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Past Sessions — 2021

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Date Title Series Presenters
12/15/2021 A Novel Gap Staffing Metric for Primary Care Providers and Implications for Urban and Rural Areas VHA Primary Care Analytics Team
Haraldsson, Bjarni
Kaboli, Peter
O'Shea, Amy
12/14/2021 Speaking Up for Patient Safety: It’s Complicated
Gilmartin, Heather
12/09/2021 DaVINCI: Cohort Selection in DaVINCI VA Informatics and Computing Infrastructure
Funk, Wendy
12/09/2021 Using Multiple Qualitative Methods to Study Changes in Care Delivery, In-Home Vaccination, & Social Isolation of Home-Based Veterans and Caregivers During the COVID-19 Pandemic Advanced Qualitative Methods hosted by the Qualitative Methods Learning Collaborative
Haverhals, Leah
Wyte-Lake, Tamar
12/08/2021 Post-COVID Conditions Collaborative Merit RFA HSR&D Administration Seminar
Central Office Staff, HSR&D/QUERI VA
12/07/2021 Brain Amygdala Volume Changes in Veterans and Active-Duty Military Personnel With Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Ralph G. DePalma Memorial TBI Clinical Strategies
Huang, Mingxiong
12/07/2021 Virtual Chronic Pain Care: Current State & Future Directions Spotlight on Pain Management
Frank, Joseph
Scorsone, Krista
12/06/2021 Navigating VA Data Access: An Overview of the Process for Requesting Permission to Use VA Data VIReC Database and Methods Seminar
Kok, Linda
12/06/2021 JAMA Network Open – A Home for VA Research Timely Topics of Interest
Bravata, Dawn
Fihn, Stephan
O'Hare, Ann
Werner, Rachel
12/01/2021 Virtual Care in Context During COVID-19: VA Telehealth in Primary Care, Community Care Urgent Care, and State Veterans’ Nursing Homes COnsortia of REsearch
Cordasco, Kristina
Der-Martirosian, Claudia
Haverhals, Leah
12/01/2021 Risk and Protective Factors Across Socioecological Levels of Risk for Suicide: An Evidence Map COnsortia of REsearch
Spotlight on Evidence Synthesis Program
Landsteiner, Adrienne
11/18/2021 Trauma Sensitive Yoga Equivalent to CPT as a Treatment for PTSD related to MST in Women Veterans: Findings from a 5-year RCT Complementary and Integrative Health
Haywood, Terri
Kelly, Ursula
Zaccari, Belle
11/18/2021 Millennium Basics: Exploring Vital Signs Data from a New User Perspective (intranet only) Research & EHR Synergy
Arnold, Noreen
11/17/2021 Implementation of Clinical Resource Hubs to Expand Access to Primary Care and Mental Health Services: First Year Implementation Progress, Challenges, and Facilitators VHA Primary Care Analytics Team
Bergman, Alicia
Chawla, Neetu
Stockdale, Susan
11/16/2021 QUERI SHAARK Partnered Evaluation of VHA Diffusion of Excellence: Sustaining Partnerships & Using Mixed Data Sources VIReC Using Data and Information Systems in Partnered Research
Cutrona, Sarah
Jackson, George
Nevedal, Andrea
11/16/2021 Traumatic Brain Injury and Sleep Disorders: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management Ralph G. DePalma Memorial TBI Clinical Strategies
Werner, Kent
11/15/2021 What We Are Learning About Relational Coordination Interventions in Healthcare Timely Topics of Interest
Ali, Heba Naim
Gilmartin, Heather
Hoffer Gittell, Jody
11/10/2021 Staff Perspectives on Understanding and Addressing Patient-Perpetrated Sexual Harassment at VA Spotlight on Women's Health
Fenwick, Karissa
Hayes, Patricia
11/09/2021 Individual and Family-Level Drivers of Veteran Engagement in Psychotherapy for Post-Traumatic Stress: a Mixed Methods Study
