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VA Health Systems Research

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Women's Health Research

Women are entering the military in record numbers—they currently comprise approximately 20% of recruits, and it's estimated that by 2040, about 18% of the Veteran population will consist of women Veterans. To support the healthcare needs of current and future women Veterans, the Veterans Health Administration supports a comprehensive women's health research agenda, including significant contributions from VA's Health Systems Research (HSR). HSR has overseen the development of VA-wide and HSR-focused research agendas to advance science that includes or focuses on women Veterans to better understand their unique health and healthcare needs to ultimately improve their health and well-being.

VA Women's Health Research Network (WHRN)

Women's Health Research Network (WHRN) supports and builds on VA's capacity to assess and improve the health and health care of women Veterans. WHRN is a national resource for VA HSR researchers and program office leaders to accelerate women Veterans' health research and its implementation into evidence-based practice.

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