Special VA Populations. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2009 Feb 13; Baltimore, MD.
  193. Hanchate AD, Borzecki AM, Loveland S, Zhao S, Chew PW, Shwartz M, Ash AS, Rosen AK. Using Laboratory Results Data to Improve Risk Adjustment of In-hospital Mortality in the VA. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2009 Feb 13; Baltimore, MD.
  194. Hartmann CW, Rosen AK, Zhao S, Hanchate AD, Singer SJ, Meterko MM, Shokeen PV, Gaba DM. Comparing Safety Climate between Different Settings of Care: Methodological Considerations. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2009 Feb 13; Baltimore, MD.
  195. Kaafarani HM, Rosen AK, Nebeker J, Shimada S, Mull HJ, Rivard P, Shin M, Long B, Savitz A, Itani K. Developing Trigger Tools for Surveillance of Adverse Events in Same-Day Surgery: A Literature-Based, End-User Inspired & Expert-Evaluated Methodology: Health Services Research and Development. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2009 Feb 11; Baltimore, MD.
  196. Silber JH, Rosenbaum PR, Romano PS, Rosen AK, Wang Y, Teng Y, Halenar MJ, Even-Shoshan O, Volpp KG. Hospital teaching intensity, patient race, and surgical outcomes. Archives of surgery (Chicago, Ill. : 1960). 2009 Feb 1; 144(2):113-20; discussion 121.
  197. Borzecki AM, Loya PM, Chew PW, Loveland S, Rosen AK. Translating the AHRQ Quality Indicators to the VA. Poster session presented at: VA QUERI National Meeting; 2008 Dec 10; Phoenix, AZ.
  198. Wilkinson JE, Saper RB, Rosen AK, Welles SL, Culpepper L. Prayer for health and primary care: results from the 2002 National Health Interview Survey. Family medicine. 2008 Oct 1; 40(9):638-44.
  199. Carey K, Montez-Rath ME, Rosen AK, Christiansen CL, Loveland S, Ettner SL. Use of VA and Medicare services by dually eligible veterans with psychiatric problems. Health services research. 2008 Aug 1; 43(4):1164-83.
  200. Hartmann CW, Rosen AK, Meterko M, Shokeen P, Zhao S, Singer S, Falwell A, Gaba DM. An overview of patient safety climate in the VA. Health services research. 2008 Aug 1; 43(4):1263-84.
  201. Shimada SL, Montez-Rath ME, Loveland SA, Zhao S, Kressin NR, Rosen AK. Racial Disparities in Patient Safety Indicator (PSI) Rates in the Veterans Health Administration. 2008.
  202. Hartmann CW, Rosen AK, Shao S, Meterko M, Shokeen P, Gaba D. Organizational culture and safety climate in U.S. Veterans Administration hospitals. Presented at: International Union of Psychological Science Annual Congress; 2008 Jul 20; Berlin, Germany.
  203. Doshi J, Foels T, Galvin RS, Rosen A, Volpp K. Patient targeted approaches to pay for performance/value-based insurance design. Paper presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2008 Jun 9; Washington, DC.
  204. Rosen A, Loveland S, Romano P, Rosenbaum P, Silber J, Volpp K. Rates of patient safety indicators (PSIs) among VA patients in the first two years following ACGME resident duty hour reform. Paper presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2008 Jun 8; Washington, DC.
  205. Rosen AK, Singer S, Hartmann CW, Shokeen P, Zhao S, Falwell A, Gaba D. Is There a Relationship between Hospital Safety Culture and Safety Outcomes in VA Hospitals? Presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2008 Jun 8; Washington, DC.
  206. Silber J, Rosenbaum P, Romano P, Rosen A, Even-Shoshen O, Volpp K. Teaching intensity, race, and surgical outcomes. Paper presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2008 Jun 8; Washington, DC.
  207. Hartmann CW, Rosen AK, Zhao S, Meterko M, Shokeen P, Gaba D. Relationship of hospital characteristics to patient safety in the VA. Presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2008 Jun 6; Washington, DC.
  208. Kaafarani HMA, Itani KMF, Rosen AK, Zhoa S, Hartmann CW, Gaba DM. How does patient safety culture compare in the operating room and post anesthesia care unit to the rest of the hospital? Presented at: American College of Surgeons Spring Meeting; 2008 May 4; Dallas, TX.
