My research program involved a series of longitudinal treatment outcome studies of patients with substance use and/or psychiatric disorders and their families, as well as of individuals in the community with substance use problems. Most recently, we conducted a16-year follow-up of treated and untreated individuals with alcohol use disorders and a 20-year follow-up of late-life problem drinkers.
The goal of one project was to compare treated and untreated individuals with alcohol use disorders in order to (a) estimate the effect of participation in treatment and in self-help groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous on short-, medium- and long-term alcohol-related outcomes and psychosocial functioning. The goal of the second main project was to trace the history of problem drinking among middle-aged and older adults and identify predictors of remission and non-remission.
The projects involved baseline assessments and prospective, longitudinal follow-ups at varying intervals up to more than 20 years. One project focused on the determinants of treatment entry and 1-year, 3-year, 8-year, and 16-year outcomes among initially untreated individuals with alcohol use disorders. The second project involved a 20-year follow-up of a community cohort of older women and men who were previously studied at baseline and at 1-year, 4-year, 7-year, and 10-year follow-ups.
One project focuses on the determinants of treatment entry and outcome among initially untreated
individuals with alcohol use disorders. Compared with individuals who remained untreated, individuals who sought help had better drinking-related outcomes at 1-year, 3-year, and 8-year follow-ups. Formal treatment together with participation in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was associated with better drinking outcomes than formal treatment alone. In addition, a more formal treatment, and more participation in AA, were associated with more improvement on drinking indices at both the 3-year and 8-year follow-ups. Patients who participated in AA had comparable 3-year and 8-year outcomes, but lower health care costs, than did patients seen initially in outpatient treatment.
Two other projects are examining the process and outcome of 12-step, cognitive-behavioral, and eclectic treatment for substance abuse, and evaluating the role of community residential facilities (CRFs), and the duration and amount of outpatient care, and participation in self-help groups, for patients with substance use disorders. Patients who were treated in 12-step programs improved somewhat more than did patients treated in cognitive-behavioral or eclectic programs. Further, patients who obtained longer episodes of CRF care, and those who had a longer duration of outpatient mental health care and who participated more in self-help groups, improved more than did patients with shorter episodes of formal and informal care. Four-year follow-ups of both patient groups have been completed.
A final project focuses on depressed patients and case controls who were assessed at baseline and followed one year, four years, and ten years later. Patients whose depressive symptoms remitted also reported improvements in other aspects of adjustment, as well as in personal resources such as self-confidence and coping responses. At the ten-year follow-up, patients showed improvement in symptom outcomes, the quality of social resources, and coping responses; there also were some declines in life stressors.
Natural remission may be followed by a high likelihood of relapse; thus, preventive interventions may be indicated to forestall future alcohol problems among individuals who temporarily cut down on drinking on their own. In addition, by spotlighting the extent of at-risk drinking, late-onset problem drinking, and relapse among adults of advanced age, this research should help VA health care providers more readily recognize the existence and potential for drinking problems among their oldest patients. By providing insight into reasons adults at this life stage do or do not seek help for drinking problems, and patterns of help-seeking predictive of more favorable drinking outcomes, the findings should help to provide the scientific underpinnings to promote development of more accessible and effective alcohol prevention programs for older adults.
The findings showing that both older untreated and treated remitters experience continuing deficits in their health-related functioning and life contexts suggest that obtaining basic information from older adults about their drinking problem and treatment history may aid care providers as they evaluate and address older adults' risk for health problems, depressive symptoms, and adverse medication-alcohol interactions.
The finding that older men may be more likely than older women to experience problems when they drink beyond guideline levels suggests that alcohol guidelines for men should not be set higher than those for women. The finding that older adults who have more health problems and rely on alcohol to manage pain are at elevated risk for drinking problems suggests that health care providers should target high-risk older adults, such as those who drink to reduce pain, for screening and brief interventions to help them identify new ways to cope with pain and curtail their drinking.
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Grant Number: IK6RX002991-01
Journal Articles
- Ouimette PC, Finney JW, Gima K, Moos RH. A comparative evaluation of substance abuse treatment III. Examining mechanisms underlying patient-treatment matching hypotheses for 12-step and cognitive-behavioral treatments for substance abuse. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 1999 Mar 1; 23(3):545-51. [view]
- Ouimette PC, Gima K, Moos RH, Finney JW. A comparative evaluation of substance abuse treatment IV. The effect of comorbid psychiatric diagnoses on amount of treatment, continuing care, and 1-year outcomes. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 1999 Mar 1; 23(3):552-7. [view]
- Moos RH, Finney JW, Ouimette PC, Suchinsky RT. A comparative evaluation of substance abuse treatment: I. Treatment orientation, amount of care, and 1-year outcomes. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 1999 Mar 1; 23(3):529-36. [view]
- Finney JW, Moos RH, Humphreys K. A comparative evaluation of substance abuse treatment: II. Linking proximal outcomes of 12-step and cognitive-behavioral treatment to substance use outcomes. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 1999 Mar 1; 23(3):537-44. [view]
- Humphreys K, Huebsch PD, Finney JW, Moos RH. A comparative evaluation of substance abuse treatment: V. Substance abuse treatment can enhance the effectiveness of self-help groups. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 1999 Mar 1; 23(3):558-63. [view]
- Schutte KK, Nichols KA, Brennan PL, Moos RH. A ten-year follow-up of older former problem drinkers: risk of relapse and implications of successfully sustained remission. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2003 May 1; 64(3):367-74. [view]
- Gifford EV, Ritsher JB, McKellar JD, Moos RH. Acceptance and relationship context: a model of substance use disorder treatment outcome. Addiction. 2006 Aug 1; 101(8):1167-77. [view]
- Moos RH. Active ingredients of substance use-focused self-help groups. Addiction. 2008 Mar 1; 103(3):387-96. [view]
- Moos RH. Addictive disorders in context: principles and puzzles of effective treatment and recovery. Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. 2003 Mar 1; 17(1):3-12. [view]
- Humphreys K, Huebsch PD, Moos RH, Suchinsky RT. Alcohol & drug abuse: the transformation of the Veterans Affairs substance abuse treatment system. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 1999 Nov 1; 50(11):1399-401. [view]
- Lillis J, Gifford E, Humphreys K, Moos R. Assessing spirituality/religiosity in the treatment environment: the Treatment Spirituality/Religiosity Scale. Journal of substance abuse treatment. 2008 Dec 1; 35(4):427-33. [view]
- Levin C, Ilgen M, Moos R. Avoidance coping strategies moderate the relationship between self-efficacy and 5-year alcohol treatment outcomes. Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. 2007 Mar 1; 21(1):108-13. [view]
- Harris AH, Finney JW, Moos RH. Baseline Abstinence Status May Moderate Intervention Effects. Journal of drug issues. 2010 Jan 1; 40(1):141-154. [view]
- Humphreys K, Moos R. Can encouraging substance abuse patients to participate in self-help groups reduce demand for health care? A quasi-experimental study. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 2001 May 1; 25(5):711-6. [view]
- Chung T, Langenbucher J, Labouvie E, Pandina RJ, Moos RH. Changes in alcoholic patients' coping responses predict 12-month treatment outcomes. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 2001 Feb 1; 69(1):92-100. [view]
- Oser ML, McKellar J, Moos BS, Moos RH. Changes in ambivalence mediate the relation between entering treatment and change in alcohol use and problems. Addictive Behaviors. 2010 Apr 1; 35(4):367-9. [view]
- Timko C, Cronkite RC, Swindle R, Robinson RL, Moos RH. Characteristics of depressed and nondepressed adult offspring of depressed and matched nondepressed parents. Journal of affective disorders. 2009 Feb 1; 113(1-2):56-65. [view]
- Timko C, Cronkite RC, Berg EA, Moos RH. Children of parents with unipolar depression: a comparison of stably remitted, partially remitted, and nonremitted parents and nondepressed controls. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 2002 Mar 1; 32(3):165-85. [view]
