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144 records found for:
Author = Taylor S
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  1. Haderlein TP, Zeliadt SB, Kloehn AT, Lott BD, Toyama J, Resnick A, Elwy AR, Der-Martirosian C, Taylor SL. Are Virtual Complementary and Integrative Therapies as Effective as In-Person Therapies? Examining Patient-Reported Outcomes Among Veterans with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association. 2024 Sep 11.
  2. Oberman RS, Huynh AK, Cummings K, Resnick A, Taylor SL, Bergman AA, Chang ET. Engaging healthcare teams to increase access to medications for opioid use disorder. Health services research. 2024 Sep 8.
  3. Edmond SN, Kerns RD, Geda M, Luther SL, Edwards RR, Taylor SL, Rosen MI, Fritz JM, Goertz CM, Zeliadt SB, Seal KH. Initial Development of a Self-Report Survey on Use of Nonpharmacological and Self-Care Approaches for Pain Management (NSCAP). Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.). 2024 Aug 20.
  4. Burgess DJ, Calvert C, Hagel Campbell EM, Allen KD, Bangerter A, Behrens K, Branson M, Bronfort G, Cross LJS, Evans R, Ferguson JE, Friedman JK, Haley AC, Leininger B, Mahaffey M, Matthias MS, Meis LA, Polusny MA, Serpa JG, Taylor SL, Taylor BC. Telehealth Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Chronic Pain: The LAMP Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA internal medicine. 2024 Aug 19.
  5. O'Hanlon CE, Zeliadt SB, DeFaccio R, Gaj L, Bokhour BG, Taylor SL. Patient-reported pain and physical health for acupuncture and chiropractic care delivered by Veterans Affairs versus community providers. PLoS ONE. 2024 May 15; 19(5):e0303651.
  6. Bergman AA, Oberman RS, Taylor SL, Kranke B, Chang ET. Prescribing and Acceptance of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder in VA Primary Care: Veteran and Provider Perspectives. Journal of general internal medicine. 2024 Apr 8.
  7. Taylor SL, Elwy AR, Bokhour BG, Coggeshall SS, Cohen A, Der-Martirosian C, Haderlein T, Haun J, Kligler B, Kloehn AT, Lorenz KA, Lott B, Shin MH, Schult T, Toyama J, Whitehead AM, Zhang X, Zeliadt SB. Measuring Patient-Reported Use and Outcomes From Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies: Development of the Complementary and Integrative Health Therapy Patient Experience Survey. Global advances in integrative medicine and health. 2024 Apr 6; 13(1):27536130241241259.
  8. Seigel CR, Martin H, Bastin G, Myers LJ, Taylor S, Pike F, Wilkinson J, Williams LS. Patient acceptance of teleneurology across neurologic conditions. Journal of Neurology. 2024 Feb 23.
  9. Burgess DJ, Hagel Campbell EM, Branson M, Calvert C, Evans R, Allen KD, Bangerter A, Cross LJS, Driscoll MA, Hennessy S, Ferguson JE, Friedman JK, Matthias MS, Meis LA, Polusny MA, Taylor SL, Taylor BC. Exploring Gender Differences in Veterans in a Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Mindfulness for Chronic Pain. Women's health reports (New Rochelle, N.Y.). 2024 Feb 12; 5(1):82-92.
  10. Resnick A, Bergman AA, Oberman RS, Taylor SL, Chuang E, Cummings KM, Chang ET. Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Use of Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies for Veterans with Opioid Use Disorder in the Veterans Health Administration. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine. 2024 Jan 31; 9(1):doi:10.21926/obm.icm.2401012.
  11. Stocking JC, Taylor SL, Fan S, Wingert T, Drake C, Aldrich JM, Ong MK, Amin AN, Marmor RA, Godat L, Cannesson M, Gropper MA, Utter GH, Sandrock CE, Bime C, Mosier J, Subbian V, Adams JY, Kenyon NJ, Albertson TE, Garcia JGN, Abraham I. A Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator-Derived Predictive Model for Postoperative Respiratory Failure in a Heterogeneous Adult Elective Surgery Patient Population. CHEST critical care. 2023 Dec 1; 1(3).
  12. Wu J, Bolton RE, Anwar C, Bokhour BG, Khanna A, Mullur RS, Taylor SL, Hyde J. Modifying Whole Health Services for Successful Telehealth Delivery: Lessons from Veterans Health Administration's Rapid Transition During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of integrative and complementary medicine. 2023 Sep 1.
  13. Bokhour BG, DeFaccio R, Gaj L, Barker A, Deeney C, Coggeshall S, Gelman H, Taylor SL, Thomas E, Zeliadt SB. Changes in Patient-Reported Outcomes Associated with Receiving Whole Health in the Veteran Health Administration (VHA)'s National Demonstration Project. Journal of general internal medicine. 2023 Aug 31.
  14. Damush TM, Wilkinson JR, Martin H, Miech EJ, Tang Q, Taylor S, Daggy JK, Bastin G, Islam R, Myers LJ, Penney LS, Narechania A, Schreiber SS, Williams LS. The VA National TeleNeurology Program implementation: a mixed-methods evaluation guided by RE-AIM framework. Frontiers in Health Services. 2023 Aug 24; 3(0):1210197.
  15. Midboe AM, Javier SJ, Salsbury SA, Katsovich L, Burgess DJ, King HA, Taylor SL, Martino S, Mayer JM, Wallace RB, Der-Martirosian C, Kerns RD. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on nonpharmacological pain management trials in military and veteran healthcare settings: an evaluation informed by implementation science. Translational behavioral medicine. 2023 Aug 11; 13(8):601-611.
  16. Eaton TL, Taylor SP. Health system approaches to providing posthospital care for survivors of sepsis and critical illness. Current opinion in critical care. 2023 Oct 1; 29(5):513-518.