  209. Rosen AK, Gaba DM, Meterko M, Shokeen P, Singer S, Zhao S, Labonte A, Falwell A. Recruitment of hospitals for a safety climate study: facilitators and barriers. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. 2008 May 1; 34(5):275-84.
  210. Volpp KG, Rosenbaum P, Rosen A, Romano PS, Itani KM, Cen L, Wang Y, Shoshan O, Halenar M, Silber J. Did high-risk patients experience worse outcomes under ACGME duty hour rules? Poster session presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting; 2008 Apr 9; Pittsburgh, PA.
  211. Volpp KG, Rosenbaum P, Rosen A, Romano PS, Itani KM, Cen L, Wang Y, Shoshan O, Halenar M, Silber JH. Impact of ACGME duty hour rules on prolonged length of stay among Medicare patients. Poster session presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting; 2008 Apr 9; Pittsburgh, PA.
  212. Langa KM, Larson EB, Karlawish JH, Cutler DM, Kabeto MU, Kim SY, Rosen AB. Trends in the prevalence and mortality of cognitive impairment in the United States: is there evidence of a compression of cognitive morbidity? Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 2008 Mar 1; 4(2):134-44.
  213. Loveland SA, Rosen AK, Romano PS, Silber JH, Rosenbaum PR, Even-Shoshan O, Halenar M, Volpp KG. The effect of ACGME resident duty hour reform on three patient safety indicator composite measures. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2008 Feb 14; Baltimore, MD.
  214. Borzecki AM, Chew PW, Loveland SA, Loya PA, Hartmann CW, Rosen AK. Inpatient Quality Indicators: Comparison of Facility-Level Rates Across the VA. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2008 Feb 13; Baltimore, MD.
  215. Carey K, Montez M, Rosen AK, Christiansen CL, Loveland S, Ettner S. Access to Care and Sectoral Choice: Do Dually Eligible Veterans with Psychiatric Problems Use VA and Medicare Services as Substitutes or Complements? Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2008 Feb 13; Baltimore, MD.
  216. Chatterjee, Rosen AK, Seal, Glickman, Spiro. Predicting Mental Health Outcomes in the VA: What is the Best Model for Risk. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2008 Feb 13; Baltimore, MD.
  217. Rosen AK, Zhao S, Meterko M, Shokeen P, Gaba DM, Hartmann CW. Hospital characteristics and safety climate in the VA. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2008 Feb 13; Baltimore, MD.
  218. Seal P, Glickman ME, Spiro A, Rosen AK, Rosenheck R. Do self-reported mental health measures add to GLOBAL Assessment of Functioning (GAF) ratings in predicting functional outcomes of veterans? Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2008 Feb 13; Baltimore, MD.
  219. Shimada SL, Kaafarani, Zhao, Loveland SA, Rosen AK. Are There Racial Disparities in Surgical Procedure Length in the Veterans Health Administration. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2008 Feb 13; Baltimore, MD.
  220. Pugh MJ, Rosen AK, Montez-Rath M, Amuan ME, Fincke BG, Burk M, Bierman A, Cunningham F, Mortensen EM, Berlowitz DR. Potentially inappropriate prescribing for the elderly: effects of geriatric care at the patient and health care system level. Medical care. 2008 Feb 1; 46(2):167-73.
  221. Rivard PE, Luther SL, Christiansen CL, Shibei Zhao, Loveland S, Elixhauser A, Romano PS, Rosen AK. Using patient safety indicators to estimate the impact of potential adverse events on outcomes. Medical care research and review : MCRR. 2008 Feb 1; 65(1):67-87.
  222. Weeks WB, West AN, Rosen AK, Bagian JP. Comparing measures of patient safety for inpatient care provided to veterans within and outside the VA system in New York. Quality & Safety in Health Care. 2008 Feb 1; 17(1):58-64.
  223. Volpp KG, Rosen AK, Rosenbaum P, Romano P, Bellini L, Silber J. Resident duty hour reform and mortality in hospitalized patients [letter to the editor]. [Letter to the Editor]. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association. 2007 Dec 26; 298(24):2866.
  224. Tseng CL, Sambamoorthi U, Helmer D, Tiwari A, Rosen AK, Rajan M, Pogach L. The association between mental health functioning and nontraumatic lower extremity amputations in veterans with diabetes. General hospital psychiatry. 2007 Nov 7; 29(6):537-46.
  225. Silber JH, Romano PS, Rosen AK, Wang Y, Even-Shoshan O, Volpp KG. Failure-to-rescue: comparing definitions to measure quality of care. Medical care. 2007 Oct 1; 45(10):918-25.