- Timko C, Kaplowitz MS, Moos RH. Children's health and child-parent relationships as predictors of problem-drinking mothers' and fathers' long-term adaptation. Journal of substance abuse. 2000 Jan 1; 11(1):103-21. [view]
- Rosen CS, Henson BR, Finney JW, Moos RH. Consistency of self-administered and interview-based Addiction Severity Index composite scores. Addiction. 2000 Mar 1; 95(3):419-25. [view]
- Ilgen MA, Hu KU, Moos RH, McKellar J. Continuing care after inpatient psychiatric treatment for patients with psychiatric and substance use disorders. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 2008 Sep 1; 59(9):982-8. [view]
- Moos R. Conversation with Rudolf Moos. Addiction. 2008 Jan 1; 103(1):13-23. [view]
- Beutler LE, Moos RH. Coping and coping styles in personality and treatment planning: introduction to the special series. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2003 Oct 1; 59(10):1045-7. [view]
- Tiet QQ, Rosen C, Cavella S, Moos RH, Finney JW, Yesavage J. Coping, symptoms, and functioning outcomes of patients with posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of traumatic stress. 2006 Dec 1; 19(6):799-811. [view]
- Beutler LE, Moos RH, Lane G. Coping, treatment planning, and treatment outcome: discussion. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2003 Oct 1; 59(10):1151-67. [view]
- Venner KL, Matzger H, Forcehimes AA, Moos RH, Feldstein SW, Willenbring ML, Weisner C. Course of recovery from alcoholism. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 2006 Jun 1; 30(6):1079-90. [view]
- Otte C, Marmar CR, Pipkin SS, Moos R, Browner WS, Whooley MA. Depression and 24-hour urinary cortisol in medical outpatients with coronary heart disease: The Heart and Soul Study. Biological psychiatry. 2004 Aug 15; 56(4):241-7. [view]
- Kimerling R, Ouimette PC, Cronkite RC, Moos RH. Depression and outpatient medical utilization: a naturalistic 10-year follow-up. Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. 1999 Oct 1; 21(4):317-21. [view]
- Holahan CJ, Pahl SA, Cronkite RC, Holahan CK, North RJ, Moos RH. Depression and vulnerability to incident physical illness across 10 years. Journal of affective disorders. 2010 Jun 1; 123(1-3):222-9. [view]
- Kenney BA, Holahan CJ, Holahan CK, Holahan CK, Holahan CK, Brennan PL, Schutte KK, Moos RH. Depressive symptoms, drinking problems, and smoking cessation in older smokers. Addictive Behaviors. 2009 Jun 1; 34(6-7):548-53. [view]
- Whooley MA, de Jonge P, Vittinghoff E, Otte C, Moos R, Carney RM, Ali S, Dowray S, Na B, Feldman MD, Schiller NB, Browner WS. Depressive symptoms, health behaviors, and risk of cardiovascular events in patients with coronary heart disease. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association. 2008 Nov 26; 300(20):2379-88. [view]
- Ilgen M, Moos R. Deterioration following alcohol-use disorder treatment in project MATCH. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2005 Jul 1; 66(4):517-25. [view]
- Yanos PT, Moos RH. Determinants of functioning and well-being among individuals with schizophrenia: an integrated model. Clinical Psychology Review. 2007 Jan 1; 27(1):58-77. [view]
- Timko C, Moos RH. Determinants of the treatment climate in psychiatric and substance abuse programs: implications for improving patient outcomes. The Journal of nervous and mental disease. 1998 Feb 1; 186(2):96-103. [view]
- Moos RH, Holahan CJ. Dispositional and contextual perspectives on coping: toward an integrative framework. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2003 Dec 1; 59(12):1387-403. [view]
- Holahan CJ, Moos RH, Holahan CK, Cronkite RC, Randall PK. Drinking to cope and alcohol use and abuse in unipolar depression: a 10-year model. Journal of abnormal psychology. 2003 Feb 1; 112(1):159-65. [view]
- Holahan CJ, Moos RH, Holahan CK, Cronkite RC, Randall PK. Drinking to cope, emotional distress and alcohol use and abuse: a ten-year model. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2001 Mar 1; 62(2):190-8. [view]
- Kelly JF, Moos R. Dropout from 12-step self-help groups: prevalence, predictors, and counteracting treatment influences. Journal of substance abuse treatment. 2003 Apr 1; 24(3):241-50. [view]
- Moggi F, Ouimette PC, Moos RH, Finney JW. Dual diagnosis patients in substance abuse treatment: relationship of general coping and substance-specific coping to 1-year outcomes. Addiction. 1999 Dec 1; 94(12):1805-16. [view]
- Boden MT, Moos R. Dually diagnosed patients' responses to substance use disorder treatment. Journal of substance abuse treatment. 2009 Dec 1; 37(4):335-45. [view]
- Ouimette PC, Ahrens C, Moos RH, Finney JW. During treatment changes in substance abuse patients with posttraumatic stress disorder. The influence of specific interventions and program environments. Journal of substance abuse treatment. 1998 Nov 1; 15(6):555-64. [view]
- Trafton J, Barnett P, Finney J, Moos RH, Willenbring M, Humphreys K. Effective Treatment of Opioid Dependence. VA Practice Matters. 2001 Jun 1; 6:1-6. [view]
- Moggi F, Ouimette PC, Finney JW, Moos RH. Effectiveness of treatment for substance abuse and dependence for dual diagnosis patients: a model of treatment factors associated with one-year outcomes. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 1999 Nov 1; 60(6):856-66. [view]
- Brennan PL, Kagay CR, Geppert JJ, Moos RH. Elderly Medicare inpatients with substance use disorders: characteristics and predictors of hospital readmissions over a four-year interval. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2000 Nov 1; 61(6):891-5. [view]
- Humphreys K, Moos RH. Encouraging posttreatment self-help group involvement to reduce demand for continuing care services: two-year clinical and utilization outcomes. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 2007 Jan 1; 31(1):64-8. [view]
- Johnson JE, Finney JW, Moos RH. End-of-treatment outcomes in cognitive-behavioral treatment and 12-step substance use treatment programs: do they differ and do they predict 1-year outcomes? Journal of substance abuse treatment. 2006 Jul 1; 31(1):41-50. [view]
- Moos RH, Humphreys K, Ouimette PC, Finney J. Evaluating and improving VA substance abuse patients' care. American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality. 1999 Jan 1; 14(1):45-54. [view]
- Finney JW, Noyes CA, Coutts AI, Moos RH. Evaluating substance abuse treatment process models: I. Changes on proximal outcome variables during 12-step and cognitive-behavioral treatment. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 1998 Jul 1; 59(4):371-80. [view]
- Ilgen MA, Moos RH. Exacerbation of psychiatric symptoms during substance use disorder treatment. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 2006 Dec 1; 57(12):1758-64. [view]
- Moos RH, Cronkite RC, Moos BS. Family and extrafamily resources and the 10-year course of treated depression. Journal of abnormal psychology. 1998 Aug 1; 107(3):450-60. [view]
- North RJ, Holahan CJ, Moos RH, Cronkite RC. Family support, family income, and happiness: a 10-year perspective. Journal of Family Psychology. 2008 Jun 1; 22(3):475-83. [view]
- Piette JD, Barnett PG, Moos RH. First-time admissions with alcohol-related medical problems: a 10-year follow-up of a national sample of alcoholic patients. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 1998 Jan 1; 59(1):89-96. [view]
- Timko C, Cronkite RC, Swindle R, Robinson RL, Turrubiartes P, Moos RH. Functioning status of adult children of depressed parents: a 23-year follow-up. Psychological medicine. 2008 Mar 1; 38(3):343-52. [view]
- Timko C, Moos BS, Moos RH. Gender differences in 16-year trends in assault- and police-related problems due to drinking. Addictive Behaviors. 2009 Sep 1; 34(9):744-50. [view]
- Timko C, Moos RH, Finney JW, Connell EG. Gender differences in help-utilization and the 8-year course of alcohol abuse. Addiction. 2002 Jul 1; 97(7):877-89. [view]
- Skaff MM, Finney JW, Moos RH. Gender differences in problem drinking and depression: different "vulnerabilities?". American journal of community psychology. 1999 Feb 1; 27(1):25-54. [view]
- Lemke S, Schutte KK, Brennan PL, Moos RH. Gender differences in social influences and stressors linked to increased drinking. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs. 2008 Sep 1; 69(5):695-702. [view]
- Moos RH, Moos BS, Timko C. Gender, treatment and self-help in remission from alcohol use disorders. Clinical Medicine & Research. 2006 Sep 1; 4(3):163-74. [view]
- Moos RH, McCoy L, Moos BS. Global assessment of functioning (GAF) ratings: determinants and role as predictors of one-year treatment outcomes. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2000 Apr 1; 56(4):449-61. [view]
- Moos RH, Nichol AC, Moos BS. Global Assessment of Functioning ratings and the allocation and outcomes of mental health services. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 2002 Jun 1; 53(6):730-7. [view]
- Moos RH, Moos BS. Help-seeking careers: connections between participation in professional treatment and Alcoholics Anonymous. Journal of substance abuse treatment. 2004 Apr 1; 26(3):167-73. [view]
- Moos RH, Brennan PL, Schutte KK, Moos BS. High-risk alcohol consumption and late-life alcohol use problems. American journal of public health. 2004 Nov 1; 94(11):1985-91. [view]
- Moos RH. How and why twelve-step self-help groups are effective. Recent developments in alcoholism : an official publication of the American Medical Society on Alcoholism, the Research Society on Alcoholism, and the National Council on Alcoholism. 2008 Jan 1; 18:393-412. [view]
- Rosen CS, Chow HC, Greenbaum MA, Finney JF, Moos RH, Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. How well are clinicians following dementia practice guidelines? Alzheimer disease and associated disorders. 2002 Jan 1; 16(1):15-23. [view]