  17. Waddell KJ, Myers LJ, Perkins AJ, Sico JJ, Sexson A, Burrone L, Taylor S, Koo B, Daggy JK, Bravata DM. Development and validation of a model predicting mild stroke severity on admission using electronic health record data. Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association. 2023 Sep 1; 32(9):107255.
  18. Blain SD, Taylor SF, Rutherford SE, Lasagna CA, Yao B, Angstadt M, Green MF, Johnson TD, Peltier S, Diwadkar VA, Tso IF. Neurobehavioral indices of gaze perception are associated with social cognition across schizophrenia patients and healthy controls. Journal of psychopathology and clinical science. 2023 Aug 1; 132(6):733-748.
  19. Tobin J, Zeliadt SB, Upchurch DM, DeFaccio R, Douglas J, Gelman HM, Hawrilenko M, Frochen S, McGinty N, Resnick A, Tomlanovich N, Toyama J, Whitehead AM, Kligler B, Taylor SL. Racial and Ethnic Variation in Complementary and Integrative Health Therapy Use Among US Veterans. JAMA Network Open. 2023 Jun 1; 6(6):e2318020.
  20. Heavner SF, Stuenkel M, Russ Sellers R, McCallus R, Dean KD, Wilson C, Shuffler M, Britt TW, Stark Taylor S, Benedum M, Munk N, Mayo R, Cartmell KB, Griffin S, Kennedy AB. "I Don't Want to Go to Work": A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Healthcare Worker Experiences from the Front- and Side-Lines of COVID-19. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2023 May 25; 20(11).
  21. Sico JJ, Koo BB, Perkins AJ, Burrone L, Sexson A, Myers LJ, Taylor S, Yarbrough WC, Daggy JK, Miech EJ, Bravata DM. Impact of the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic on Veterans Health Administration Sleep Services. SAGE open medicine. 2023 May 3; 11:20503121231169388.
  22. Reed DE, Chen C, Harvey K, Engel CC, Kroenke K, Defaccio R, Coggeshall S, Taylor SL, Bokhour BG, Zeliadt SB. Utilization of Whole Health and Longitudinal Outcomes After Screening Positive for Possible Depression Documented in Veterans Health Administration's Electronic Health Record. Journal of integrative and complementary medicine. 2023 Dec 1; 29(12):781-791.
  23. Pappas MA, Jenkins AM, Horstman MJ, Rohatgi N, Press VG, Prochaska MT, Michtalik HJ, Sigmund A, Pavon JM, Bhandari S, Gupta V, Taylor SP, Society of Hospital Medicine Research Committee. State of research in adult Hospital Medicine: Updated results of a national survey and longitudinal analysis of national data. Journal of hospital medicine. 2023 Jun 1; 18(6):519-523.
  24. Dev S, Gonzalez AA, Coffing J, Slaven JE, Dev S, Taylor S, Ballard C, Hastings SN, Bravata DM. Validating administratively derived frailty scores for use in Veterans Health Administration emergency departments. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. 2023 Apr 1; 30(4):349-358.
  25. Resnick A, Zeliadt SB, Ganz DA, Moucheraud C, Chuang E, Yano EM, Taylor SL. Changes in Use of Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies at the Veterans Affairs: Findings from a Whole Health System Pilot Program. Journal of integrative and complementary medicine. 2023 Mar 16.
  26. McGowan MG, Taylor SL. Registry of Current Research on Veterans and Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies and Chiropractic Care. Research Registry. Whitehead A, Taylor SL, editors. Los Angeles CA: Produced by VA Complementary and Integrative Health Evaluation Center for the VA Office of Patient Centered Care and Cultural Transformation; 2023 Feb 1. 1-15 p.
  27. Kerns RD, Davis AF, Fritz JM, Keefe FJ, Peduzzi P, Rhon DI, Taylor SL, Vining R, Yu Q, Zeliadt SB, George SZ. Intervention Fidelity in Pain Pragmatic Trials for Nonpharmacologic Pain Management: Nuanced Considerations for Determining PRECIS-2 Flexibility in Delivery and Adherence. The journal of pain. 2023 Apr 1; 24(4):568-574.
  28. Taylor SL, Gelman HM, DeFaccio R, Douglas J, Hawrilenko MJ, McGinty NK, Resnick A, Tomlanovich NC, Toyama J, Whitehead AM, Kligler B, Zeliadt SB. We Built it, But Did They Come: Veterans' Use of VA Healthcare System-Provided Complementary and Integrative Health Approaches. Journal of general internal medicine. 2023 Mar 1; 38(4):905-912.
  29. Khanna A, Dryden EM, Bolton RE, Wu J, Taylor SL, Clayman ML, Anwar C, Kasom D, McGowan M, Mullur RS, Bokhour BG, Hyde J. Promoting Whole Health and Well-Being at Home: Veteran and Provider Perspectives on the Impact of Tele-Whole Health Services. Global advances in health and medicine. 2022 Nov 25; 11(eCollection 2022):2164957X221142608.
  30. Taylor SP, Weissman GE, Kowalkowski M, Admon AJ, Skewes S, Xia Y, Chou SH. A Quantitative Study of Decision Thresholds for Initiation of Antibiotics in Suspected Sepsis. Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making. 2023 Feb 1; 43(2):175-182.
  31. Watson MA, Anderson C, Karlic KJ, Hogan CK, Seelye S, Taylor SP, Prescott HC. Receipt of Recovery-Oriented Care Practices During Hospitalization for Sepsis. Critical care explorations. 2022 Sep 1; 4(9):e0766.
