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Maulsby CH, Holtgrave DR, Hamilton AB, Campbell D, Liu H, Wyatt GE. A Cost and Cost-Threshold Analysis of Implementation of an Evidence-Based Intervention for HIV-Serodiscordant Couples. AIDS and behavior. 2019 Sep 1; 23(9):2486-2489.
To address gaps in the cost literature by estimating the cost of delivering an evidence-based HIV risk reduction intervention for HIV-serodiscordant, heterosexual, African American couples (Eban II) and calculating the cost-effective thresholds at three participating sites. The cost, cost-saving, and cost-effectiveness thresholds for Eban II were calculated using standard methods. The analytic time period was from July 1 to September 31, 2014. Total costs for 3 months of program implementation were from $13,747 to $25,937, with societal costs ranging from $5632 to $17,008 and program costs ranging from $8115 to $14,122. The costs per participant were from $1621 to $2160; the cost per session (per participant) ranged from $147 to $196. Sites had achievable cost-saving thresholds, which were all less than one for the 3-month costing timeframe.