Shepherd-Banigan, Megan
11/04/2021 Current and Future Directions in QUERI HSR&D Administration Seminar
Braganza, Melissa
Kilbourne, Amy
11/04/2021 Changing behaviour, ‘more or less’: is de-implementation different from implementation? QUERI Implementation Research Group
Patey, Andrea
11/03/2021 Spotlight on Access: Findings from the Veterans Access Research Consortium (VARC) Pilot Projects COnsortia of REsearch
Augustine, Matthew
DeBeer, Bryann
Goldstein, Karen
Possemato, Kyle
11/02/2021 Impact of Whole Health on Pain, Quality of Life and Opioid Utilization Spotlight on Pain Management
Kligler, Benjamin
11/01/2021 Navigating VA Data Sources: An Overview of Commonly Used Databases VIReC Database and Methods Seminar
Souden, Maria
10/27/2021 Clinician Experiences with VA’s Electronic Health Record Modernization: Initial Findings from the EMPIRIC QUERI Evaluation (intranet only) Research & EHR Synergy
Matthews, Kameron
Rinne, Seppo
Sayre, George
10/25/2021 Just-in-Time: “Show Me the Money!!!” HSR&D Administration Seminar
Central Office Staff, HSR&D/QUERI VA
10/21/2021 Effects of Remote Blast Exposure on Brain Structure Ralph G. DePalma Memorial TBI Clinical Strategies
Martindale, Sarah
Rowland, Jared
10/20/2021 Comparing VA and DoD Health Services Cost Data: An example using COVID-19 inpatient admissions HERC Health Economics Seminar
Dismuke-Greer, Libby
Richard, Patrick
10/20/2021 Tuning In to Front-line Employees: The VA Primary Care Voice Project VHA Primary Care Analytics Team
Newton, Daniel
Paez, Monica
Stewart, Gregory
10/19/2021 Measuring Transformation in Healthcare: Findings and Lessons Learned from the Whole Health Implementation Study VIReC Using Data and Information Systems in Partnered Research
Bokhour, Barbara
Hyde, Justeen
10/14/2021 DaVINCI: COVID-19 and COVID-19 Testing in DoD and VA Population VA Informatics and Computing Infrastructure
Funk, Wendy
10/14/2021 Rapid Analysis Using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR): A Methods Cyberseminar Advanced Qualitative Methods hosted by the Qualitative Methods Learning Collaborative
Nevedal, Andrea
Reardon, Caitlin
10/12/2021 Leveraging Data to Explore the Consequences of Urine Testing and Antibiotic Use During the Spinal Cord Injury Annual Evaluation
Skelton, Felicia
10/12/2021 Using Medicare Data to Study COVID-19 VIReC CMS Data Miniseries
de Groot, Kristin
10/07/2021 If you build it, will they come? What it takes to make audit and feedback work in practice. QUERI Implementation Research Group
Desveaux, Laura
Ivers, Noah
10/05/2021 Methodology for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a Pain-Focused Brief Intervention: Emphasis on pain-related costs Spotlight on Pain Management
Barnett, Paul
Gilstad-Hayden, Kate
Lazar, Christina
10/04/2021 Meet VIReC: The Researcher's Guide to VA Data VIReC Database and Methods Seminar
Souden, Maria
10/01/2021 Winter 2022 RFA Cyberseminar HSR&D Administration Seminar
Central Office Staff, HSR&D/QUERI VA
09/29/2021 A Ground-Level View of EHR Modernization and Research (intranet only) Research & EHR Synergy
Gelman, Hannah
Klote, Mary
Souden, Maria
09/23/2021 Prevalence, Consequences and Care of Veterans with Military Sexual Trauma Spotlight on Women's Health
Bell, Margret
Creech, Suzannah
Galovski, Tara
Kelly, Ursula
Lehavot, Keren
Street, Amy
Yano, Elizabeth
09/23/2021 Advancing Access to Care Through Partnered Research with the Office of Rural Health COnsortia of REsearch
Gurewich, Deborah
Lovejoy, Travis