  226. Singer S, Meterko M, Baker L, Gaba D, Falwell A, Rosen AK. Workforce perceptions of hospital safety culture: development and validation of the patient safety climate in healthcare organizations survey. Health services research. 2007 Oct 1; 42(5):1999-2021.
  227. Volpp KG, Rosen AK, Rosenbaum PR, Romano PS, Even-Shoshan O, Canamucio A, Bellini L, Behringer T, Silber JH. Mortality among patients in VA hospitals in the first 2 years following ACGME resident duty hour reform. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association. 2007 Sep 5; 298(9):984-92.
  228. Volpp KG, Rosen AK, Rosenbaum PR, Romano PS, Even-Shoshan O, Wang Y, Bellini L, Behringer T, Silber JH. Mortality among hospitalized Medicare beneficiaries in the first 2 years following ACGME resident duty hour reform. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association. 2007 Sep 5; 298(9):975-83.
  229. Hartmann C, Rosen AK, Shokeen P, Zhao S, Meterko M, Singer S, Falwell A, Gaba D. Safety culture in VA hospitals. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2007 Jun 3; Orlando, FL.
  230. Rivard P, Parker V, Rosen AK. Moving Patient Safety Improvement Practices to the Next Level: Closing the Organizational Learning Loop. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2007 Jun 3; Orlando, FL.
  231. Shimada SL, Montez-Rath ME, Loveland SA, Zhao S, Kressin NR, Rosen AK. Are Minorities at Higher Risk of Patient Safety Events in the VA? Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2007 Jun 3; Orlando, FL.
  232. Volpp KG, Rosen AK, Rosenbaum PR, Romano P, Even-Shoshan O, Canamuico A, Loveland S, Silber JH. The impact of the ACGME duty hour tules on mortality rates in teaching hospitals. Paper presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2007 Jun 3; Orlando, FL.
  233. Bierman AS, Pugh MJ, Dhalla I, Amuan M, Fincke BG, Rosen AK, Berlowitz DR. Sex differences in inappropriate prescribing among elderly veterans. The American journal of geriatric pharmacotherapy. 2007 Jun 1; 5(2):147-61.
  234. Volpp KG, Rosen AK, Rosenbaum PR, Romano P, Even-Shoshan O, Canamucio A, Loveland S, Silber JH. The impact of the ACGME duty hour rules on PSI rates in VA hospitals. Paper presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2007 Jun 1; Orlando, FL.
  235. Rosen A, Hynes DM. VA Databases and Methods Cyber Seminar-Risk Adjustment Using VA Data. 2007 Apr 3.
  236. Shokeen P, Rosen AK, Zhao S, Meterko M, Falwell A, Gaba DM. Safety culture in VA hospitals. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2007 Feb 22; Arlington, VA.
  237. Loveland SA, Christiansen CL, Zhao S, Rivard PE, Rosen AK. Risk Adjustment in VA populations - A Method for Partial Recalibration. Presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2007 Feb 21; Arlington, VA.
  238. Shimada SL, Montez-Rath ME, Loveland SA, Zhao S, Kressin NR, Rosen AK. Are Minorities at Higher Risk of Patient Safety Events in the VA? Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2007 Feb 16; Arlington, VA.
  239. Gaba DM, Singer SJ, Rosen AK. Safety culture: is the "unit" the right "unit of analysis"? Critical care medicine. 2007 Jan 1; 35(1):314-6.
  240. Montez-Rath M, Christiansen CL, Ettner SL, Loveland S, Rosen AK. Performance of statistical models to predict mental health and substance abuse cost. BMC medical research methodology. 2006 Oct 26; 6:53.
  241. Rosen AK, Zhao S, Rivard P, Loveland S, Montez-Rath ME, Elixhauser A, Romano PS. Tracking rates of Patient Safety Indicators over time: lessons from the Veterans Administration. Medical care. 2006 Sep 1; 44(9):850-61.
  242. Montez-Rath ME, Christiansen CL, Ettner SL, Loveland SA, Rosen AK. Performance of Statistical Models to Predict Mental Health and Substance Abuse Cost. Paper presented at: Joint Statistical Annual Meeting; 2006 Aug 1; Seattle, WA.
  243. Rivard PE, Rosen AK, Carroll JS. Enhancing patient safety through organizational learning: Are patient safety indicators a step in the right direction? Health services research. 2006 Aug 1; 41(4 Pt 2):1633-53.
