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Bormann JE, Uphold CR, Maynard C. Predictors of complementary/alternative medicine use and intensity of use among men with HIV infection from two geographic areas in the United States. Journal of The Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. 2009 Nov 1; 20(6):468-80.
This descriptive, cross-sectional study explored the factors associated with frequency and intensity of complementary/alternative medicine (CAM) use in 301 HIV-infected men from southern California (n = 75) and northern Florida/southern Georgia (n = 226). Logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify which demographic, biomedical, psychosocial, and health behavior variables (risk and health-promoting behaviors) were predictors of CAM use and intensity of use. The majority (69%) of participants reported CAM use. The types of CAM most frequently cited were dietary supplements (71%) and spiritual therapies (66%). Odds of CAM use increased with more depressive symptoms and more health-promoting behaviors. The odds of CAM use intensity increased with greater symptom frequency and more health-promoting behaviors. Living in California was predictive of both use frequency and intensity of CAM use. High levels of CAM use should alert health care providers to assess CAM use and to incorporate CAM-related patient education into their clinical practices.