- Moos RH. Iatrogenic effects of psychosocial interventions for substance use disorders: prevalence, predictors, prevention. Addiction. 2005 May 1; 100(5):595-604. [view]
- Finney JW, Willenbring ML, Moos RH. Improving the quality of VA care for patients with substance-use disorders: the Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) substance abuse module. Medical care. 2000 Jun 1; 38(6 Suppl 1):I105-13. [view]
- Mankowski ES, Humphreys K, Moos RH. Individual and contextual predictors of involvement in twelve-step self-help groups after substance abuse treatment. American journal of community psychology. 2001 Aug 1; 29(4):537-63. [view]
- Ouimette PC, Moos RH, Finney JW. Influence of outpatient treatment and 12-step group involvement on one-year substance abuse treatment outcomes. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 1998 Sep 1; 59(5):513-22. [view]
- Moos RH, Finney JW, Moos BS. Inpatient substance abuse care and the outcome of subsequent community residential and outpatient care. Addiction. 2000 Jun 1; 95(6):833-46. [view]
- Bernstein A, Zvolensky MJ, Vujanovic AA, Moos R. Integrating anxiety sensitivity, distress tolerance, and discomfort intolerance: a hierarchical model of affect sensitivity and tolerance. Behavior Therapy. 2009 Sep 1; 40(3):291-301. [view]
- Fondacaro M, Frogner B, Moos R. Justice in health care decision-making: patients' appraisals of health care providers and health plan representatives. Social Justice Research. 2005 Mar 1; 18(1):63-81. [view]
- Moos RH, Schutte KK, Brennan PL, Moos BS. Late-life and life history predictors of older adults' high-risk alcohol consumption and drinking problems. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2010 Apr 1; 108(1-2):13-20. [view]
- Cronkite RC, Moos RH, Twohey J, Cohen C, Swindle R. Life circumstances and personal resources as predictors of the ten-year course of depression. American journal of community psychology. 1998 Apr 1; 26(2):255-80. [view]
- Moos RH, Moos BS. Life context and coping as determinants of healthy adjustment and dysfunction. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology. 1999 Oct 1; 26(1):24-34. [view]
- Moos RH. Life stressors, social resources, and coping skills in youth: applications to adolescents with chronic disorders. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine. 2002 Apr 1; 30(4 Suppl):22-9. [view]
- Moos RH, Moos BS. Long-term influence of duration and frequency of participation in alcoholics anonymous on individuals with alcohol use disorders. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 2004 Feb 1; 72(1):81-90. [view]
- Moos RH, Moos BS. Long-term influence of duration and intensity of treatment on previously untreated individuals with alcohol use disorders. Addiction. 2003 Mar 1; 98(3):325-37. [view]
- Timko C, Moos RH, Finney JW, Lesar MD. Long-term outcomes of alcohol use disorders: comparing untreated individuals with those in alcoholics anonymous and formal treatment. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2000 Jul 1; 61(4):529-40. [view]
- Brennan PL, Schutte KK, Moos RH. Long-Term Patterns and Predictors of Successful Stressor Resolution in Later Life. International Journal of Stress Management. 2006 Aug 1; 13(3):253-272. [view]
- Holahan CJ, Moos RH, Holahan CK, Cronkite RC. Long-term posttreatment functioning among patients with unipolar depression: an integrative model. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 2000 Apr 1; 68(2):226-32. [view]
- Timko C, Moos RH, Finney JW, Moos BS, Kaplowitz MS. Long-term treatment careers and outcomes of previously untreated alcoholics. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 1999 Jul 1; 60(4):437-47. [view]
- Brennan PL, Nichols KA, Moos RH. Long-term use of VA mental health services by older patients with substance use disorders. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 2002 Jul 1; 53(7):836-41. [view]
- Kelly JF, McKellar JD, Moos R. Major depression in patients with substance use disorders: relationship to 12-Step self-help involvement and substance use outcomes. Addiction. 2003 Apr 1; 98(4):499-508. [view]
- Bonn-Miller MO, Moos RH. Marijuana discontinuation, anxiety symptoms, and relapse to marijuana. Addictive Behaviors. 2009 Sep 1; 34(9):782-5. [view]
- Finney JW, Moos RH. Matching clients' treatment goals with treatment oriented towards abstinence, moderation or harm reduction. Addiction. 2006 Nov 1; 101(11):1540-2. [view]
- Timko C, Sempel JM, Moos RH. Models of standard and intensive outpatient care in substance abuse and psychiatric treatment. Administration and policy in mental health. 2003 May 1; 30(5):417-36. [view]
- Moos RH, Schutte KK, Brennan PL, Moos BS. Older adults' alcohol consumption and late-life drinking problems: a 20-year perspective. Addiction. 2009 Aug 1; 104(8):1293-302. [view]
- Moos RH, Brennan PL, Schutte KK, Moos BS. Older adults' coping with negative life events: common processes of managing health, interpersonal, and financial/work stressors. International journal of aging & human development. 2006 Jan 1; 62(1):39-59. [view]
- Moos RH, Brennan PL, Schutte KK, Moos BS. Older adults' health and changes in late-life drinking patterns. Aging & mental health. 2005 Jan 1; 9(1):49-59. [view]
- Moos RH, Brennan PL, Schutte KK, Moos BS. Older adults' health and late-life drinking patterns: a 20-year perspective. Aging & mental health. 2010 Jan 1; 14(1):33-43. [view]
- Brennan PL, Nichol AC, Moos RH. Older and younger patients with substance use disorders: outpatient mental health service use and functioning over a 12-month interval. Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. 2003 Mar 1; 17(1):42-8. [view]
- Lemke S, Moos RH. Outcomes at 1 and 5 years for older patients with alcohol use disorders. Journal of substance abuse treatment. 2003 Jan 1; 24(1):43-50. [view]
- Moos RH, Moos BS, Andrassy JM. Outcomes of four treatment approaches in community residential programs for patients with substance use disorders. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 1999 Dec 1; 50(12):1577-83. [view]
- Ilgen MA, Tiet Q, Moos R. Outcomes of substance use disorder treatment in suicidal and nonsuicidal male patients. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2004 Sep 1; 65(5):643-50. [view]
- Timko C, Moos RH. Outcomes of the treatment climate in psychiatric and substance abuse programs. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 1998 Dec 1; 54(8):1137-50. [view]
- Moos R, Schaefer J, Andrassy J, Moos B. Outpatient mental health care, self-help groups, and patients' one-year treatment outcomes. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2001 Mar 1; 57(3):273-87. [view]
- Brennan PL, Schutte KK, Moos RH. Pain and use of alcohol to manage pain: prevalence and 3-year outcomes among older problem and non-problem drinkers. Addiction. 2005 Jun 1; 100(6):777-86. [view]
- Timko C, Cronkite RC, Swindle R, Robinson RL, Sutkowi A, Moos RH. Parental depression as a moderator of secondary deficits of depression in adult offspring. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 2009 Dec 1; 40(4):575-88. [view]
- Forys K, McKellar J, Moos R. Participation in specific treatment components predicts alcohol-specific and general coping skills. Addictive Behaviors. 2007 Aug 1; 32(8):1669-80. [view]
- Moos RH, Moos BS. Participation in treatment and Alcoholics Anonymous: a 16-year follow-up of initially untreated individuals. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2006 Jun 1; 62(6):735-50. [view]
- Moos RH, Moos BS. Paths of entry into alcoholics anonymous: consequences for participation and remission. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 2005 Oct 1; 29(10):1858-68. [view]
- McKellar JD, Harris AH, Moos RH. Patients' abstinence status affects the benefits of 12-step self-help group participation on substance use disorder outcomes. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2009 Jan 1; 99(1-3):115-22. [view]
- Timko C, Sutkowi A, Moos R. Patients with dual diagnoses or substance use disorders only: 12-step group participation and 1-year outcomes. Substance use & misuse. 2010 Mar 1; 45(4):613-27. [view]
- Moggi F, Giovanoli A, Buri C, Moos BS, Moos RH. Patients with substance use and personality disorders: a comparison of patient characteristics, treatment process, and outcomes in Swiss and U.S. substance use disorder programs. The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse. 2010 Jan 1; 36(1):66-72. [view]
- Ilgen M, McKellar J, Moos R. Personal and treatment-related predictors of abstinence self-efficacy. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2007 Jan 1; 68(1):126-32. [view]
- Harris AH, Cronkite R, Moos R. Physical activity, exercise coping, and depression in a 10-year cohort study of depressed patients. Journal of affective disorders. 2006 Jul 1; 93(1-3):79-85. [view]
- Rosen CS, Ouimette PC, Sheikh JI, Gregg JA, Moos RH. Physical and sexual abuse history and addiction treatment outcomes. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2002 Nov 1; 63(6):683-7. [view]
- Ouimette P, Cronkite R, Henson BR, Prins A, Gima K, Moos RH. Posttraumatic stress disorder and health status among female and male medical patients. Journal of traumatic stress. 2004 Feb 1; 17(1):1-9. [view]
- Ouimette P, Cronkite R, Prins A, Moos RH. Posttraumatic stress disorder, anger and hostility, and physical health status. The Journal of nervous and mental disease. 2004 Aug 1; 192(8):563-6. [view]
- Schutte KK, Brennan PL, Moos RH. Predicting the development of late-life late-onset drinking problems: a 7-year prospective study. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 1998 Sep 1; 22(6):1349-58. [view]