  244. Sloan KL, Montez-Rath ME, Spiro A, Christiansen CL, Loveland S, Shokeen P, Herz L, Eisen S, Breckenridge JN, Rosen AK. Development and validation of a psychiatric case-mix system. Medical care. 2006 Jun 1; 44(6):568-80.
  245. Tyler DA, Parker VA, Engle RL, Brandeis GH, Hickey EC, Rosen AK, Wang F, Berlowitz DR. An exploration of job design in long-term care facilities and its effect on nursing employee satisfaction. Health care management review. 2006 Apr 1; 31(2):137-44.
  246. Piette J, Stroupe K, Maciejewski M, Rosen AB. The impact of prescription drug co-payments on the care and outcomes of chronically-ill veterans. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2006 Feb 15; Arlington, VA.
  247. Christiansen CL, Elixhauser A, Loveland SA, Rivard PE, Zhou S, Rosen AK. How Do VA Hospitals Compare to Non-VA Hospitals on Rates of Patient Safety Events? Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2006 Feb 1; Arlington, VA.
  248. Rosen AK, Rivard PE, Zhao S, Tsilimingras D, Loveland SA, Christiansen CL, Henderson W, Khuri S, Elixhauser A, Romano PS. Identification of Patient Safety Events from VA Administrative Data: Is It Valid. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2006 Feb 1; Arlington, VA.
  249. Selim AJ, Berlowitz D, Fincke G, Rogers W, Qian S, Lee A, Cong Z, Selim BJ, Ren XS, Rosen AK, Kazis LE. Use of risk-adjusted change in health status to assess the performance of integrated service networks in the Veterans Health Administration. International journal for quality in health care : journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care / ISQua. 2006 Feb 1; 18(1):43-50.
  250. Rosen AK, Christiansen CL, Montez ME, Loveland S, Shokeen P, Sloan KL, Ettner SL. Evaluating risk-adjustment methodologies for patients with mental health and substance abuse disorders in the Veterans Health Administration. International Journal of Healthcare Technology. 2006 Jan 2; 7(1/2):43-81.
  251. Rosen AK, Rivard P, Zhao S, Loveland S, Tsilimingras D, Christiansen CL, Elixhauser A, Romano PS. Evaluating the patient safety indicators: how well do they perform on Veterans Health Administration data? Medical care. 2005 Sep 1; 43(9):873-84.
  252. Pugh MJ, Bierman A, Fincke BG, Rosen AK, Cunningham F, Chang BH, Amuan M, Burk M, Berlowitz DR. Inappropriate prescribing for older veterans: the impact of system-level factors. Paper presented at: Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management Annual International Conference; 2005 Aug 21; Nashville, TN.
  253. Pugh MJ, Fincke BG, Bierman AS, Chang BH, Rosen AK, Cunningham FE, Amuan ME, Burk ML, Berlowitz DR. Potentially inappropriate prescribing in elderly veterans: are we using the wrong drug, wrong dose, or wrong duration? Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2005 Aug 1; 53(8):1282-9.
  254. Ettner S, Christiansen CL, Montez ME, Loveland S, Shokeen P, Rosen AK. Does Geographic Access Influence the Use of VA vs. Medical Services Among Dually Eligible VA Patients with Psychiatric Problems. Paper presented at: International Health Economics Association Biennial World Congress on Health Economics; 2005 Jul 1; Barcelona, Spain.
  255. Rosen AK, Gardner J, Montez M, Loveland S, Hendricks A. Dual-system use: are there implications for risk adjustment and quality assessment? American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality. 2005 Jul 1; 20(4):182-94.
  256. Bierman AS, Pugh MJ, Dhalla I, Amuan M, Fincke BG, Rosen A, Chang BH, Berlowitz DR. Are older women more likely to receive inappropriate drugs. Paper presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2005 Jun 26; Boston, MA.
  257. Tsilimingras D, Romano P, Christiansen C, Henderson W, Khuri S, Elixhauser A, Rivard P, Loveland S, Zhao S, Rosen A. Validating AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators with NSQIP Postoperative Adverse Events. Paper presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2005 Jun 26; Boston, MA.
  258. Rosen A, Montez M, Sloan K, Spiro III, Christiansen C, Loveland S, Shokeen P. Development of a Diagnosis-based Risk-Adjustment Measure for Mental Health Care. Paper presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2005 Jun 1; Boston, MA.