  32. Zeliadt SB, Douglas JH, Gelman H, Coggeshall S, Taylor SL, Kligler B, Bokhour BG. Effectiveness of a whole health model of care emphasizing complementary and integrative health on reducing opioid use among patients with chronic pain. BMC health services research. 2022 Aug 17; 22(1):1053.
  33. Der-Martirosian C, Shin M, Upham ML, Douglas JH, Zeliadt SB, Taylor SL. Telehealth Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies During COVID-19 at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association. 2023 Apr 1; 29(4):576-583.
  34. Admon AJ, Bohnert ASB, Cooke CR, Taylor SP. Beyond Confounding: Identifying Selection Bias in Observational Pulmonary and Critical Care Research. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2022 Jul 1; 19(7):1084-1089.
  35. Ali J, Antonelli M, Bastian L, Becker W, Brandt CA, Burgess DJ, Burns A, Cohen SP, Davis AF, Dearth CL, Dziura J, Edwards R, Erdos J, Farrokhi S, Fritz J, Geda M, George SZ, Goertz C, Goodie J, Hastings SN, Heapy A, Ilfeld BM, Katsovich L, Kerns RD, Kyriakides TC, Lee A, Long CR, Luther SL, Martino S, Matheny ME, McGeary D, Midboe A, Pasquina P, Peduzzi P, Raffanello M, Rhon D, Rosen M, Esposito ER, Scarton D, Hastings SN, Seal K, Silliker N, Taylor S, Taylor SL, Tsui M, Wright FS, Zeliadt S. Optimizing the Impact of Pragmatic Clinical Trials for Veteran and Military Populations: Lessons From the Pain Management Collaboratory. Military medicine. 2022 Jul 1; 187(7-8):179-185.
  36. Rhon DI, Fritz JM, Kerns RD, McGeary DD, Coleman BC, Farrokhi S, Burgess DJ, Goertz CM, Taylor SL, Hoffmann T. TIDieR-telehealth: precision in reporting of telehealth interventions used in clinical trials - unique considerations for the Template for the Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR) checklist. BMC medical research methodology. 2022 Jun 2; 22(1):161.
  37. Sico J, Koo B, Perkins A, Burrone L, Sexson AE, Myers L, Taylor S, Yarbrough C, Daggy J, Miech EJ, Bravata DM. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Veterans Health Administration Sleep Services: A Comparative Survey Study. Europe PMC [Preprint]. 2022 Apr 18; :
  38. Bokhour BG, Hyde J, Kligler B, Gelman H, Gaj L, Barker AM, Douglas J, DeFaccio R, Taylor SL, Zeliadt SB. From patient outcomes to system change: Evaluating the impact of VHA's implementation of the Whole Health System of Care. Health services research. 2022 Jun 1; 57 Suppl 1:53-65.
  39. Kaskie B, Xu L, Taylor S, Smith L, Cornell P, Zhang W, Carder P, Thomas K. Promoting Quality of Life and Safety in Assisted Living: A Survey of State Monitoring and Enforcement Agents. Medical care research and review : MCRR. 2022 Oct 1; 79(5):731-737.
  40. Taylor SL, Giannitrapani KF, Ackland PE, Thomas ER, Federman DG, Holliday JR, Olson J, Kligler B, Zeliadt SB. The Implementation and Effectiveness of Battlefield Auricular Acupuncture for Pain. Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.). 2021 Aug 6; 22(8):1721-1726.
  41. Wong MS, Gabrielian S, Lynch KE, Coronado G, Viernes B, Gelberg L, Taylor SL. Healthcare service utilization for formerly homeless veterans in permanent supportive housing: Do neighborhoods matter?. Psychological Services. 2022 Aug 1; 19(3):471-479.
  42. Fritz JM, Davis AF, Burgess DJ, Coleman B, Cook C, Farrokhi S, Goertz C, Heapy A, Lisi AJ, McGeary DD, Rhon DI, Taylor SL, Zeliadt S, Kerns RD. Pivoting to virtual delivery for managing chronic pain with nonpharmacological treatments: implications for pragmatic research. Pain. 2021 Jun 1; 162(6):1591-1596.
  43. Golden RE, Klap R, Carney DV, Yano EM, Hamilton AB, Taylor SL, Kligler B, Whitehead AM, Saechao F, Zaiko Y, Pomernacki A, Frayne SM, WH-PBRN-CIH Writing Group. Promoting learning health system feedback loops: Experience with a VA practice-based research network card study. Healthcare (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2021 Jun 1; 8 Suppl 1:100484.
  44. Burgess DJ, Vallone D, Bair MJ, Matthias MS, Taylor BC, Taylor SL. Shifting the National Consciousness about Pain Treatment: The Critical Need for a National Public Education Campaign. The journal of pain. 2021 Oct 1; 22(10):1129-1133.
  45. Bolton RE, Bokhour BG, Dvorin K, Wu J, Elwy AR, Charns M, Taylor SL. Garnering Support for Complementary and Integrative Health Implementation: A Qualitative Study of VA Healthcare Organization Leaders. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.). 2021 Mar 1; 27(S1):S81-S88.
  46. Farmer MM, McGowan M, Farmer MM, Yuan AH, McGowan M, Whitehead AM, Yuan AH, Osawe U, Whitehead AM, Osawe U, Taylor SL, Taylor SL. Complementary and Integrative Health Approaches Offered in the Veterans Health Administration: Results of a National Organizational Survey. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.). 2021 Mar 1; 27(S1):S124-S130.
  47. Taylor SL, Dusek JA, Elwy AR. Moving Integrative Health Research from Effectiveness to Widespread Dissemination. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.). 2021 Mar 1; 27(S1):S1-S6.