- Brennan PL, Kagay CR, Geppert JJ, Moos RH. Predictors and outcomes of outpatient mental health care: a 4-year prospective study of elderly Medicare patients with substance use disorders. Medical care. 2001 Jan 1; 39(1):39-49. [view]
- Timko C, Debenedetti A, Moos BS, Moos RH. Predictors of 16-year mortality among individuals initiating help-seeking for an alcoholic use disorder. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 2006 Oct 1; 30(10):1711-20. [view]
- Laffaye C, McKellar JD, Ilgen MA, Moos RH. Predictors of 4-year outcome of community residential treatment for patients with substance use disorders. Addiction. 2008 Apr 1; 103(4):671-80. [view]
- Johnson JE, Finney JW, Moos RH. Predictors of 5-year mortality following inpatient/residential group treatment for substance use disorders. Addictive Behaviors. 2005 Aug 1; 30(7):1300-16. [view]
- Ilgen MA, Harris AH, Moos RH, Tiet QQ. Predictors of a suicide attempt one year after entry into substance use disorder treatment. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 2007 Apr 1; 31(4):635-42. [view]
- McKellar J, Ilgen M, Moos BS, Moos R. Predictors of changes in alcohol-related self-efficacy over 16 years. Journal of substance abuse treatment. 2008 Sep 1; 35(2):148-55. [view]
- Moos RH, Moos BS, Finney JW. Predictors of deterioration among patients with substance-use disorders. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2001 Dec 1; 57(12):1403-19. [view]
- Timko C, Ilgen M, Moos R. Predictors of dually diagnosed patients' psychiatric symptom exacerbation during acute substance use disorder treatment. Journal of Dual Diagnosis. 2007 Oct 1; 4(1):55-74. [view]
- Harris AH, McKellar JD, Moos RH, Schaefer JA, Cronkite RC. Predictors of engagement in continuing care following residential substance use disorder treatment. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2006 Sep 1; 84(1):93-101. [view]
- McKellar JD, Harris AH, Moos RH. Predictors of outcome for patients with substance-use disorders five years after treatment dropout. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2006 Sep 1; 67(5):685-93. [view]
- Schutte KK, Moos RH, Brennan PL. Predictors of untreated remission from late-life drinking problems. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2006 May 1; 67(3):354-62. [view]
- McKellar J, Kelly J, Harris A, Moos R. Pretreatment and during treatment risk factors for dropout among patients with substance use disorders. Addictive Behaviors. 2006 Mar 1; 31(3):450-60. [view]
- Ilgen MA, Wilbourne PL, Moos BS, Moos RH. Problem-free drinking over 16 years among individuals with alcohol use disorders. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2008 Jan 1; 92(1-3):116-22. [view]
- Lemke S, Moos RH. Prognosis of older patients in mixed-age alcoholism treatment programs. Journal of substance abuse treatment. 2002 Jan 1; 22(1):33-43. [view]
- Moos RH, Moos BS. Protective resources and long-term recovery from alcohol use disorders. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2007 Jan 5; 86(1):46-54. [view]
- Ritsher JB, McKellar JD, Finney JW, Otilingam PG, Moos RH. Psychiatric comorbidity, continuing care and mutual help as predictors of five-year remission from substance use disorders. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2002 Nov 1; 63(6):709-15. [view]
- Ouimette P, Moos RH, Finney JW. PTSD treatment and 5-year remission among patients with substance use and posttraumatic stress disorders. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 2003 Apr 1; 71(2):410-4. [view]
- Moos RH, Moos BS. Rates and predictors of relapse after natural and treated remission from alcohol use disorders. Addiction. 2006 Feb 1; 101(2):212-22. [view]
- Tiet QQ, Finney JW, Moos RH. Recent sexual abuse, physical abuse, and suicide attempts among male veterans seeking psychiatric treatment. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 2006 Jan 1; 57(1):107-13. [view]
- Brennan PL, Schutte KK, Moos RH. Reciprocal relations between stressors and drinking behavior: a three-wave panel study of late middle-aged and older women and men. Addiction. 1999 May 1; 94(5):737-49. [view]
- Ritsher JB, Moos RH, Finney JW. Relationship of treatment orientation and continuing care to remission among substance abuse patients. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 2002 May 1; 53(5):595-601. [view]
- Lemke S, Moos RH. Residential alternatives for older Americans. Journal of architectural and planning research. 2001 Oct 1; 18:194-207. [view]
- Holahan CJ, Moos RH, Holahan CK, Cronkite RC. Resource loss, resource gain, and depressive symptoms: a 10-year model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1999 Sep 1; 77(3):620-9. [view]
- Brennan PL, Schutte KK, Moos RH. Retired status and older adults' 10-year drinking trajectories. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs. 2010 Mar 1; 71(2):165-8. [view]
- Moos RH, Moos BS. Risk factors for nonremission among initially untreated individuals with alcohol use disorders. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2003 Jul 1; 64(4):555-63. [view]
- Swindle RW, Cronkite RC, Moos RH. Risk factors for sustained nonremission of depressive symptoms: a 4-year follow-up. The Journal of nervous and mental disease. 1998 Aug 1; 186(8):462-9. [view]
- Moos RH, Nichol AC, Moos BS. Risk factors for symptom exacerbation among treated patients with substance use disorders. Addiction. 2002 Jan 1; 97(1):75-85. [view]
- Tiet QQ, Finney JW, Moos RH. Screening psychiatric patients for illicit drug use disorders and problems. Clinical Psychology Review. 2008 Apr 1; 28(4):578-91. [view]
- Ilgen M, Tiet Q, Finney J, Moos RH. Self-efficacy, therapeutic alliance, and alcohol-use disorder treatment outcomes. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2006 May 1; 67(3):465-72. [view]
- Ouimette P, Humphreys K, Moos RH, Finney JW, Cronkite R, Federman B. Self-help group participation among substance use disorder patients with posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of substance abuse treatment. 2001 Jan 1; 20(1):25-32. [view]
- Lemke S, Schutte KK, Brennan PL, Moos RH. Sequencing the lifetime onset of alcohol-related symptoms in older adults: is there evidence of disease progression? Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2005 Nov 1; 66(6):756-65. [view]
- Moos RH, Moos BS. Sixteen-year changes and stable remission among treated and untreated individuals with alcohol use disorders. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2005 Dec 12; 80(3):337-47. [view]
- Moos RH. Social contexts: transcending their power and their fragility. American journal of community psychology. 2003 Mar 1; 31(1-2):1-13. [view]
- Moos RH, Finney JW, Federman EB, Suchinsky R. Specialty mental health care improves patients' outcomes: findings from a nationwide program to monitor the quality of care for patients with substance use disorders. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2000 Sep 1; 61(5):704-13. [view]
- Carrico AW, Gifford EV, Moos RH. Spirituality/religiosity promotes acceptance-based responding and 12-step involvement. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2007 Jun 15; 89(1):66-73. [view]
- Holahan CJ, Moos RH, Moerkbak ML, Cronkite RC, Holahan CK, Kenney BA. Spousal similarity in coping and depressive symptoms over 10 years. Journal of Family Psychology. 2007 Dec 1; 21(4):551-9. [view]
- Holahan CJ, Moos RH, Holahan CK, Brennan PL, Schutte KK. Stress generation, avoidance coping, and depressive symptoms: a 10-year model. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 2005 Aug 1; 73(4):658-66. [view]
- Kelly JF, Finney JW, Moos R. Substance use disorder patients who are mandated to treatment: characteristics, treatment process, and 1- and 5-year outcomes. Journal of substance abuse treatment. 2005 Apr 1; 28(3):213-23. [view]
- Moggi F, Giovanoli A, Strik W, Moos BS, Moos RH. Substance use disorder treatment programs in Switzerland and the USA: Program characteristics and 1-year outcomes. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2007 Jan 5; 86(1):75-83. [view]
- Ilgen MA, Jain A, Lucas E, Moos RH. Substance use-disorder treatment and a decline in attempted suicide during and after treatment. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2007 Jul 1; 68(4):503-9. [view]
- Schutte KK, Byrne FE, Brennan PL, Moos RH. Successful remission of late-life drinking problems: a 10-year follow-up. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2001 May 1; 62(3):322-34. [view]
- Tiet QQ, Ilgen MA, Byrnes HF, Moos RH. Suicide attempts among substance use disorder patients: an initial step toward a decision tree for suicide management. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 2006 Jun 1; 30(6):998-1005. [view]
- Timko C, Moos RH. Symptom severity, amount of treatment, and 1-year outcomes among dual diagnosis patients. Administration and policy in mental health. 2002 Sep 1; 30(1):35-54. [view]
- Moos RH, Cronkite RC. Symptom-based predictors of a 10-year chronic course of treated depression. The Journal of nervous and mental disease. 1999 Jun 1; 187(6):360-8. [view]
- Moos RH, Schutte K, Brennan P, Moos BS. Ten-year patterns of alcohol consumption and drinking problems among older women and men. Addiction. 2004 Jul 1; 99(7):829-38. [view]
- Timko C, Finney JW, Moos RH. The 8-year course of alcohol abuse: gender differences in social context and coping. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 2005 Apr 1; 29(4):612-21. [view]
- Periyakoil VS, Kraemer HC, Noda A, Moos R, Hallenbeck J, Webster M, Yesavage JA. The development and initial validation of the Terminally Ill Grief or Depression Scale (TIGDS). International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. 2005 Oct 1; 14(4):202-12. [view]