  259. Bierman AS, Pugh MJ, Dhalla I, Amuan M, Fincke BG, Rosen A, Chang BH, Berlowitz DR. Gender differences in inappropriate prescribing in the elderly. Paper presented at: Canadian Geriatric Society Annual Meeting; 2005 May 1; Halifax, Canada.
  260. Berlowitz DR, Rosen AK, Wang F, Tsilimingras D, Tariot PN, Engelhardt J, Kader B, Mukamel DB. Purchasing or providing nursing home care: can quality of care data provide guidance. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2005 Apr 1; 53(4):603-8.
  261. Rosen A, Wang F, Montez M, Rakovski C, Berlowitz D, Lucove J. Identifying future high-healthcare users: exploring the value of diagnostic and prior utilization information. Disease Management and Health Outcomes. 2005 Mar 1; 13(2):117-127.
  262. Pugh MJ, Fincke BG, Bierman A, Cunningham F, Chang BH, Amuan M, Rosen AK, Burk M, Berlowitz DR. Variation in inappropriate prescribing for older veterans: the impact of system-level factors. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2005 Feb 16; Baltimore, MD.
  263. Christiansen C, Rivard P, Tsilimingra D, Zhao S, Loveland S, Rosen A. Using Patient Safety Indicators to Identify VA Outlier Hospitals: A Picture is Worth 1000 Statistics. Paper presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2005 Feb 1; Boston, MA.
  264. Christiansen CL, Rivard PE, Zhao S, Loveland S, Tsilimingras D, Rosen AK. Using Patient Safety Indicators to Identify VA Outlier Hospitals: A Picture is Worth 1000 Statistics. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2005 Feb 1; Baltimore, MD.
  265. Rivard PE, Elwy AR, Loveland S, Zhao S, Tsilimingras D, Elixhauser A, Romano PS, Rosen AK. Applying Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) Across Health Care Systems: Achieving Data Comparability. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2005 Feb 1. Report No.: 050021.
  266. Kressin NR, Chang BH, Whittle J, Peterson ED, Clark JA, Rosen AK, Orner M, Collins TC, Alley LG, Petersen LA. Racial differences in cardiac catheterization as a function of patients' beliefs. American journal of public health. 2004 Dec 1; 94(12):2091-7.
  267. Pirraglia PA, Rosen AB, Hermann RC, Olchanski NV, Neumann P. Cost-utility analysis studies of depression management: a systematic review. The American journal of psychiatry. 2004 Dec 1; 161(12):2155-62.
  268. Pugh MJ, Fincke BG, Bierman A, Cunningham F, Chang BH, Amuan M, Rosen AK, Burk M, Berlowitz DR. Potentially inappropriate prescribing for older veterans: who's at risk of receiving the wrong drug, wrong dose, and wrong duration. Paper presented at: Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting; 2004 Nov 22; Washington, DC.
  269. Charbonneau A, Parker V, Meterko M, Rosen AK, Kader B, Owen RR, Ash AS, Whittle J, Berlowitz DR. The relationship of system-level quality improvement with quality of depression care. The American journal of managed care. 2004 Nov 1; 10(11 Pt 2):846-51.
  270. Montez M, Christiansen C, Loveland S, Ettner S, Shokeen P, Rosen A. Statistical Model Comparisons for Prediction of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Cost in the Veterans Health Administration. Paper presented at: American Statistical Association Joint Statistical Annual Meeting; 2004 Aug 1; Toronto, Canada.
  271. Rivard P, Zhao S, Loveland S, Christiansen C, Elixhauser A, Rosen A. Estimating Increased Mortality, Cost and Length of Stay Associated with Safety Events: An Application of Patient Safety Indicators in the Veterans Health Administration. Paper presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2004 Jun 4; San Diego, CA.
  272. Charbonneau A, Rosen AK, Owen RR, Spiro A, Ash AS, Miller DR, Kazis L, Kader B, Cunningham F, Berlowitz DR. Monitoring depression care: in search of an accurate quality indicator. Medical care. 2004 Jun 1; 42(6):522-31.
  273. Masson CL, Barnett PG, Sees KL, Delucchi KL, Rosen A, Wong W, Hall SM. Cost and cost-effectiveness of standard methadone maintenance treatment compared to enriched 180-day methadone detoxification. Addiction. 2004 Jun 1; 99(6):718-26.
  274. Selim AJ, Fincke G, Berlowitz DR, Cong Z, Miller DR, Ren XS, Qian S, Rogers W, Lee A, Rosen AK, Selim BJ, Kazis LE. No racial differences in mortality found among Veterans Health Administration out-patients. Journal of clinical epidemiology. 2004 May 1; 57(5):539-42.