  48. Burgess DJ, Evans R, Allen KD, Bangerter A, Bronfort G, Cross LJ, Ferguson JE, Haley A, Hagel Campbell EM, Mahaffey MR, Matthias MS, Meis LA, Polusny MA, Serpa JG, Taylor SL, Taylor BC. Learning to Apply Mindfulness to Pain (LAMP): Design for a Pragmatic Clinical Trial of Two Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Chronic Pain. Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.). 2020 Dec 12; 21(Suppl 2):S29-S36.
  49. Zeliadt SB, Coggeshall S, Gelman H, Shin MH, Elwy AR, Bokhour BG, Taylor SL. Assessing the Relative Effectiveness of Combining Self-Care with Practitioner-Delivered Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies to Improve Pain in a Pragmatic Trial. Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.). 2020 Dec 12; 21(Suppl 2):S100-S109.
  50. Chang ET, Oberman RS, Cohen AN, Taylor SL, Gumm E, Mardian AS, Toy S, Revote A, Lewkowitz B, Yano EM. Increasing Access to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder and Complementary and Integrative Health Services in Primary Care. Journal of general internal medicine. 2020 Dec 1; 35(Suppl 3):918-926.
  51. Taylor SL, Gelman H, DeFaccio R, Hawrilenko M, McGinty N, Resnick A, Thomas E, Tomlanovich NC, Toyama J, Kligler B, Jents M, Whitehead A, Zeliadt S. Compendium on Use of Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies and Chiropractic Care at the VA. Use and Characteristics of Users, Fiscal Years 2017-2019. Washington, DC: Office of Patient Centered Care & Cultural Transformation (OPCC&CT) Office of Patient Care Services, Veterans Health Administration Department of Veterans Affairs; 2020 Oct 1. 1-36 p.
  52. Elwy AR, Taylor SL. Progress of Veterans Health Administration Complementary and Integrative Health Research Along the Quality Enhancement Research Initiative Implementation Roadmap. Medical care. 2020 Sep 1; 58 Suppl 2 9S:S75-S77.
  53. Elwy AR, Taylor SL, Zhao S, McGowan M, Plumb DN, Westleigh W, Gaj L, Yan GW, Bokhour BG. Participating in Complementary and Integrative Health Approaches Is Associated With Veterans' Patient-reported Outcomes Over Time. Medical care. 2020 Sep 1; 58 Suppl 2 9S:S125-S132.
  54. Giannitrapani KF, Ackland PE, Holliday J, Zeliadt S, Olson J, Kligler B, Taylor SL. Provider Perspectives of Battlefield Acupuncture: Advantages, Disadvantages and Its Potential Role in Reducing Opioid Use for Pain. Medical care. 2020 Sep 1; 58 Suppl 2 9S:S88-S93.
  55. Thomas ER, Zeliadt SB, Coggeshall S, Gelman H, Resnick A, Giannitrapani K, Olson J, Kligler B, Taylor SL. Does Offering Battlefield Acupuncture Lead to Subsequent Use of Traditional Acupuncture? Medical care. 2020 Sep 1; 58 Suppl 2 9S:S108-S115.
  56. Zeliadt SB, Thomas ER, Olson J, Coggeshall S, Giannitrapani K, Ackland PE, Reddy KP, Federman DG, Drake DF, Kligler B, Taylor SL. Patient Feedback on the Effectiveness of Auricular Acupuncture on Pain in Routine Clinical Care: The Experience of 11,406 Veterans. Medical care. 2020 Sep 1; 58 Suppl 2 9S:S101-S107.
  57. Bokhour BG, Gelman H, Gaj L, Thomas E, Barker A, Whittington M, Douglas J, DeFaccio R, Taylor S, Zeliadt S. Addressing Consumer and Patients' Preferences and Needs Whole Health System of Care Improves Health and Well-Being and Reduces Opioid Use for Veterans with Chronic Pain. [Abstract]. Health services research. 2020 Aug 20; 55(51):7-8.
  58. Zeliadt SB, Coggeshall S, Thomas E, Gelman H, Taylor SL. The APPROACH trial: Assessing pain, patient-reported outcomes, and complementary and integrative health. Clinical trials (London, England). 2020 Aug 1; 17(4):351-359.
  59. Farmer Coste MM, Taylor SL, McGowan MG, Yuan A, Osawe U. The Provision of Complementary and Integrative Health Services in VA: Results from the National VA Survey of Complementary and Integrative Health Approaches 2017-2018. Washington, DC: VA Office of Patient Centered Care & Cultural Transformation (OPCC&CT), Integrative Health Coordinating Center; 2020 Jun 4. 63 p.
  60. Bokhour BG, Haun J, Barker A, Charns MP, Hyde JK, Taylor SL, Zeliadt SB, Phillips L, Kligler B. Establishing Evidence for the Whole Health System of Care in VA: Directions for Future Research. Bedford, MA: Center for Evaluating Patient-Centered Care in VA (EPCC-VA); 2019 Nov 1. 47 p.
  61. Taylor SL, Atkins D, Bokhour B. ORD Briefing on VA Integrative and Complementary Medicine Research: Briefing before the Staff of Senator Hirono; 2019 Oct 18; Teleconference.
  62. Goldberg SB, Zeliadt SB, Hoggatt KJ, Simpson TL, Fortney JC, Taylor SL. Utilization and Perceived Effectiveness of Mindfulness Meditation in Veterans: Results from a National Survey. Mindfulness. 2019 Sep 11; 10(12):
  63. Giannitrapani KF, Holliday JR, Miake-Lye IM, Hempel S, Taylor SL. Synthesizing the Strength of the Evidence of Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies for Pain. Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.). 2019 Sep 1; 20(9):1831-1840.
  64. Herman PM, Yuan AH, Cefalu MS, Chu K, Zeng Q, Marshall N, Lorenz KA, Taylor SL. The use of complementary and integrative health approaches for chronic musculoskeletal pain in younger US Veterans: An economic evaluation. PLoS ONE. 2019 Jun 5; 14(6):e0217831.