- Tracy SW, Kelly JF, Moos RH. The influence of partner status, relationship quality and relationship stability on outcomes following intensive substance-use disorder treatment. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2005 Jul 1; 66(4):497-505. [view]
- Moos RH, Moos BS. The interplay between help-seeking and alcohol-related outcomes: divergent processes for professional treatment and self-help groups. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2004 Aug 16; 75(2):155-64. [view]
- Moos RH, Schutte KK, Brennan PL, Moos BS. The interplay between life stressors and depressive symptoms among older adults. The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences. 2005 Jul 1; 60(4):P199-206. [view]
- Moos RH, Cronkite RC, Moos BS. The long-term interplay between family and extrafamily resources and depression. Journal of Family Psychology. 1999 Sep 1; 12(3):326-343. [view]
- Moos RH. The mystery of human context and coping: an unraveling of clues. American journal of community psychology. 2002 Feb 1; 30(1):67-88. [view]
- Moos RH, Moos BS. The social climate of families: Predictors of adaptation among distressed youth and adults. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2000 Oct 1; 27(1):34-47. [view]
- Moos RH, Moos BS. The staff workplace and the quality and outcome of substance abuse treatment. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 1998 Jan 1; 59(1):43-51. [view]
- Holland JM, Schutte KK, Brennan PL, Moos RH. The structure of late-life depressive symptoms across a 20-year span: a taxometric investigation. Psychology and aging. 2010 Mar 1; 25(1):142-56. [view]
- Moos RH. Theory-based active ingredients of effective treatments for substance use disorders. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2007 May 11; 88(2-3):109-21. [view]
- Moos RH. Theory-based processes that promote the remission of substance use disorders. Clinical Psychology Review. 2007 Jun 1; 27(5):537-51. [view]
- Ilgen MA, McKellar J, Moos R, Finney JW. Therapeutic alliance and the relationship between motivation and treatment outcomes in patients with alcohol use disorder. Journal of substance abuse treatment. 2006 Sep 1; 31(2):157-62. [view]
- Moos RH, Moos BS. Treated and untreated alcohol-use disorders: course and predictors of remission and relapse. Evaluation Review. 2007 Dec 1; 31(6):564-84. [view]
- Schutte KK, Brennan PL, Moos RH. Treated and untreated remission from problem drinking in late life: post-remission functioning and health-related quality of life. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2009 Jan 1; 99(1-3):150-9. [view]
- Lemke S, Moos RH. Treatment and outcomes of older patients with alcohol use disorders in community residential programs. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2003 Mar 1; 64(2):219-26. [view]
- Timko C, Dixon K, Moos RH. Treatment for dual diagnosis patients in the psychiatric and substance abuse systems. Mental health services research. 2005 Dec 1; 7(4):229-42. [view]
- Blonigen DM, Timko C, Moos BS, Moos RH. Treatment, alcoholics anonymous, and 16-year changes in impulsivity and legal problems among men and women with alcohol use disorders. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs. 2009 Sep 1; 70(5):714-25. [view]
- Timko C, Lesar M, Calvi NJ, Moos RH. Trends in acute mental health care: comparing psychiatric and substance abuse treatment programs. The journal of behavioral health services & research. 2003 Apr 1; 30(2):145-60. [view]
- Ouimette PC, Moos RH, Finney JW. Two-year mental health service use and course of remission in patients with substance use and posttraumatic stress disorders. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2000 Mar 1; 61(2):247-53. [view]
- Moos RH. Understanding the quality and outcome of treatment. Substance use & misuse. 1998 Dec 1; 33(14):2789-94. [view]
- Holahan CJ, Moos RH, Holahan CK, Cronkite RC, Randall PK. Unipolar depression, life context vulnerabilities, and drinking to cope. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 2004 Apr 1; 72(2):269-75. [view]
- Lemke S, Brennan PL, Schutte KK, Moos RH. Upward pressures on drinking: exposure and reactivity in adulthood. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 2007 May 1; 68(3):437-45. [view]
- Rosen CS, Chow HC, Finney JF, Greenbaum MA, Moos RH, Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA. VA practice patterns and practice guidelines for treating posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of traumatic stress. 2004 Jun 1; 17(3):213-22. [view]
Journal Other
- Moos RH. Context and mechanisms of reactivity to assessment and treatment. Addiction. 2008 Feb 1; 103(2):249-50. [view]
- Gossop M, Moos R. Substance misuse among older adults: a neglected but treatable problem. Addiction. 2008 Mar 1; 103(3):347-8. [view]
- Moos R. Coping Responses Inventory: An update on research applications and validity. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources; 2004. [view]
- Moos R. The Social Climate Scales: A User's Guide. 3rd ed. Redwood City, CA: Mind Garden; 2003. [view]
Book Chapters
- Finney J, Ouimette PC, Humphreys K, Moos RH. A comparative, process-effectiveness evaluation of VA substance abuse treatment. In: Galanter M, editor. Recent Developments in Alcoholism (Vol. 15): Services Research in the Era of Managed Care. New York, NY: Kluwer Academic; 2001. 373-391 p. [view]
- Moos, Holahan CJ. Adaptive Tasks and Methods of Coping with Illness and Disability. In: Coping with Chronic Illness and Disability. New York, NY: Springer; 2007. Chapter 6. 107-126 p. [view]
- Shaefer J, Moos RH. Bereavement experiences and personal growth. In: Stroebe M, Hansson R, Stroebe W, Schut H, editors. Handbook of bereavement research: Consequences, coping, & care. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.; 2000. [view]
- Moos R. Characteristics of effective treatment environments: A process-outcome model for research on therapeutic communities. In: Lees J, Manning N, Menzies D, Morant N, editors. A Culture of Enquiry: Research Evidence and the Therapeutic Community. London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers; 2003. Chapter 7. 120-133 p. [view]
- Holahan C, Moos R, Ragan J. Community Studies. In: Fink G, editor. Encyclopedia of Stress. Academic Press; 2000. 501-507 p. [view]
- Holahan CJ, Moos R, Groesz LM. Community studies of life stressors and adaptation. In: Encyclopedia of Stress. Oxford, United Kingdom: Academic Press; 2007. 536-541 p. [view]
- Timko C, Moos RH. Creating and maintaining therapeutic environments in mental health settings. In: Campling P, Davies S, Farquharson G, editors. Creating and maintaining therapeutic environments in mental health settings. United Kingdom: Gaskel Press, Royal College of Psychiatrists; 2002. [view]
- Chun C, Moos RH, Cronkite RC. Culture: A fundamental contest for the stress and coping paradigm. In: Wong PTP, Wong LCJ, editors. Handbook of Multicultural Perspectives on Stress and Coping. 1 ed. New York, NY: Springer; 2005. Chapter 2. 29-53 p. [view]
- Finney J, Moos R. Effects of treatment setting, duration and amount on patient outcomes. In: Graham A, Schultz T, Mayo-Smith M, Ries R, Wilford B, editors. American Society of Addiction Medicine: Principles of Addiction Medicine. 3rd ed. Chevy Chase, MD: American Society of Addiction Medicine; 2003. 443-451 p. [view]
- Finney JW, Moos RH, Wilbourne PL. Effects of treatment setting, duration and amount on patient outcomes. In: Miller SC, Fiellin DA, Ries RK, Saitz R, editors. Principles of Addiction Medicine. 4 ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2009. Chapter 26. 379-386 p. [view]
- Moos RH, Holahan CJ. Environmental Assessment. In: Spielberger C, editor. Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology, Volume 1. San Diego, CA: Academic Press; 2004. 787-791 p. [view]
- Humphreys K, Timko C, Moos R. Gender differences in the influence of being married on help-seeking and alcohol abuse. In: Rosenqvist P, Blomqvist J, Koski-Jannes A, Ojesjo L, editors. Addiction and the Life Course. Helsinki, Finland: Nordic Council for Alcohol and Drug Research; 2004. 103-116 p. [view]
- Moos RH, Schaefer JA, Moos BS. Health Care Work Environments. In: Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health, & Medicine. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press; 2007. Chapter 3. 288-290 p. [view]
- Moos RH, Brennan PL, Schutte KK. Life context factors, treatment, and late-life drinking behavior. In: Gomberg ES, Hegedus AM, Zucker RA, editors. Alcohol Problems and Aging. NIH Pub.No.98-4163 ed. Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; 1998. Chapter 15. 261-279 p. [view]
- Timko C, Moos R. Measuring the therapeutic environment. In: Campling P, Davies S, Farquharson G, editors. From Toxic Institutions to Therapeutic Environments: Residential Settings in Mental Health Services. United Kingdom: Gaskell Press, Royal College of Psychiatrists; 2004. Chapter 14. 143-156 p. [view]
- Timko C, Moos RH, Finney JW. Models of matching patients and treatment programs. In: Craik K, Price R, Walsh WB, editors. New directions in person-environment psychology. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum; 2000. [view]
- Van Stone, Henderson K, Moos R, Rosenheck R, Schohn M. Nationwide implementation of Global Assessment of Functioning as an indicator of patient severity and service outcomes. In: First M, editor. Review of Psychiatry: Standard Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 22 ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2003. Chapter 5. 131-153 p. [view]
- Moos R, Timko C. Outcome research on twelve-step and other self-help programs. In: The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Substance Abuse Treatment. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2008. 511-521 p. [view]