  275. Zhao S, Elwy R, Loveland S, Tsilimingras D, Elixhauser A, Romano P, Rivard P, Rosen A. Patient Safety Indicators: Comparing Rates in the VA and Non-VA Settings. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2004 Mar 17; Washington, DC.
  276. Warner G, Hoenig H, Montez M, Wang F, Rosen A. Evaluating diagnosis-based risk-adjustment methods in a population with spinal cord dysfunction. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2004 Feb 1; 85(2):218-26.
  277. Rosen AC, Prull MW, Gabrieli JD, Stoub T, O'Hara R, Friedman L, Yesavage JA, deToledo-Morrell L. Differential associations between entorhinal and hippocampal volumes and memory performance in older adults. Behavioral Neuroscience. 2003 Dec 1; 117(6):1150-60.
  278. Berlowitz D, Rosen A. Risk adjustment for studying long-term care. In: Iezzoni L, editor. Risk Adjustment for Measuring Health Care Outcomes. 3 ed. Baltimore, MD: Health Administration Press; 2003. Chapter 16. 383-400 p.
  279. Rosen A, Wang F, Mukamel D, Kader B, Tsilimingras D, Bajorska A, Berlowitz D. Using Risk-Adjusted Outcomes to Measure Quality of Care in Nursing Homes. Paper presented at: American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting; 2003 Nov 1; San Diego, CA.
  280. Montez M, Rosen A, Wang F, Rakovski C, Lucove J, Berlowitz D. Using Diagnosis-Based Risk-Adjustment Measures as Screening Tools for Identifying Future High-Risk Cases. Paper presented at: Health Policy Research Annual International Conference; 2003 Oct 17; Chicago, IL.
  281. Wang F, Berlowitz D, Rosen A, Mukamel D, Kader B, Bajorska A. Using Hierarchical Models to Evaluate Nursing Home Care in the VA. Paper presented at: Health Policy Research Annual International Conference; 2003 Oct 17; Chicago, IL.
  282. Liu CF, Sales AE, Sharp ND, Fishman P, Sloan KL, Todd-Stenberg J, Nichol WP, Rosen AK, Loveland S. Case-mix adjusting performance measures in a veteran population: pharmacy- and diagnosis-based approaches. Health services research. 2003 Oct 1; 38(5):1319-37.
  283. Tsilimingras D, Rosen AK, Berlowitz DR. Patient safety in geriatrics: a call for action. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences. 2003 Sep 1; 58(9):M813-9.
  284. Sales AE, Liu CF, Sloan KL, Malkin J, Fishman PA, Rosen AK, Loveland S, Paul Nichol W, Suzuki NT, Perrin E, Sharp ND, Todd-Stenberg J. Predicting costs of care using a pharmacy-based measure risk adjustment in a veteran population. Medical care. 2003 Jun 1; 41(6):753-60.
  285. Charbonneau A, Rosen AK, Ash AS, Owen RR, Kader B, Spiro A, Hankin C, Herz LR, Jo V Pugh M, Kazis L, Miller DR, Berlowitz DR. Measuring the quality of depression care in a large integrated health system. Medical care. 2003 May 1; 41(5):669-80.
  286. Charbonneau A, Meterko M, Rosen A, Kader B, Owen R, Ash A, Berlowitz DR. Does quality improvement implementation predict guideline-concordant depression care? Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2003 Feb 1; Washington, DC.
  287. Rosen AC, Prull MW, O'Hara R, Race EA, Desmond JE, Glover GH, Yesavage JA, Gabrieli JD. Variable effects of aging on frontal lobe contributions to memory. Neuroreport. 2002 Dec 20; 13(18):2425-8.
  288. Rakovski C, Rosen A, Wang F, Berlowitz D. Predicting elderly at risk of increased future healthcare use: does diagnostic information add to prior utilization? Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology. 2002 Dec 1; 3(3-4):267-277.
  289. Rosen AC, Bokde AL, Pearl A, Yesavage JA. Ethical, and practical issues in applying functional imaging to the clinical management of Alzheimer's disease. Brain and Cognition. 2002 Dec 1; 50(3):498-519.
  290. Rosen AK, Rakovski CC, Loveland SA, Anderson JJ, Berlowitz DR. Profiling resource use: do different outcomes affect assessments of provider efficiency? The American journal of managed care. 2002 Dec 1; 8(12):1105-15.