  65. Taylor SL, Hoggatt KJ, Kligler B. Complementary and Integrated Health Approaches: What Do Veterans Use and Want. Journal of general internal medicine. 2019 Jul 1; 34(7):1192-1199.
  66. Allen KD, Lo G, Abbate LM, Floegel TA, Lindquist JH, Coffman C, Oddone EZ, Taylor SS, Hall K. Composite measures of physical activity and pain associate better with functional assessments than pain alone in knee osteoarthritis. Clinical Rheumatology. 2019 Aug 1; 38(8):2241-2247.
  67. Miake-Lye IM, Mak S, Lee J, Luger T, Taylor SL, Shanman R, Beroes-Severin JM, Shekelle PG. Massage for Pain: An Evidence Map. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.). 2019 May 1; 25(5):475-502.
  68. Taylor SL, Bolton R, Huynh A, Dvorin K, Elwy AR, Bokhour BG, Whitehead A, Kligler B. What Should Health Care Systems Consider When Implementing Complementary and Integrative Health: Lessons from Veterans Health Administration. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.). 2019 Mar 1; 25(S1):S52-S60.
  69. Taylor SL, Elwy R. National Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Implementation of Battlefield Acupuncture. VA QUERI Quarterly eNews. 2019 Mar 1.
  70. Zeliadt SB, Taylor S, Thomas E, Giannitrapani K, Holliday J, Ackland P. Battlefield Acupuncture for Pain in the VA: What is it, How effective is it and How Well is it Being Implemented? The Effectiveness and Implementation of Battlefield Acupuncture in the VA [Cyberseminar]. QUERI Complementary and Integrative Health Evaluation Center Partnered Evaluation Initiative. 2019 Feb 5.
  71. Blalock DV, Zullig LL, Bosworth HB, Taylor SS, Voils CI. Self-reported medication nonadherence predicts cholesterol levels over time. Journal of psychosomatic research. 2019 Mar 1; 118:49-55.
  72. Farmer Coste MM, Taylor SL. The CIHEC Environmental Scan of CIH Services in VA. Complementary and Integrative Health [Cyberseminar]. VA HSR&D. 2019 Jan 17.
  73. Hilton LG, Marshall NJ, Motala A, Taylor SL, Miake-Lye IM, Baxi S, Shanman RM, Solloway MR, Beroesand JM, Hempel S. Mindfulness meditation for workplace wellness: An evidence map. Work (Reading, Mass.). 2019 Jan 1; 63(2):205-218.
  74. Evans EA, Taylor SL. Gender Disparities in the Use of Complementary and Integrative Health by U.S. Military Veterans with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. Spotlight on Women's Health [Cyberseminar]. VA HSR&D. 2018 Nov 29.
  75. Elwy R, Hoggatt KJ, Taylor SL. The Complementary and Integrative Health Evaluation Center (CIHEC) Study on Veterans' Preferences for and Use of CIH. Complementary and Integrative Health [Cyberseminar]. VA HSR&D. 2018 Nov 15.
  76. Federman DG, Zeliadt SB, Thomas ER, Carbone GF, Taylor SL. Battlefield Acupuncture in the Veterans Health Administration: Effectiveness in Individual and Group Settings for Pain and Pain Comorbidities. Medical acupuncture. 2018 Oct 15; 30(5):273-278.
  77. Taylor SL, Giannitrapani K, Ackland PE, Holliday J, Reddy KP, Drake DF, Federman DG, Kligler B. Challenges and Strategies for Implementing Battlefield Acupuncture in the Veterans Administration: A Qualitative Study of Provider Perspectives. Medical acupuncture. 2018 Oct 15; 30(5):252-261.
  78. Taylor SL, Herman PM, Marshall NJ, Zeng Q, Yuan A, Chu K, Shao Y, Morioka C, Lorenz KA. Use of Complementary and Integrated Health: A Retrospective Analysis of U.S. Veterans with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Nationally. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.). 2019 Jan 1; 25(1):32-39.
  79. Evans EA, Herman PM, Washington DL, Lorenz KA, Yuan A, Upchurch DM, Marshall N, Hamilton AB, Taylor SL. Gender Differences in Use of Complementary and Integrative Health by U.S. Military Veterans with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health. 2018 Sep 1; 28(5):379-386.
  80. Bravata DM, Sico J, Vaz Fragoso CA, Miech EJ, Matthias MS, Lampert R, Williams LS, Concato J, Ivan CS, Fleck JD, Tobias L, Austin CC, Ferguson J, Radulescu R, Iannone L, Ofner S, Taylor S, Qin L, Won C, Yaggi HK. Diagnosing and Treating Sleep Apnea in Patients with Acute Cerebrovascular Disease. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2018 Aug 15; 7(16):1-15.
  81. Taylor SS, Olsen MK, McVay MA, Grubber J, Gierisch JM, Yancy WS, Voils CI. The role of group cohesion in a group-based behavioral weight loss intervention. Journal of behavioral medicine. 2019 Feb 1; 42(1):162-168.
  82. Taylor SL. Spotlight on Evidence-Based Practice (EBP): Complementary and Integrative Health Evaluation Center. HSR&D Monthly News Feature. 2018 Jul 1; July(2018): 1.
  83. Goode AP, Taylor SS, Hastings SN, Stanwyck C, Coffman CJ, Allen KD. Effects of a Home-Based Telephone-Supported Physical Activity Program for Older Adult Veterans With Chronic Low Back Pain. Physical Therapy. 2018 May 1; 98(5):369-380.