Ward, Michael
09/21/2021 Using PowerBI to Accelerate National Implementation of Evidence-based Practices VIReC Using Data and Information Systems in Partnered Research
Dhruva, Sanket
Kaltenbach, Tonya
Schmajuk, Gabriela
Whooley, Mary
09/16/2021 Complementary and integrative approaches to improve health for adults living with HIV Complementary and Integrative Health
Dunne, Eugene
09/15/2021 ‘Segmenting’ the High-Risk Patient Population: Methods and Applications to VA Care VHA Primary Care Analytics Team
Hutchins, Franya
Rosland, Ann-Marie
Thorpe, Joshua
09/15/2021 Can We Balance Pressures for Payment, Quality, and Equity? HERC Health Economics Seminar
Wagner, Todd
09/14/2021 Development and Evaluation of a Brief, Modular, Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention for Anxiety in Primary Care
Shepardson, Robyn
09/13/2021 Insomnia and Suicide Prevention: Leveraging Technology to Mitigate Risk Suicide Prevention
Nazem, Sarra
09/13/2021 Identifying Study Participants and Non-Traditional Encounters for Research & QI Studies of Whole Health VIReC Database and Methods Seminar
Defaccio, Rian
Douglas, Jamie
Zhang, Xiaoyi
09/09/2021 Introduction to the R Tidyverse VA Informatics and Computing Infrastructure
Redd, Andrew
09/08/2021 Harnessing Social Support in the Age of Social Media: Implications for Suicide Prevention in Veterans (intranet only) COnsortia of REsearch
Teo, Alan
09/07/2021 Prazosin for Posttraumatic Headache Randomized Controlled Trial in Veterans and Active Duty Service Members Ralph G. DePalma Memorial TBI Clinical Strategies
Mayer, Cynthia
Raskind, Murray
09/02/2021 Iterative Pragmatic Approaches to Guiding and Evaluating Adaptations in Real-World Settings with Examples from the VA QUERI Implementation Research Group
Rabin, Borsika
09/02/2021 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management and Rehabilitation of Post-Acute mild TBI: 2021 Update Ralph G. DePalma Memorial TBI Clinical Strategies
Cifu, David
07/29/2021 State of HSR&D and QUERI HSR&D Administration Seminar
Atkins, David
Kilbourne, Amy
Tomoyasu, Naomi
07/28/2021 Use of Scientific Frameworks to Advance Patient Safety Research and Implementation in the New EHR Era (intranet only) Research & EHR Synergy
Singh, Hardeep
Sittig, Dean
07/15/2021 Meditative Approaches for the Treatment of PTSD Complementary and Integrative Health
Lang, Ariel
07/13/2021 Intention and Serendipity: Fostering Mentoring and Developmental Networks Among Early Career Clinician Researchers
Hager, Mark
Weitlauf, Julie
07/08/2021 DaVINCI DoD Source Data: Overview of MHS GENESIS VA Informatics and Computing Infrastructure
Funk, Wendy
07/07/2021 Disparities in Telehealth Use During COVID-19 Described Three Ways COnsortia of REsearch
Connolly, Samantha
Haderlein, Taona
O'Shea, Amy
07/01/2021 The Framework for Reporting Adaptations and Modifications to Evidence-based Implementation Strategies (FRAME-IS) QUERI Implementation Research Group
Miller, Christopher
06/23/2021 Evidence review of EHR transitions: Implications for VA's implementation of Cerner Millennium (intranet only) Research & EHR Synergy
Lakhani, Priti
Miake-Lye, Isomi
Rinne, Seppo
Weiner, Michael
06/17/2021 Python in VINCI (intranet only) VINCI Research Data Sciences
Eyre, Hannah
06/16/2021 Engaging Family Supporters to Improve Diabetes Care: The VA CO-IMPACT Randomized Trial and Clinician Toolkit VHA Primary Care Analytics Team
Deverts, Denise
DiNardo, Monica
Rosland, Ann-Marie