  291. Yesavage JA, O'Hara R, Kraemer H, Noda A, Taylor JL, Ferris S, Gély-Nargeot MC, Rosen A, Friedman L, Sheikh J, Derouesné C. Modeling the prevalence and incidence of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. Journal of psychiatric research. 2002 Sep 1; 36(5):281-6.
  292. Rosen A. Comparing Diagnosis-based Methods with Prior Costs to Identify Future Users of Health Services. Paper presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2002 Jun 24; Washington, DC.
  293. Rakovski C, Berlowitz D, Wang F, Lucove J, Rosen A. Predicting Elderly at Risk of Increased Future Healthcare Use: Does Diagnostic Information Add to Prior Utilization. Paper presented at: Health Policy Research Annual International Conference; 2002 Mar 14; Boston, MA.
  294. Kressin N, Chang B, Orner M, Clark J, Rosen A, Ren X, East M, Kroupa L, Alley L, Whittle J, Petersen L. Racial Differences in Physician Perceptions of and Communication with Cardiac Patients. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2002 Mar 1; Washington, DC.
  295. Selim AJ, Berlowitz DR, Fincke G, Rosen AK, Ren XS, Christiansen CL, Cong Z, Lee A, Kazis L. Risk-adjusted mortality rates as a potential outcome indicator for outpatient quality assessments. Medical care. 2002 Mar 1; 40(3):237-45.
  296. Charbonneau A, Rosen A, Kader B, Ash A, Owen R, Spiro III, Pugh M, Berlowitz D. Benchmarking Patterns in the Pharmacologic Treatment of MDD. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2002 Feb 23; Washington, DC.
  297. Warner G, Rosen A, Montez M, Rakovski C, Hoenig H. How Well Do Risk Adjustment Models Predict Utilization for Patients with a Major Functional Limitations. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2002 Feb 23; Washington, DC.
  298. Kressin N, Chang B, Orner M, Clark J, Rosen A, Ren X, Petersen E, East M, Kroupa L, Alley L, Whittle J, Petersen L. Racial difference in physician perceptions of and communication with cardiac patients. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2002 Feb 14; Washington, DC.
  299. Rosen A. How Well Does the CDPS Predict Utilization: A Comparison to Other Case-mix Measures. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2002 Feb 14; Washington, DC.
  300. Reker DM, Rosen AK, Hoenig H, Berlowitz DR, Laughlin J, Anderson L, Marshall CR, Rittman M. The hazards of stroke case selection using administrative data. Medical care. 2002 Feb 1; 40(2):96-104.
  301. Kressin N, Chang B, Peterson E, Whittle J, Orner M, Clark J, Rosen A, Ren X, East M, Kroupa L, Alley L, Petersen L. Racial differences in cardiac catherization are not a function of patient beliefs, but may be related to provider attitudes about patients. Paper presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2002 Jan 15; Washington, DC.
  302. Rosen A. Risk Adjustment: Available Tools and Applications in Primary Care. Paper presented at: Harvard School of Public Health Quality of Care Research Annual Seminar; 2002 Jan 15; Cambridge, MA.
  303. Kressin NR, Clark JA, Whittle J, East M, Peterson ED, Chang BH, Rosen AK, Ren XS, Alley LG, Kroupa L, Collins TC, Petersen LA. Racial differences in health-related beliefs, attitudes, and experiences of VA cardiac patients: scale development and application. Medical care. 2002 Jan 1; 40(1 Suppl):I72-85.
  304. Rakovski C, Berlowitz D, Rosen A, Wang F, Lucove J. Using Case-mix Information and Prior Utilization to Identify Elderly at risk of Increased Future Healthcare. Paper presented at: Health Policy Research Annual International Conference; 2001 Dec 7; Boston, MA.
  305. Rosen A. Risk adjustment: Available Tools and Applications. Paper presented at: American Academy of Family Physicians Practice-Based Research Network Annual Meeting; 2001 Nov 21; San Antonio, TX.
  306. Liu C, Sloan K, Sales A, Fishman P, Sharp N, Rosen A. How Well Does Rx Risk Predict Outpatient Utilization in a VA Population? Paper presented at: International Health Economics Association Biennial World Congress on Health Economics; 2001 Jul 23; York, England.
  307. Liu C, Sloan K, Sales A, Fishman P, Sharp N, Rosen A. Implications of Alternative Risk Adjustment Strategies in Different United States Health Care Market Segments: Using a Pharmacy-Based Risk Adjuster for a VA Population. Paper presented at: International Health Economics Association Biennial World Congress on Health Economics; 2001 Jul 23; York, England.