  84. Taylor SS, Oddone EZ, Coffman CJ, Jeffreys AS, Bosworth HB, Allen KD. Cognitive Mediators of Change in Physical Functioning in Response to a Multifaceted Intervention for Managing Osteoarthritis. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2018 Apr 1; 25(2):162-170.
  85. Taylor SS, Hughes JM, Coffman CJ, Jeffreys AS, Ulmer CS, Oddone EZ, Bosworth HB, Yancy WS, Allen KD. Prevalence of and characteristics associated with insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea among veterans with knee and hip osteoarthritis. BMC musculoskeletal disorders. 2018 Mar 9; 19(1):79.
  86. Gunn AH, Schwartz TA, Arbeeva LS, Callahan LF, Golightly Y, Goode A, Hill CH, Huffman K, Iversen MD, Pathak A, Taylor SS, Allen KD. Fear of Movement and Associated Factors Among Adults With Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis. Arthritis care & research. 2017 Dec 1; 69(12):1826-1833.
  87. Riley C, Roy B, Harari N, Vashi A, Violano P, Greene A, Lucas G, Smart J, Hines T, Spell S, Taylor S, Tinney B, Williams M, Wang EA. Preparing for Disaster: a Cross-Sectional Study of Social Connection and Gun Violence. Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. 2017 Oct 1; 94(5):619-628.
  88. Taylor SL. Addressing America's Opioid Problem: The Need for Evidence-Based Strategies: Briefing before the Senator and Congressional staffers, organized by PCORI and Anthem Blue Cross; 2017 Sep 19; Wash DC.
  89. Sico JJ, Yaggi HK, Ofner S, Concato J, Austin C, Ferguson J, Qin L, Tobias L, Taylor S, Vaz Fragoso CA, McLain V, Williams LS, Bravata DM. Development, Validation, and Assessment of an Ischemic Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack-Specific Prediction Tool for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association. 2017 Aug 1; 26(8):1745-1754.
  90. Taylor SL. Veterans with pain increasingly using complementary and integrative therapies. VAntage Point: Official Blog of the US Department of Veteran Affairs [Internet]. 2017 Jul 27. Available from:
  91. Taylor SL, Giannitrapani KF, Yuan A, Marshall N. What Patients and Providers Want to Know About Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.). 2018 Jan 1; 24(1):85-89.
  92. Taylor SS, Davis MC, Yeung EW, Zautra AJ, Tennen HA. Relations between adaptive and maladaptive pain cognitions and within-day pain exacerbations in individuals with fibromyalgia. Journal of behavioral medicine. 2017 Jun 1; 40(3):458-467.
  93. Gierisch JM, Hughes JM, Edelman D, Bosworth HB, Oddone EZ, Taylor SS, Kosinski AS, McDuffie JR, Swinkels CM, Razouki Z, Masilamani V. The Effectiveness of Health Coaching. 2017 Apr 1.
  94. Taylor S, Herman P. The Cost-Effectiveness of Complementary and Alternative Treatments to Reduce Pain: A Work in Progress. Health Economic Resource Center (HERC) [Cyberseminar]. HSR&D. 2017 Feb 15.
  95. Taylor SL, Herman P, Lorenz K. The Use of Complementary and Integrative Health in the OEF/OIF/OND Veteran Population. Spotlight on Pain Management [Cyberseminar]. HSR&D. 2017 Jan 10.
  96. Voils CI, Grubber JM, McVay MA, Olsen MK, Bolton J, Gierisch JM, Taylor SS, Maciejewski ML, Yancy WS. Recruitment and Retention for a Weight Loss Maintenance Trial Involving Weight Loss Prior to Randomization. Obesity science & practice. 2016 Dec 1; 2(4):355-365.
  97. Miake-Lye I, Lee J, Lugar T, Taylor S, Shanman R, Beroes J, Shekelle P. Massage for Pain: An Evidence Map. VA Evidence-based Synthesis Program Reports. Washington (DC): Department of Veterans Affairs (US); 2016 Sep 1. 44 p.
  98. Schrubbe LA, Ravyts SG, Benas BC, Campbell LC, Cené CW, Coffman CJ, Gunn AH, Keefe FJ, Nagle CT, Oddone EZ, Somers TJ, Stanwyck CL, Taylor SS, Allen KD. Pain coping skills training for African Americans with osteoarthritis (STAART): study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMC musculoskeletal disorders. 2016 Aug 23; 17(1):359.
  99. Solloway MR, Taylor SL, Shekelle PG, Miake-Lye IM, Beroes JM, Shanman RM, Hempel S. An evidence map of the effect of Tai Chi on health outcomes. Systematic reviews. 2016 Jul 27; 5(1):126.
  100. Taylor SS, Allen KD, Oddone EZ, Coffman CJ, Jeffreys AL. Cognitive mediators of change in physical functioning in response to a combined patient and provider intervention for managing osteoarthritis. Poster session presented at: VA Durham VAMC Annual Research Week; 2016 May 26; Durham, NC.
  101. Taylor SL, Bolton RE, Dvorin K, Elwy AR, Bokhour BG. Complementary and Integrative Health Implementation in the VA. Paper presented at: International Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health; 2016 May 1; Las Vegas, NV.
  102. Taylor SL, Lorenz K. A VA Priority: Complementary and Integrative Health Approaches to Addressing Pain. VA HSR&D Forum. 2016 May 1; 2016(Spring): 6-8.
  103. Taylor SL, Solloway M, Shekelle PG, Miake-Lye I, Beroes JM, Hempel S. An Evidence Map of the Effects of Tai Chi. Poster session presented at: International Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health; 2016 May 1; Las Vegas, NV.
  104. Taylor SS, Allen KD, Oddone EZ, Coffman CJ, Jeffreys AL. Cognitive Mediators of Change in Physical Functioning in Response to a Combined Patient and Provider Intervention for Managing Osteoarthritis. Poster session presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2016 Apr 2; Washington, DC.