06/15/2021 An Evaluation of Firearm Injuries among Rural versus Urban Veterans: Data Validity and Early Findings VIReC Using Data and Information Systems in Partnered Research
Carlson, Kathleen
Lovejoy, Travis
06/10/2021 Using Qualitative Summary Templates and Matrix Displays to Assess Factors that Impact the Pace of Implementation Advanced Qualitative Methods hosted by the Qualitative Methods Learning Collaborative
Abraham, Traci
Van Tiem, Jen
06/10/2021 VINCI Compliance Updated VA Informatics and Computing Infrastructure
Eddy, Deborah
06/09/2021 Impact of Repeated Exposure to Low-level Blast on Health and Performance in Military Personnel: A Holistic Approach Ralph G. DePalma Memorial TBI Clinical Strategies
Vartanian, Oshin
06/08/2021 Exploring VA Veteran and Provider Perspectives of Transgender and Gender Diverse Healthcare and Health Services Research
Blosnich, John
Boyer, Taylor
Kauth, Michael
Shipherd, Jillian
Wolfe, Hill
06/07/2021 Ascertaining Veterans' Vital Status: VA Data Sources for Mortality Ascertainment and Cause of Death VIReC Database and Methods Seminar
Maynard, Charles
06/03/2021 New Tools to Improve the Rigor of Implementation Research: The Implementation Research Logic Model (IRLM) and Longitudinal Implementation Strategies Tracking System (LISTS) QUERI Implementation Research Group
Smith, JD
06/02/2021 New Directions in Safety Planning and Lethal Means Safety for at-risk Suicidal Veterans COnsortia of REsearch
Goodman, Marianne
06/01/2021 Indigent Defense, Social Workers and Suicidality in Jail HERC Health Economics Seminar
Cunningham, Scott
06/01/2021 The Educational Mission in Interprofessional Pain Care Spotlight on Pain Management
Edens, Ellen
Edmond, Sara
Sellinger, John
05/26/2021 Identifying and Integrating Diagnoses from Cerner Millennium in Operations: STORM/REACH VET/CAN Experience (intranet only) Research & EHR Synergy
Kreisler, Craig
Martins, Susana
05/25/2021 Population and Community-Based Interventions to Prevent Suicide Spotlight on Evidence Synthesis Program
Denneson, Lauren
Gleason, Theresa
Linskens, Eric
05/21/2021 National VA Research Week Awardees Symposium Office of Research and Development
Kubli, Moderator: Lina
05/20/2021 The Learning to Apply Mindfulness to Pain (LAMP) Trial: Unpacking the Key Components of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Chronic Pain Complementary and Integrative Health
Burgess, Diana
05/19/2021 Interaction Terms in Non-Linear Models HERC Health Economics Seminar
Norton, Edward
05/18/2021 The Arranged Marriage between Innovation and Research: Lessons Learned from the FLOW3/VACE Partnership VIReC Using Data and Information Systems in Partnered Research
Carey, Evan
Heckman, Jeffrey
Leonard, Chelsea
05/13/2021 Introduction to the VINCI R Academy VA Informatics and Computing Infrastructure
Redd, Andrew
05/11/2021 Virtual Care Expansion During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Clinical Services and Patient Characteristics Associated with Utilization
Ferguson, Jacqueline
05/06/2021 Reflecting Upon Long Term Success to Sustain Improvements in Healthcare QUERI Implementation Research Group
Lennox, Laura
05/05/2021 Completing Partnered Research with the Office of Connected Care COnsortia of REsearch
Armstrong, Christina
DeRycke, Sara
Murphy, John
Newton, Terry
05/04/2021 Poor Sleep Correlates with Biomarkers of Neurodegeneration in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients: a LIMBIC-CENC Study Ralph G. DePalma Memorial TBI Clinical Strategies
Kenney, Kimbra