  308. Rosen AK, Loveland S, Anderson JJ, Rothendler JA, Hankin CS, Rakovski CC, Moskowitz MA, Berlowitz DR. Evaluating diagnosis-based case-mix measures: how well do they apply to the VA population? Medical care. 2001 Jul 1; 39(7):692-704.
  309. Rosen A, Loveland S, Hankin C, Berlowitz D. How Well do Diagnostic Cost Groups (DCGs) Explain Concurrent Resource Utilization Among Patients with Substance Abuse Disorders in the VA. Paper presented at: Association for Health Services Research Annual Meeting; 2001 Jun 1; Los Angeles, CA.
  310. Rosen A, Loveland S, Berlowitz D, Rothendler J, Ash A, Moskowitz M. How Well do ACGs Characterize the Disease Burden of the VA Population. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2001 Mar 1; Washington, DC.
  311. Wang M, Rosen A, Kazis L, Loveland S, Berlowitz D. Correlation of Risk Adjustment Measures Based on Diagnoses and Patient Self-Reported Health Status. Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology. 2001 Feb 12; 1(3-4):351-365.
  312. Kressin N, Clark J, Whittle J, East M, Peterson E, Chang B, Rosen A, Ren X, Alley L, Kroupa L, Collins T, Petersen L. Racial Differences in Health Beliefs Among VA Cardiac Patients. Paper presented at: American Association for Dental Research Annual Meeting; 2001 Jan 5; Washington, DC.
  313. Oddone E, Brass LM, Booss J, Goldstein L, Alley L, Horner R, Rosen A, Kaplan L. Quality Enhancement Research Initiative in stroke: prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation. Medical care. 2000 Jun 1; 38(6 Suppl 1):I92-104.
  314. Rosen A, Chang B, Rakovski C, Wu J. Incorporating Missing Data Information in Modeling Facility Case-Mix Adjusted Decline Rates in Functional Status. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2000 Mar 1; Washington, DC.
  315. Rosen AB, Fowler VG, Corey GR, Downs SM, Biddle AK, Li J, Jollis JG. Cost-effectiveness of transesophageal echocardiography to determine the duration of therapy for intravascular catheter-associated Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. Annals of internal medicine. 1999 May 18; 130(10):810-20.
  316. Rosen AK, Mayer-Oakes A. Episodes of care: theoretical frameworks versus current operational realities. Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement. 1999 Mar 1; 25(3):111-28.
  317. Rosen AK, Ash AS, Rothendler JR, Loveland S. Implementing Ambulatory Care Case-Mix Measures in the VA: From Theory to Practice. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 1999 Feb 1; Washington, DC.
  318. Rosen AK, Berlowitz DR, Anderson JJ, Ash AS, Kazis LE, Moskowitz MA. Functional status outcomes for assessment of quality in long-term care. International journal for quality in health care : journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care / ISQua. 1999 Feb 1; 11(1):37-46.
  319. Wu J, Rosen AK, Berlowitz DR, Kazis LE, Ash AS, Moskowitz M. Logistic and cart modeling of decline in functional status. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 1999 Feb 1; Washington, DC.
  320. Rosen AK, Wu J, Berlowitz DR, Kazis LE, Ash A, Moskowitz M. Do different definitions of functional status outcome affect the assessment of quality in VA long-term care. Paper presented at: Health Policy Research Annual International Conference; 1998 Oct 11; Budapest, Hungary.
  321. Rosen AK, Ash AS, Geraci JM, McCarthy EP, Moskowitz MA. Postoperative adverse events of cholecystectomy in the Medicare population. American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality. 1995 Jan 1; 10(1):29-37.
  322. Geraci JM, Rosen AK, Ash AS, McNiff KJ, Moskowitz MA. Predicting the occurrence of adverse events after coronary artery bypass surgery. Annals of internal medicine. 1993 Jan 1; 118(1):18-24.
  323. Rosen AK, Geraci JM, Ash AS, McNiff KJ, Moskowitz MA. Postoperative adverse events of common surgical procedures in the Medicare population. Medical care. 1992 Sep 1; 30(9):753-65.
  324. Sorensen G, Rosen A, Pinney J, Rudolph J, Doyle N. Work-site smoking policies in small businesses. Journal of Occupational Medicine. 1991 Sep 1; 33(9):980-4.

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