  105. Allen KD, Hall K, Lindquist JH, Taylor SS, Coffman CJ. Is It Important to Adjust for Physical Activity When Measuring Chronic Pain? Poster session presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2016 Mar 30; Washington, DC.
  106. Taylor SL, Bolton R, Huynh AK, Dvorin K. Implementing Complementary and Integrative Health in the VA. Poster session presented at: National Institutes of Health / AcademyHealth Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation; 2015 Dec 14; Washington, DC.
  107. Taylor SL, Bolton RE, Dvorin K, Elwy AR, Bokhour BG. Facilitators, Challenges and Strategies to Adopting and Implementing Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies (White Paper). 2015 Nov 1.
  108. Stahl SM, Yaggi HK, Taylor S, Qin L, Ivan CS, Austin C, Ferguson J, Radulescu R, Tobias L, Sico J, Vaz Fragoso CA, Williams LS, Lampert R, Miech EJ, Matthias MS, Kapoor J, Bravata DM. Infarct location and sleep apnea: evaluating the potential association in acute ischemic stroke. Sleep Medicine. 2015 Oct 1; 16(10):1198-203.
  109. Taylor SL, Bolton R, Huynh A, Dvorin K. Adoption and Implementation of Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D / QUERI National Meeting; 2015 Jul 8; Philadelphia, PA.
  110. Elwy AR, Johnston JM, Bormann JE, Hull A, Taylor SL. A systematic scoping review of complementary and alternative medicine mind and body practices to improve the health of veterans and military personnel. Medical care. 2014 Dec 1; 52(12 Suppl 5):S70-82.
  111. Serpa JG, Taylor SL, Tillisch K. Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) reduces anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation in veterans. Medical care. 2014 Dec 1; 52(12 Suppl 5):S19-24.
  112. Taylor SL, Elwy AR. Complementary and alternative medicine for US veterans and active duty military personnel: promising steps to improve their health. Medical care. 2014 Dec 1; 52(12 Suppl 5):S1-4.
  113. Hempel S, Taylor SL, Marshall NJ, Miake-Lye IM, Beroes JM, Shanman R, Solloway MR, Shekelle PG. Evidence Map of Mindfulness. VA Evidence-based Synthesis Program Reports. Washington (DC): Department of Veterans Affairs (US); 2014 Oct 1. 38 p.
  114. Hempel S, Taylor SL, Solloway MR, Miake-Lye IM, Beroes JM, Shanman R, Shekelle PG. Evidence Map of Tai Chi. VA Evidence-based Synthesis Program Reports. Washington (DC): Department of Veterans Affairs (US); 2014 Sep 1. 39 p.
  115. Taylor SL, Hempel S, Solloway M, Miake-Lye I, Beroes J, Shanman R, Booth M, Siroka A, Shekelle PG. An Evidence Map of the Effects of Acupuncture. Poster session presented at: Integrative Medicine and Health International Research Congress; 2014 May 13; Miami, FL.
  116. Taylor SL. Status of Health Services Research on Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the VA. Presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2013 Jun 23; Baltimore, MD.
  117. Taylor SL, Rose DE, Farmer Coste MM, Canelo IA, Rubenstein LV, Yano EM, Ahluwalia SC. Prevalence of Patient-Centered Medical Homes Features in VA Facilities – Results of a National Survey. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2013 Jun 23; Baltimore, MD.
  118. Scandrett KG, Anichini MA, Berdes C, Estabrook S, Boockvar K, Saliba D, Emanuel L, Taylor SL. Patient safety in the nursing home: how nursing staff assess and communicate about change in condition. Journal of gerontological nursing. 2012 Nov 1; 38(11):28-37; quiz 38-9.
  119. Farmer Coste MM, Rose DE, Rubenstein LV, Canelo IA, Taylor SL, Schectman G, Stark R, Yano EM. Challenges in Meeting the VA Primary Care Needs of OEF/OIF Veterans. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D / QUERI National Meeting; 2012 Jul 16; National Harbor, MD.
  120. Farmer Coste MM, Rose DE, Rubenstein LV, Canelo IA, Taylor SL, Schectman G, Stark R, Yano EM. Frontline Challenges to Delivering Primary Care. Paper presented at: VA HSR&D / QUERI National Meeting; 2012 Jul 16; National Harbor, MD.
  121. Rose DE, Farmer Coste MM, Taylor SL, Canelo IA, Schectman G, Stark RC, Rubenstein LV, Yano EM. Primary Care Directors' Report of Coordination of Care Problems with Medical Specialty Outpatient Care. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D / QUERI National Meeting; 2012 Jul 16; National Harbor, MD.
  122. Harris AH, Fernandes-Taylor S, Giori N. "Not statistically different" does not necessarily mean "the same": the important but underappreciated distinction between difference and equivalence studies. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2012 Mar 7; 94(5):e29.
  123. Fernandes-Taylor S, Harris AH. Comparing alternative specifications of quality measures: access to pharmacotherapy for alcohol use disorders. Journal of substance abuse treatment. 2012 Jan 1; 42(1):102-7.
  124. Fernandes-Taylor S, Hyun JK, Reeder RN, Harris AH. Common statistical and research design problems in manuscripts submitted to high-impact medical journals. BMC research notes. 2011 Aug 19; 4(1):304.
  125. Dy SM, Taylor SL, Carr LH, Foy R, Pronovost PJ, Ovretveit J, Wachter RM, Rubenstein LV, Hempel S, McDonald KM, Shekelle PG. A framework for classifying patient safety practices: results from an expert consensus process. BMJ quality & safety. 2011 Jul 1; 20(7):618-24.