Werner, Kent
05/04/2021 Natural Language Processing of Electronic Health Records to Evaluate Pain Care Quality in the Veterans Health Administration Spotlight on Pain Management
Brandt, Cynthia
Dobscha, Steven
Kerns, Robert
Luther, Stephen
05/03/2021 An Introduction to VA Pharmacy Data: Sources and Uses for Medication Information VIReC Database and Methods Seminar
Paris, Bonnie
Thorpe, Joshua
05/03/2021 Just-in-Time: “Show Me the Money!!!” HSR&D Administration Seminar
Central Office Staff, HSR&D/QUERI VA
04/28/2021 Lessons Learned from Non-VA Health Systems about EHR Modernization (intranet only) Research & EHR Synergy
Draime, Jill
Rinne, Seppo
Wayde, Ernest
04/28/2021 Propensity Score Methods for Comparing Multiple Treatment Options HERC Health Economics Seminar
Garrido, Melissa
04/27/2021 Robot-assisted Surgery for Esophageal Cancer: Analysis of Short- and Long-term Outcomes Spotlight on Evidence Synthesis Program
Girgis, Mark
Mederos, Michael
Wilson, Mark
04/21/2021 Efficacy of an Interdisciplinary Intensive Outpatient Program in Service Members with Combat Related Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Psychological Health Conditions Ralph G. DePalma Memorial TBI Clinical Strategies
DeGraba, Thomas
04/20/2021 Using Spinal Cord Injuries and Disorders Data to Support Program Evaluation and Research VIReC Using Data and Information Systems in Partnered Research
Sippel, Jennifer
Smith, Bridget
04/14/2021 Cost as the Dependent Variable HERC Econometrics with Observational Data
Bounthavong, Mark
04/13/2021 Disruptions in VA Care due to COVID-19
Vashi, Anita
04/08/2021 DaVINCI – DoD Source Data: Overview of TRICARE Claims Data VA Informatics and Computing Infrastructure
Funk, Wendy
04/08/2021 Expanding the Qualitative Repertoire: Methodological Innovation to Advance Understanding of Perspectives and Behaviors Advanced Qualitative Methods hosted by the Qualitative Methods Learning Collaborative
Albright, Karen
04/07/2021 Fixed Effects and Random Effects HERC Econometrics with Observational Data
Jacobs, Josephine
04/07/2021 Rural Suicide Prevention: Reviewing the evidence and gaps COnsortia of REsearch
Mohatt, Nate
04/06/2021 Yoga for Chronic Low Back and Neck Pain Spotlight on Pain Management
Groessl, Erik
04/05/2021 ESP Evidence Brief: Detection and Treatment of Dental Problems on Chronic Disease Outcomes Spotlight on Evidence Synthesis Program
Garrido, Melissa
Parr, Nicholas
Veazie, Stephanie
04/05/2021 Assessing Race and Ethnicity in VA Data VIReC Database and Methods Seminar
Mor, Maria
04/01/2021 HSR&D Summer 2021 RFA Cyberseminar HSR&D Administration Seminar
Central Office Staff, HSR&D/QUERI VA
04/01/2021 The STS Case Study: an analysis method for longitudinal qualitative research for implementation science QUERI Implementation Research Group
Fitzwater, Lynn
Moeckli, Jane
Schacht Reisinger, Heather
Van Tiem, Jen
03/31/2021 Limited Dependent Variables HERC Econometrics with Observational Data
Phibbs, Ciaran
03/25/2021 Disrupted Care RFA Cyberseminar: Acute and Chronic Care HSR&D Administration Seminar
Central Office Staff, HSR&D/QUERI VA
03/24/2021 Right-hand Side Variables HERC Econometrics with Observational Data
Phibbs, Ciaran
03/24/2021 A VA-Focused Introduction to Cerner PowerTrials (intranet only) Research & EHR Synergy
Jarrett, Lindsey
Morris, Ashley
Schooler, Mary
Souden, Maria
03/23/2021 Neurological Correlates of Repeated Low-intensity Blast Exposure in Operational Personnel Ralph G. DePalma Memorial TBI Clinical Strategies
