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Bosworth HB, Olsen MK, Gentry P, Orr M, Dudley T, McCant F, Oddone EZ. Nurse administered telephone intervention for blood pressure control: a patient-tailored multifactorial intervention. Patient education and counseling. 2005 Apr 1; 57(1):5-14.
OBJECTIVES: A randomized controlled trial involving a nurse administered patient-tailored intervention is being conducted to improve blood pressure (BP) control. METHODS: Veterans with hypertension from an outpatient primary care clinic completed a baseline assessment and were randomly allocated to either a nurse administered intervention or to usual care. In this ongoing study, intervention patients receive the tailored intervention bi-monthly for 2 years via telephone; the goal of the intervention is to promote adherence with medication and improve health behaviors. Patient factors targeted for intervention include perceived risk of hypertension, memory, literacy, social support, patients' relationship with their health care provider, side effects of therapy, pill refill, missed appointments, and health behaviors. RESULTS: The sample randomized to the nurse intervention consisted of 294 veterans with hypertension (average age = 63 years; 41% African-American). A comparable sample of veterans was assigned to usual care (n = 294). We have maintained a 97% retention rate for the first 12 months of the study. The average phone call has lasted 3.7 min ranging from less than 1 to 40 min. At 6-month post-enrollment, individuals receiving the nurse intervention had a greater increase in confidence with following hypertension treatment (P < 0.007) than the usual care group. DISCUSSION: The intervention is easily implemented and is designed to enhance adherence with prescribed hypertension regimen. The study includes both general and patient-tailored information based upon need assessment. The study design ensures internal validity as well as the ability to generalize study findings to the clinic settings.