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Boykin DM, Thomas KL, Hundt N, Asghar-Ali AA, Bryan JL. Narrowing the Treatment Gap: A Call to Increase Use of Direct-to-Consumer Marketing in Psychotherapy Practice and Research. Journal of cognitive psychotherapy. 2023 Jun 27.
A mental health treatment gap exists in which individuals who would benefit from evidence-based psychotherapies (EBPs) do not receive them. It is critical to take effective actions so that individuals with unmet mental health needs feel empowered to seek treatment. Direct-to-consumer (DTC) marketing meets this objective. DTC marketing is an effective, patient-centered approach that creates patient demand for a product or service by influencing patient behaviors, attitudes, and preferences. While primarily used in the United States and New Zealand to promote prescription drugs, uses and practices for DTC marketing with nonpharmaceutical EBPs are less established. This article highlights the value of leveraging this marketing approach to increase awareness and use of EBPs. Additionally, an illustrative example is presented that describes the use of social marketing and marketing mix principles to develop effective DTC marketing campaigns in psychotherapy practice.