Avants, Brian
Stone, James
03/22/2021 Disrupted Care RFA Cyberseminar: Mental Health Care HSR&D Administration Seminar
Central Office Staff, HSR&D/QUERI VA
03/18/2021 Trial Outcomes for Massage - Care Ally-Assisted vs. Therapist Treated (TOMCATT) Study: Challenges and Early Findings Complementary and Integrative Health

03/17/2021 Veteran Reported Outcomes for Referrals to Community Care Providers Compared to Referrals to Regional Tele-Mental Health Hubs VHA Primary Care Analytics Team
Fortney, John
03/17/2021 Targeting Home and Community Based Care to Veterans at Greatest Need: Incorporating CAN into GEC High Needs High Risk v2 HERC Health Economics Seminar
Kinosian, Bruce
03/15/2021 Joint Longitudinal Viewer (JLV) and Research Part 2: A Deeper Look VIReC Database and Methods Seminar
Lane, Amber
Omizo, Reese
03/11/2021 Requesting Research Data Access Using DART VA Informatics and Computing Infrastructure
Trautman, Tim
03/10/2021 Interval Regression HERC Econometrics with Observational Data
Dismuke-Greer, Libby
03/09/2021 Protecting the Healthcare Workforce During COVID-19: A Rapid Needs Assessment of VA Employee Occupational Health
Giannitrapani, Karleen
03/04/2021 Developing and Tailoring Implementation Strategies: An Implementation Mapping Approach QUERI Implementation Research Group
Fernandez, Maria
Sales, Anne
03/03/2021 Instrumental Variables HERC Econometrics with Observational Data
Gujral, Kritee
03/03/2021 Access and Virtual Care COREs: Complementary Initiatives to Speed the Research Cycle COnsortia of REsearch
Haun, Jolie
Hebert, Paul
Hogan, Timothy
Wray, Charlie
03/02/2021 Association Between Nonpharmacological Pain Treatment Utilization and Opioid Tapering Among Veterans Receiving Long-Term Opioid Therapy Spotlight on Pain Management
Black, Anne
Zeliadt, Steven
03/01/2021 Joint Longitudinal Viewer (JLV) and Research, Part 1: Getting Started VIReC Database and Methods Seminar
Lane, Amber
Omizo, Reese
02/25/2021 Leveraging VA Text Note Data for Quality Measurement: A Case Study of a Novel Measurement Tool for Cardiac Device Procedures Timely Topics of Interest
Branch-Elliman, Westyn
Mull, Hillary
02/24/2021 Regression Discontinuity HERC Econometrics with Observational Data
Rose, Liam
02/24/2021 Configuring Cerner Millennium for VA: A Formative Evaluation of the EHRM Councils (intranet only) Research & EHR Synergy
Brunner, Julian
Shelton, Jeremy
Singh, Shaman
02/23/2021 Phenotypes of Comorbidity in Mild TBI: Development, Meaning and Utility for Use in Clinical Practice Ralph G. DePalma Memorial TBI Clinical Strategies
Pugh, Mary Jo
02/22/2021 Bariatric Surgery and Cardiovascular Disease: Using electronic health records to emulate a target trial Timely Topics of Interest
Madenci, Arin
02/18/2021 Diagnosing Large and Long Running Models in R VINCI Research Data Sciences
Redd, Andrew
02/17/2021 One-Year Costs Associated with the VA National TeleStroke Program (NTSP) HERC Health Economics Seminar
Wagner, Todd
02/17/2021 Tracking the Effects of COVID-19 Using Data on Symptoms Reported by Veterans on Calls to VA Clinical Call Centers VHA Primary Care Analytics Team
Hebert, Paul
02/16/2021 Leveraging VA Data and Partnerships to Advance Equity-Guided Improvement: Introducing the Primary Care Equity Dashboard VIReC Using Data and Information Systems in Partnered Research
Cashy, John
Hausmann, Leslie
Moy, Ernest