- Moos RH, Timko C. Outcome research on twelve-step programs. In: Galanter M, Kleber HD, editors. Textbook of Sustance Abuse Treatment. 4th ed. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Press; 2008. [view]
- Finney JW, Moos RH. Psychosocial treatments for alcohol use disorders. In: Nathan P, Gorman J, editors. A Guide to Treatments that Work. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2002. Chapter 6. 157-168 p. [view]
- Finney J, Wilbourne P, Moos R. Psychosocial treatments for substance use disorders. In: A guide to treatments that work. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2007. 179-202 p. [view]
- Moos R, Holahan C. Social Climate. In: Fernandez-Ballesteros R, editor. Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment. London, England: Sage; 2003. 888-894 p. [view]
- Holahan CJ, Moos RH, Bonin LA. Social context and depression: An integrative stress and coping framework. In: Joiner T, Coyne JC, editors. The Interactional Nature of Depression. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association; 1999. 39-63 p. [view]
- Moos RH. Social Contexts and Substance Use. In: Miller WR, Carroll KM, editors. Rethinking substance abuse: What the science shows and what we should do about it. New York, NY: Guilford Press; 2006. Chapter 12. 182-200 p. [view]
- Moos RH. Social settings. In: Encyclopedia of Psychology. New York, NY: Oxford; 2000. 364-370 p. [view]
- Ouimette P, Moos R, Brown P. Substance use disorder-posttraumatic stress disorder comorbidity: A survey of treatments and proposed practice guidelines. In: Ouimette PC, Brown PJ, editors. Trauma and Substance Abuse: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment of Comorbid Disorders. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2002. Chapter 5. 91-110 p. [view]
- Finney JW, Moos RH, Timko C. The course of treated and untreated substance use disorders: Remission and resolution, relapse and mortality. In: McCrady BS, Epstein EE, editors. Addictions: A comprehensive guidebook. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 1999. [view]
- Timko C, Moos R. Trends in acute care for substance use in psychiatric patients. In: Directions in Addiction Treatment and Prevention. 8 ed. Long Island City, NY: The Hatherleigh Company, Ltd.; 2004. 63-73 p. [view]
- Moos RH. Understanding Social Contexts and Coping: Connections with Intervention Programs. In: Bootzin RR, McKnight PE, editors. Strengthening Research Methodology: Psychological Measurement and Evaluation. 1 ed. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association; 2006. Chapter 3. 47-62 p. [view]
Magazine/Popular Press Articles
- Oliva E, Brown S, Jacob T, Koenig L, Moos RH. Alcohol use across the life span. Developmental Psychologist (APA Division 7 Newsletter). 2009 Jul 1; pages 4-9. [view]
- Rosen C, Moos R, Finney J, Henson B. Assessing substance abuse patients' symptoms and functioning: Self-report procedures show promise, but further development is needed. Palo Alto, CA: Department of Veterans Affairs, Substance Abuse Module, Quality Enhancement Research Initiative; 2000 Jan 1. Report No.: QSAM No 3. [view]
- Moos RH. Community residential facilities for VA substance abuse patients: An evaluation of the contract program for veterans with alcohol and drug dependence disorders. Palo Alto, CA: PERC and HSR&D Center for Health Care Evaluation; 1998 Mar 1. Report No.: None. [view]
- Moos RH, McCoy L, Moos BS. Global assessment of functioning (GAF) scores: Clinicians' ratings do not predict substance abuse patients' 1-year treatment outcomes. Palo Alto, CA: 1999 Sep 1. 1-15 p. [view]
- Piette J, Baisden K, Moos R. Health services for VA substance abuse and psychiatric patients: Comparison of utilization in Fiscal Years 1995 and 1998. Palo Alto, CA: Department of Veterans Affairs Center for Health Care Evaluation; 1999 Sep 1. Report No.: None. [view]
- Schaefer J, Cohen C, Greenbaum M, Moos R. Implementing an intensive outpatient substance use disorder treatment program: Patients' use of services, outcomes, and costs. Palo Alto, CA: VA Palo Alto Health Care System; 2003 Apr 1. [view]
- Moos RH, Finney JW, Federman B, Suchinsky RT. Monitoring the quality of substance abuse care: Speciality mental health care improves patients' outcomes. Palo Alto, CA: 2000 Apr 1. 1-20 p. [view]
- Moos RH, Federman B, Finney J, Suchinsky R. Outcomes monitoring for patients with substance use disorders: II. Cohort 1 patients' 6-12 month treatment outcomes. PERC, HSR&D Center for Health Care Evaluation, MHSHG; 1999 Sep 1. Report No.: 2. [view]
- Moos RH, Federman B, Finney J, Suchinsky R. Outcomes monitoring for patients with substance use disorders: III. Cohort 2 patients' characteristics and treatment at baseline. Palo Alto, CA: PERC, HSR&D Center for Health Care Evaluation, MHSHG; 1999 Sep 1. Report No.: 3. [view]
- Moos RH, Finney JW, Suchinsky RT. Outcomes monitoring for patients with substance use disorders: IV. Cohort 2 patients' 6-12 month treatment outcomes. 2000 Apr 1. 1-48 p. [view]
- Otilingam PG, Ritsher JB, Finney JW, Moos RH, Suchinsky RT. Outcomes Monitoring for Patients with Substance Use Disorders: V. Cohort 3 Patients' Treatment and Treatment Outcomes. Department of Veterans Affairs; 2002 Apr 1. [view]
- Moos RH, Finney J, Cannon D, Finkelstein A, McNicholas L, McLellan T, Suchinsky R. Outcomes monitoring for substance abuse patients: I. Patients' characteristics and treatment at baseline. Palo Alto, CA: PERC, HSR&D Center for Health Care Evaluation, Center of Excellence in Substance Abuse Treatment & Education, MHSHG; 1999 Sep 1. Report No.: 1. [view]
- Federman B, Moos RH, Finney JW. Risk adjustment for substance abuse patients: An accurate casemix model should include information obtained directly from patients at baseline. 2000 Mar 1. 1-26 p. [view]
Conference Presentations
- Gifford E, Ritsher JB, McKellar J, Moos R. A functional SUD recovery model predicts two-year SUD treatment outcomes. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2004 Mar 1; Washington, DC. [view]
- Gifford E, McKellar J, Ritsher J, Moos R. Acceptance and relationship context in treatment outcome and process. Paper presented at: Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting; 2005 Jun 1; Santa Barbara, CA. [view]
- Moos RH. Active ingredients of effective treatment and self-help groups. Paper presented at: National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers Annual Conference; 2007 May 19; San Diego, CA. [view]
- Moos R. Addictive disorders in context: Principles and puzzles of effective treatment and recovery. Paper presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2003 Aug 1; Toronto, Canada. [view]
- Oser ML, McKellar JD, Moos B, Moos RH. Ambivalence as a mediator of changes in heavy alcohol use and problems. Poster session presented at: Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention; 2009 May 22; San Francisco, CA. [view]
- Phibbs CS, Friedman SA, Turakhia M, Chiu VY, Moos RH, Schmitt SK, Le SY, Frayne SM. Are Atrial Fibrillation Patients With Mental Health Conditions Treated Differently? Poster session presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting; 2010 Apr 30; Minneapolis, MN. [view]
- Harris AH, Bradley KA, Bowe T, Henderson P, Moos RH. Associations Between Alcohol Screening Scores and Mortality Vary by Sex and Age. Poster session presented at: Addiction Health Services Research Conference; 2009 Oct 1; San Francisco, CA. [view]
- Lebow J, Moos R. Beyond the treatment manual: Key ingredients in effective alcohol and drug treatment--relationship factors. Paper presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2003 Aug 1; Toronto, Canada. [view]
- Timko C, Moos R. Breaking into the black box of therapeutic communities: Studying organizational and treatment practices. Paper presented at: National Institute on Drug Abuse Annual Conference; 2000 Aug 1; San Francisco, CA. [view]
- Chung T, Langenbucher J, Labouvie E, Pandina R, Moos R. Change in alcoholic patients' coping responses: Relation to 12-month outcomes. Paper presented at: Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting; 1999 Jul 1; Santa Barbara, CA. [view]
- Rosen C, Henson B, Finney J, Moos R. Consistency of self-administered ASI composites with the interview ASI. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 1999 Feb 24; Washington, DC. [view]
- Levin C, Ilgen MA, Moos R. Coping strategies moderate the relationship between self-efficacy and 5-year treatment outcome. Poster session presented at: Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting; 2005 Jun 1; Santa Barbara, CA. [view]
- Tiet QQ, Rosen C, Cavella S, Moos R, Finney J, Yesavage J. Coping, symptoms, and functioning outcomes of patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Paper presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2005 Aug 1; Washington, DC. [view]
- Moos RH. Creating the environment context for sustained alcohol and drug recovery. Paper presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2007 Aug 20; San Francisco, CA. [view]
- Kenney BA, Holahan CJ, Pahl S, North RJ, Holahan CK, Cronkite RC, Moos RH. Depression and Tobacco Smoking in Adulthood. Poster session presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2009 Apr 22; Montréal, Canada. [view]
- Pahl S, Holahan CJ, North RJ, Kenney BA, Holahan CK, Cronkite RC, Moos RH. Depressive Symptoms and Physical Illness Across 10 Years. Poster session presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2009 Apr 22; Montréal, Canada. [view]