  126. Ovretveit JC, Shekelle PG, Dy SM, McDonald KM, Hempel S, Pronovost P, Rubenstein L, Taylor SL, Foy R, Wachter RM. How does context affect interventions to improve patient safety? An assessment of evidence from studies of five patient safety practices and proposals for research. BMJ quality & safety. 2011 Jul 1; 20(7):604-10.
  127. Taylor SL, Dy S, Foy R, Hempel S, McDonald KM, Ovretveit J, Pronovost PJ, Rubenstein LV, Wachter RM, Shekelle PG. What context features might be important determinants of the effectiveness of patient safety practice interventions? BMJ quality & safety. 2011 Jul 1; 20(7):611-7.
  128. Taylor SL, Dy S, Foy RC, Hempel S, McDonald KM, Øvretveit J, Pronovost PJ, Rubenstein LV, Wachter RM, Shekelle PG. What context features might be important determinants of the effectiveness of patient safety practice interventions? Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2011 Jun 24; Seattle, WA.
  129. Harris AH, Humphreys KN, Oliva EM, Fernandes-Taylor S, Bowe T, Kivlahan D, Trafton JA. Comparing Alternative Metrics for Monitoring Pharmacotherapy of Alcohol Use Disorders: Effects on Overall Performance and Facility Rank Order. Poster session presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2011 Jun 15; Seattle, WA.
  130. Shekelle PG, Pronovost PJ, Wachter RM, Taylor SL, Dy SM, Foy R, Hempel S, McDonald KM, Ovretveit J, Rubenstein LV, Adams AS, Angood PB, Bates DW, Bickman L, Carayon P, Donaldson L, Duan N, Farley DO, Greenhalgh T, Haughom J, Lake ET, Lilford R, Lohr KN, Meyer GS, Miller MR, Neuhauser DV, Ryan G, Saint S, Shojania KG, Shortell SM, Stevens DP, Walshe K. Advancing the science of patient safety. Annals of internal medicine. 2011 May 17; 154(10):693-6.
  131. Fernandes-Taylor S, Bloom JR. Post-treatment regret among young breast cancer survivors. Psycho-oncology. 2011 May 1; 20(5):506-16.
  132. Foy R, Ovretveit J, Shekelle PG, Pronovost PJ, Taylor SL, Dy S, Hempel S, McDonald KM, Rubenstein LV, Wachter RM. The role of theory in research to develop and evaluate the implementation of patient safety practices. BMJ quality & safety. 2011 May 1; 20(5):453-9.
  133. Harrigan MR, Weinberg JA, Peaks YS, Taylor SM, Cava LP, Richman J, Walters BC. Management of blunt extracranial traumatic cerebrovascular injury: a multidisciplinary survey of current practice. World journal of emergency surgery : WJES. 2011 Apr 8; 6:11.
  134. Meredith LS, Eisenman DP, Tanielian T, Taylor SL, Basurto-Davila R, Zazzali J, Diamond D, Cienfuegos B, Shields S. Prioritizing "psychological" consequences for disaster preparedness and response: a framework for addressing the emotional, behavioral, and cognitive effects of patient surge in large-scale disasters. Disaster medicine and public health preparedness. 2011 Mar 1; 5(1):73-80.
  135. Collins RL, Taylor SL, Elliott MN, Ringel JS, Kanouse DE, Beckman R. Off-premise alcohol sales policies, drinking, and sexual risk among people living with HIV. American journal of public health. 2010 Oct 1; 100(10):1890-2.
  136. Taylor SL, Rose DE, Yano EM. Geographic variation in the availability of female providers for women Veterans’ care. Poster session presented at: VA HSR&D Field-Based Women's Health Meeting; 2010 Jul 15; Arlington, VA.
  137. Taylor SE, Lehman BJ, Kiefe CI, Seeman TE. Relationship of early life stress and psychological functioning to adult C-reactive protein in the coronary artery risk development in young adults study. Biological psychiatry. 2006 Oct 15; 60(8):819-24.
  138. Taylor S, Frueh BC, Asmundson GJ. Detection and management of malingering in people presenting for treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder: methods, obstacles, and recommendations. Journal of anxiety disorders. 2006 Apr 27; 21(1):22-41.
  139. Lehman BJ, Taylor SE, Kiefe CI, Seeman TE. Relation of childhood socioeconomic status and family environment to adult metabolic functioning in the CARDIA study. Psychosomatic medicine. 2005 Nov 1; 67(6):846-54.
  140. Healy DJ, Taylor S, Goldman M, Barry K, Blow F, Milner KK. Clinical equivalence of generic clozapine. Community mental health journal. 2005 Aug 1; 41(4):393-8.
  141. Dolor RJ, Taylor SM, Liu D, Olsen MK, Williams JW. Antidepressant therapy in primary care: Does patient preference affect response? Paper presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting; 2003 May 1; Vancouver, Canada.
  142. Braver TS, Barch DM, Keys BA, Carter CS, Cohen JD, Kaye JA, Janowsky JS, Taylor SF, Yesavage JA, Mumenthaler MS, Jagust WJ, Reed BR. Context processing in older adults: evidence for a theory relating cognitive control to neurobiology in healthy aging. Journal of experimental psychology. 2001 Dec 1; 130(4):746-63.
  143. Rudolph JW, Foldy E, Taylor ST. Collaborative off-line reflection: a way to develop skill in action science and action inquiry. In: Reason P, Bradbury H, editors. Handbook of action research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage; 2001. 405-412 p.
  144. Murdoch DR, Roberts SA, Fowler Jr VG, Shah MA, Taylor SL, Morris AJ, Corey GR. Infection of orthopedic prostheses after Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. 2001 Feb 15; 32(4):647-9.

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