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Teitelman AM, Tieu HV, Chittamuru D, Shaw PA, Nandi V, Davis A, Lipsky RK, Darlington CK, Fiore D, Koblin BA. A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study of Just4Us, a Counseling and Navigation Intervention to Promote Oral HIV Prophylaxis Uptake Among PrEP-Eligible Cisgender Women. AIDS and behavior. 2023 Sep 1; 27(9):2944-2958.
HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) uptake among cisgender women in the United States is low. Just4Us, a theory-based counseling and navigation intervention, was evaluated in a pilot randomized controlled trial among PrEP-eligible women (n? = 83). The comparison arm was a brief information session. Women completed surveys at baseline, post-intervention, and at three months. In this sample, 79% were Black, and 26% were Latina. This report presents results on preliminary efficacy. At 3 months follow-up, 45% made an appointment to see a provider about PrEP; only 13% received a PrEP prescription. There were no differences in PrEP initiation by study arm (9% Info vs. 11% Just4Us). PrEP knowledge was significantly higher in the Just4Us group at post-intervention. Analysis revealed high PrEP interest with many personal and structural barriers along the PrEP continuum. Just4Us is a promising PrEP uptake intervention for cisgender women. Further research is needed to tailor intervention strategies to multilevel registration NCT03699722: A Women-Focused PrEP Intervention (Just4Us).