- Lemke S, Schutte KK, Brennan PL, Moos RH. Developmental ordering of alcohol-related problems in older adults. Paper presented at: Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting; 2005 Jun 1; Santa Barbara, CA. [view]
- Kelly J, Finney J, Moos R. Differences in characteristics, treatment process and treatment outcomes of criminal and non-criminal justice system involved substance use disorder patients. Paper presented at: Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting; 2003 Jun 1; Orlando, FL. [view]
- McKellar J, Gifford E, Ritsher J, Moos R. Do acceptance and relationship context mediate twelve step participation outcomes? Paper presented at: Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting; 2005 Jun 1; Santa Barbara, CA. [view]
- Kelly J, Moos R. Dropout from 12-step self-help groups. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2003 Feb 1; Washington, DC. [view]
- Kelly J, Moos R. Dropout from 12-step self-help groups: Prevalence, predictors, and treatment related influences. Paper presented at: American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting; 2003 May 1; San Francisco, CA. [view]
- Harris AHS, McKellar JD, Moos RH. Dropouts from VA SUD treatment: Predictors of 5-year outcomes. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2005 Feb 1; Baltimore, MD. [view]
- Moggi F, Giovanoli A, Strik W, Moos B, Moos R. Dual diagnosis patients in inpatient substance use disorder programs in Switzerland and the USA: A cross-national comparison of one-year outcomes. Paper presented at: European Association of Addiction Therapy Annual Meeting; 2006 Jul 1; London, England. [view]
- Brennan P, Schutte K, Moos R. Effect of retirement on drinking trajectories of older adults. Poster session presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2007 Aug 17; San Francisco, CA. [view]
- Ilgen MA, Moos R. Exacerbation of psychiatric symptoms during substance use disorder treatment. Poster session presented at: Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting; 2005 Jun 1; Santa Barbara, CA. [view]
- Turakhia M, Phibbs CS, Moos RH, Friedman SA, Heidenreich PA, Frayne SM. Facility volume is not associated with increased quality of anticoagulation care for patients with atrial fibrillation. Poster session presented at: American Heart Association Quality of Care and Outcomes Research in Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Annual Scientific Sessions; 2010 May 21; Washington, DC. [view]
- Cronkite RC, Timko C, Swindle R, Robinson R, Moos RH. Functioning of adult offspring of depressed parents: A 23-year follow-up. Poster session presented at: Institute on Psychiatric Services Annual Meeting; 2006 Oct 5; New York, NY. [view]
- Chun C, Ouimette PC, Cronkite RC, Moos RH. Gender and comorbid psychiatric and medical diagnoses among VA patients with alcohol use disorders: Association with substance use, psychosocial functioning, and service use. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2000 Mar 22; Washington, DC. [view]
- Chun C, Ouimette PC, Kimerling R, Moos R. Gender differences in addiction severity, health status, and psychosocial functioning in veterans with substance use disorders. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 1999 Feb 1; Washington, DC. [view]
- Chun C, Ouimette P, Cronkite R, Moos R. Gender, comorbidity, functioning, and service use in patients with alcohol use disorders. Paper presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2000 Aug 2; Washington, DC. [view]
- Chun C, Ouimette P, Cronkite R, Moos R. Gender, comorbidity, psychosocial functioning, and service use in veteran patients with alcohol use disorders. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2000 Mar 1; Washington, DC. [view]
- Moos R. Genetics, alcoholism, and the social context: Wanderlust of a wounded structuralism. Paper presented at: Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and Other Drugs Annual Conference; 2003 Nov 1; Brisbane, Australia. [view]
- Schutte K, Moos RH, Brennan PL, Moos BS. High risk alcohol consumption and late-life drinking problems. Paper presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2004 Jul 1; Honolulu, HI. [view]
- Moos R. How Can Treatment and Clients Inform and Influence Research on Substance Use Disorders. Paper presented at: Choice, Behavioural Economics, and Addiction Annual Conference; 2004 Nov 1; Brisbane, Australia. [view]
- Ilgen MA, Moos R. Iatrogenic effects of treatment for alcohol use disorders. Poster session presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2005 Aug 1; Washington, DC. [view]
- Cronkite RC, Timko C, Swindle R, Robinson R, Moos RH. Impaired mood and social functioning among adult children of depressed parents. Paper presented at: American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting; 2006 May 23; Toronto, Canada. [view]
- Cronkite R, Timko C, Swindle R, Robinson R, Moos RH. Impaired mood and social functioning among adult children of depressed parents. Paper presented at: Institute on Psychiatric Services Annual Meeting; 2006 Oct 5; New York, NY. [view]
- Blonigen DM, Timko C, Moos BS, Moos RH. Impulsivity as an independent predictor of 15-year mortality risk among individuals seeking help for an alcohol use disorder. Paper presented at: Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting; 2010 Jun 1; San Antonio, TX. [view]
- Laungani K, Berg E, Moos RH, Holmes T, Lee T, Miller D, Berlowitz D, Frayne SM. Indeterminate mental illness in VA administrative data: Common and enigmatic. Paper presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine California / Hawaii Regional Annual Meeting; 2009 Mar 1; Irvine, CA. [view]
- Kelly J, McKellar J, Moos R. Major depressive disorder among addicted patients: Effects on 12-step involvement and substance use outcomes. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2003 Feb 12; Washington, DC. [view]
- Bonn-Miller MO, Moos RH. Marijuana discontinuation, anxiety symptoms, and relapse to marijuana. Paper presented at: Anxiety Disorders Association of America Annual Conference; 2009 Mar 12; Santa Ana Pueblo, NM. [view]
- Moos R. Matching dual diagnosis patients' symptom severity to treatment intensity. Paper presented at: VA Career Development Award Program Annual Conference; 2003 Feb 1; Washington, DC. [view]
- Henson B, Ouimette P, Cronkite R, Moos R. Medical center patients' reactions to participating in a PTSD research study. Paper presented at: International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Symposium; 2002 Nov 1; Baltimore, MD. [view]
- Timko C, Sempel J, Moos RH. Models of Standard and Intensive Outpatient Care in Substance Abuse and Psychiatric Treatment. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2002 Feb 1; Washington, DC. [view]
- Van Stone, Henderson K, Moos R, Rosenheck R, Schohn M. Nationwide implementation of Global Assessment of Functioning as an indicator of patient severity and service outcomes. Paper presented at: American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting; 2003 May 1; San Francisco, CA. [view]
- Schutte KK, Moos RH, Brennan PL. Natural remission of drinking problems among older adults. Paper presented at: Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting; 2005 Jun 1; Santa Barbara, CA. [view]
- Brennan PL, Schutte KK, Moos RH. Pain and use of alcohol to manage pain among older adults with alcohol problems. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2005 Feb 1; Baltimore, MD. [view]
- Timko C, Moos R, Finney J. Person-environment matching in substance abuse and psychiatric treatment. Paper presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2000 Aug 1; Washington, DC. [view]
- Harris A, Cronkite R, Moos RH. Physical Activity and Depression in a 10-Year Cohort Study of Depressed Patients. Paper presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2004 Aug 1; Honolulu, HI. [view]
- Harris AHS, McKellar JD, Moos R, Schaefer J, Cronkite R. Predicting engagement in continuing care after residential substance abuse treatment. Poster session presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2005 Aug 1; Washington, DC. [view]
- Ilgen M, Harris A, Moos R, Tiet Q. Predictors of a suicide attempt one year after entry into substance use disorder treatment. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2007 Feb 22; Arlington, VA. [view]
- Laffaye C, Ilgen M, McKellar J, Moos R. Predictors of improvement in substance abuse problems four years following community residential treatment. Paper presented at: Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting; 2007 Jul 7; Chicago, IL. [view]
- Schutte KK, Brennan PL, Moos RH. Predictors of late-life natural remission. Paper presented at: Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting; 2005 Jun 1; Santa Barbara, CA. [view]
- Ritsher J, Moos R, Finney J. Predictors of remission at five years after the inpatient substance abuse treatment. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2001 Feb 1; Washington, DC. [view]
- McKellar J, Ilgen M, Moos B, Moos R. Predictors of self-efficacy over 16 years after seeking help for alcohol problems. Paper presented at: Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting; 2007 Jul 7; Chicago, IL. [view]
- Weitlauf J, Berg E, Finney JW, Moos R, Lee T, Ding W, Frayne SM. PTSD and receipt of guideline concordant cervical cancer surveillance in women veterans with PTSD. Poster session presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2007 Aug 19; San Francisco, CA. [view]
- Ouimette P, Moos R, Finney J. PTSD treatment and 5-year substance use outcomes among patients with substance use and posttraumatic stress disorders. Paper presented at: Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention; 2004 Nov 1; New Orleans, LA. [view]
