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2019 HSR&D/QUERI National Conference Abstract

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2004 — Developing a Research Agenda for Cerner Implementation

Lead/Presenter: Seppo Rinne,  COIN - Bedford/Boston
All Authors: Rinne ST, CHOIR/Bedford; Mohr D, CHOIR/Boston; Draime J, EHRM, Change management; Souden M, VIReC; Sullivan S, ONS;

VA's Electronic Health Record Modernization (EHRM) efforts represent a large-scale and fundamental care transformation that has the potential to improve care delivery, streamline community care coordination, and provide new opportunities for the VA learning healthcare system. VA researchers and operational partners can play a critical role in supporting Cerner's change management initiatives to improve implementation efforts. The primary objective of this session is to work collaboratively with the EHRM program offices (OEHRM), VIReC, and the Office of Nursing Services (ONS) to create a forum to discuss priorities, opportunities, and challenges for EHRM research.

We will model the session on analogous efforts by Yano et al (2006) and Dobalian et al (2017) to develop VA research agendas for Women's Health and Emergency Management, respectively. We will start by reviewing current EHRM research and listening to partner perspectives on high priority research areas. We plan to address cross-cutting themes for EHRM research, including system implementation, system features to enhance quality and safety, increasing successful user adoption, provider behavior and well-being, and data collection and comparability for research and operations (30-40 minutes). We will then break into 4 to 6 discussion groups tasked with identifying key research questions and prioritizing them according to partner goals and anticipated impact (60-75 minutes). Each group will summarize their recommendations and respond to questions from others in the session (30-40 minutes). We will use the remaining time (20-30 minutes) for reflections from partners and planning next steps.


We aim to bring together HSRandD researchers, clinicians, and program office leadership from OEHRM Change Management, VIReC, and ONS.

This work has the potential to strengthen the VA learning healthcare system by implementing an EHR that is responsive to cycles of knowledge generation, feedback, and transformative change. We will submit a report to HSRandD leadership to inform priority areas and calls for proposals. We will highlight perspectives of partners on how the session helped advance their policy and program goals. We will distribute generalizable information to the HSRandD community through CIDER communication venues, the ORD Strategic Initiative for Research-EHR Synergy (OSIRES), and the VIReC-led "Road to Cerner" cyberseminar series.