02/11/2021 What’s at the Core? Intro to the VA Qualitative Methods Learning Collaborative (QMLC) and scoping of Qualitative Cores-how they operate and what resources they offer Advanced Qualitative Methods hosted by the Qualitative Methods Learning Collaborative
Fix, Gemmae
Haverhals, Leah
Kowalski, Christine
Moeckli, Jane
02/11/2021 Natural Language Processing and VINCI COVID-19 Shared Data Resource VA Informatics and Computing Infrastructure
Alba, Patrick
02/10/2021 Natural Experiments & Difference-in-Difference HERC Econometrics with Observational Data
Yoon, Jean
02/09/2021 Is There a VA Advantage? Evidence from Dually Eligible Veterans
Chan, David
02/04/2021 Teamwork training: What it is and why you need it QUERI Implementation Research Group
Hartmann, Christine
02/03/2021 Propensity Scores HERC Econometrics with Observational Data
Wagner, Todd
02/03/2021 Trauma and Suicidal Self-Directed Violence among Women Veterans COnsortia of REsearch
Monteith, Lindsey
02/02/2021 Pain/Opioid CORE: Works in Progress Spotlight on Pain Management
Becker, William
Heapy, Alicia
Krebs, Erin
02/01/2021 Meet VIReC: The Researcher’s Guide to VA Data VIReC Database and Methods Seminar
Souden, Maria
01/27/2021 Research Design HERC Econometrics with Observational Data
Graham, Laura
01/27/2021 Using VA data and information systems (including Cerner data from Spokane) to support the ORH TeleSleep Enterprise-Wide Initiative (intranet only) Research & EHR Synergy
Sarmiento, Kathleen
Whooley, Mary
01/21/2021 Compendium on Use of Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies and Chiropractic Care at the VA Complementary and Integrative Health
Gelman, Hannah
Taylor, Stephanie
Zeliadt, Steven
01/20/2021 Econometrics Seminar Series: Introduction & Identification HERC Econometrics with Observational Data
Wagner, Todd
01/20/2021 Preventing Fracture(d Care): Lessons Learned from the Implementation of a Bone Health Care Teleheath PACT VHA Primary Care Analytics Team
Miller, Karla
Seaman, Aaron
Solimeo, Samantha
Steffen, Melissa
01/19/2021 Evaluating the Implementation of VA’s TeleWound Practice Program VIReC Using Data and Information Systems in Partnered Research
Etingen, Bella
Gutkowski, Marissa
Weaver, Frances
01/19/2021 A Systematic Review of Chronic Pain Prevalence and Interventions in Veterans and Servicemembers with a History of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Ralph G. DePalma Memorial TBI Clinical Strategies
Carlson, Kathleen
Morasco, Benjamin
O'Neil, Maya
01/14/2021 DaVINCI DoD Source Data: Coding Practices in Military Treatment Facilities VA Informatics and Computing Infrastructure
Funk, Wendy
01/12/2021 Ask the Experts: Talking with Dr. David Atkins, Dr. Corrine Kliment, and Local HSR&D Experts About Managing a Research Career During COVID 19
Atkins, David
Kliment, Corrine
Petersen, Laura
01/11/2021 Research on Active Duty Servicewomen and Women Veterans: Research Opportunities using the Millennium Cohort Study Spotlight on Women's Health
Carlton, MAJ Keyia
Haskell, Discussant: Sally
Matsuno, Rayna
Rohrbeck, Lt Col Patricia
Rull, Rudolph
01/07/2021 Selecting and Applying Theories, Models and Frameworks for Implementation Science QUERI Implementation Research Group
Birken, Sarah
01/06/2021 Engaging Stakeholders in Identifying VA Access Research and Evaluation Priorities: A Foundation for the Access Research Roadmap COnsortia of REsearch
McNeal, Demetria
01/05/2021 Engaging Veterans Seeking Service-Connection Payments in Pain Treatment Spotlight on Pain Management
Martino, Steve
Rosen, Marc


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