- Weitlauf JC, Kimerling R, Jones S, Hu K, Finney JW, Moos RH, Spiegel D, Frayne SM. PTSD, MST and receipt of cervical cancer surveillance in women veterans. Paper presented at: VA MIRECC Annual Best Practices in Mental Health Conference; 2009 Jul 21; Washington, DC. [view]
- Laungani K, Berg E, Holmes T, Moos R, Frayne S. PTSD-Related Disparities in Processes of Obesity Care in Diabetics. Poster session presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine California / Hawaii Regional Annual Meeting; 2008 Mar 1; San Francisco, CA. [view]
- Schutte KK, Brennan PL, Moos RH. Rate and predictors of relapse among older former problem drinkers. Paper presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2001 Aug 1; San Francisco, CA. [view]
- Ilgen MA, Moos BS, Moos RH. Rates of Problem-Free Drinking over 16-years Among Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorders. Poster session presented at: Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting; 2006 Jun 1; Baltimore, MD. [view]
- Weitlauf JC, Moos RH, Xu X, Finney JW, Jones S, Ding TT, Frayne SM. Receipt of cervical cancer surveillance in women veterans with PTSD. Paper presented at: VA Career Development Award Program Annual Conference; 2009 Feb 11; Baltimore, MD. [view]
- Tiet QQ, Ilgen M, Finney J, Moos R. Recent sexual abuse, physical abuse, and suicide attempt in men. Paper presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2005 Aug 1; Washington, DC. [view]
- Moos R. Research and quality enhancement: the context of dissemination and implementation. Paper presented at: Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and Other Drugs Annual Conference; 2003 Nov 1; Brisbane, Australia. [view]
- Ilgen M, Tiet Q, Moos R. Response to inpatient substance use treatment in suicidal and non-suicidal patients. Paper presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2004 Jul 2; Honolulu, HI. [view]
- Ilgen M, Tiet Q, Byrnes H, Moos R. Risk of suicide attempt in substance use disorder patients. Paper presented at: Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting; 2005 Jun 1; Santa Barbara, CA. [view]
- Tiet Q, Finney J, Moos R. Screening psychiatric patients for illicit drug use disorders and problems: A review. Poster session presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2007 Aug 19; San Francisco, CA. [view]
- DeBenedetti AF, Moos RH, Timko C. Services for Dual Diagnosis Patients in the Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Systems. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2005 Feb 1; Baltimore, MD. [view]
- Timko C, Sutkowi A, Moos RH. Sixteen Year Trends in Assault- and Police-Related Problems Due to Drinking among Women and Men. Paper presented at: Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting; 2009 Jun 20; San Diego, CA. [view]
- Moos R. Social contexts, coping and well-being: What we know and what we need to know (keynote address). Paper presented at: Mexican Psychological Association Annual Congress; 2004 Dec 1; Guanajuato, Mexico. [view]
- Moos R. Social Contexts: Transcending their power and fragility. Paper presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2002 Aug 1; Chicago, IL. [view]
- Moos RH. Social settings and substance use: Contextual factors in recovery. Paper presented at: Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting; 2005 Jun 1; Santa Barbara, CA. [view]
- Chun C, Cronkite R, Moos R. Stress generation in depressed patients and non-depressed community controls. Paper presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 1999 Aug 1; Boston, MA. [view]
- Moggi F, Giovanoli A, Moos R. Swiss and United States treatment programs for substance use disorders: Program characteristics, psychiatric comorbidity, and one-year outcomes. Paper presented at: European Psychiatric Association Annual Congress; 2005 Apr 1; Munich, Germany. [view]
- Moggi F, Moos R, Giovanoli A, Moos B. Swiss and US alcohol use disorder treatment programs: Program characteristics and one-year outcomes. Paper presented at: World Congresses of Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy Triennial Meeting; 2007 Jul 12; Barcelona, Spain. [view]
- Moggi F, Giovanoli A, Strik W, Moos B, Moos R. Swiss and US substance use disorder treatment programs: Program characteristics and one-year outcomes. Paper presented at: Treatment of Addictive Behaviors Annual International Conference; 2006 Feb 1; Santa Fe, NM. [view]
- Cronkite RC, Moos RH. Symptom-based predictors of a ten-year course of treated depression. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 1999 Feb 1; Washington, DC. [view]
- Turakhia M, Phibbs CS, Schmitt S, Moos RH, Heidenreich PA, Le S, Frayne SM. Systematic Variation of Facility Quality of Anticoagulation for Atrial Fibrillation: A National VA Study. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D Career Development Annual Meeting; 2010 Feb 25; San Francisco, CA. [view]
- Schutte K, Moos R, Brennan PL, Moos BS. Ten-year patterns of alcohol consumption and drinking problems among older women and men. Paper presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2004 Jul 1; Honolulu, HI. [view]
- Moos RH, Cronkite RC. The 23-year outcomes of remitted depression: Health outcomes, health care utilization, and work productivity. Poster session presented at: American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting; 2005 May 24; Atlanta, GA. [view]
- Timko C, DeBenedetti AF, Moos RH. The 8-year course of alcohol use disorders: Gender differences in social context and coping. Paper presented at: Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting; 2005 Jun 1; Santa Barbara, CA. [view]
- Moos R. The consequences of nonremission of depression on health care utilization and productivity: A 23-year follow-up. Paper presented at: American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting; 2004 May 1; New York, NY. [view]
- Moos R. The GAF, mental health service use, and patients' symptom and functioning outcomes. Paper presented at: American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting; 2003 May 1; San Francisco, CA. [view]
- Moos R, Robinson R. The long-term burden of depression: personal and social resources and health outcomes. Paper presented at: American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting; 2004 May 1; New York, NY. [view]
- Cronkite RC, Robinson LR, Swindle RW, Turrubiartes P, Moos RH. The long-term course of depression: Comparing VA and non-VA patients. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D National Meeting; 2006 Feb 16; Arlington, VA. [view]
- Cronkite RC, Robinson LR, Swindle RW, Turrubiartes P, Moos RH. The long-term course of depression: Comparing VA and non-VA patients. Paper presented at: Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum Annual Congress; 2006 Jul 10; Chicago, IL. [view]
- Moos R. The relationship and outcomes of depression and painful complaints: a 23-year follow-up. Paper presented at: American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting; 2004 May 1; New York, NY. [view]
- Moos R. The social environment and substance abuse: Thirty three theses up on the wall. Paper presented at: Approaches for Combating the Troublesome Use of Substances (CACTUS) Annual Conference; 2004 Oct 1; Albuquerque, NM. [view]
- Ilgen MA, McKellar J, Moos R, Finney JW. Therapeutic Alliance Moderates the Relationship Between Motivation and Treatment Outcomes in Alcohol Use Disorder Patients. Paper presented at: Treatment of Addictive Behaviors Annual International Conference; 2006 Jan 1; Santa Fe, NM. [view]
- Chiu VY, Turakhia M, Phibbs CS, Moos RH, Schmitt SK, Le SY, Friedman SA, Frayne SM. Time to Next INR as an Anticoagulation Quality Measure in Atrial Fibrillation. Poster session presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting; 2010 Apr 28; Minneapolis, MN. [view]
- Loomis C, Moos R. Toward Racial Equality in Health Care: Lessons from Substance Abuse Treatment. Paper presented at: Society for Community Research and Action Biennial Conference; 2003 Jun 5; Las Vegas, NV. [view]
- Blonigen DM, Timko C, Moos B, Moos RH. Treatment, Alcoholics Anonymous and 16-year Changes in Impulsivity and Legal Problems among Men and Women with Alcohol Disorders. Paper presented at: Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting; 2009 Jun 20; San Diego, CA. [view]
- Blonigen DM, Moos BS, Moos RH, Timko C. Treatment, Alcoholics Anonymous, and 16-year Changes in Impulsivity and Legal Problems among Women and Men with Alcohol Use Disorders. Paper presented at: Association for Research in Personality Annual Conference; 2009 Jul 16; Evanston, IL. [view]
- Tiet QQ, Moos RH. Validating a decision tree to manage suicidal patients. Paper presented at: American Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2009 Aug 6; Toronto, Canada. [view]
- Humphreys K, Timko C, Moos RH. What does the experience of self-help group research reveal about power sharing. Paper presented at: Community Research and Participatory Methods Annual Conference; 2002 Jun 1; Chicago, IL. [view]
- Finney JW, Moos RH, Moyer AC. What works in treating alcohol use disorders? Revisiting the American Psychiatric Association Guideline. Paper presented at: American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting; 2002 May 20; Philadelphia, PA. [view]
- Humphreys K, Timko C, Moos RH. Why do help-seeking alcohol dependent women often have better outcomes than men. Paper presented at: Kettil Bruun Society for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol Annual Symposium; 2002 Oct 15; Stockholm, Sweden. [view]
Mental, Cognitive and Behavioral Disorders, Substance Use Disorders, Health Systems Science
Treatment - Observational, Technology Development and Assessment
MeSH Terms: