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Davila JA, Cabral HJ, Maskay MH, Marcus R, Yuan Y, Chisolm N, Belton P, McKeithan L, Rajabuin S. Risk factors associated with multi-dimensional stigma among people living with HIV/AIDS who are homeless/unstably housed. AIDS Care. 2018 Oct 1; 30(10):1335-1340.
BACKGROUND: Stigma may serve as a barrier to HIV care among homeless living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). The role of layered stigma related to the syndemic of homelessness, mental health, and substance use among PLWHA has not been examined. We explored the syndemic of HIV, homelessness, mental health, and substance use, as well as perceived and experienced provider stigma. We also examined factors contributing to high levels of stigma. METHODS: We identified PLWHA who were homeless with co-existing mental health and/or substance abuse. Surveys were conducted at study enrollment. External HIV stigma, external stigma related to homelessness, mental health, and substance abuse, HIV provider stigma, and provider stigma related to homelessness, mental health, and substance abuse were measured. Multivariable regression and psychometric assessments were conducted. RESULTS: Over 2/3 of participants (n? = 528) reported HIV stigma. About 30% responded affirmatively to perceiving stigma related to their homelessness, 26% to substance use, and 19% to having a mental health condition in the past 12 months. Less than 20% reported perceiving stigma related to both homelessness and substance use, and 16% reported perceiving stigma related to both homelessness and mental health. Only15% reported HIV-related provider stigma. Those with lower mental functioning, greater unmet need, and less social support reported greater levels of stigma. CONCLUSIONS: Almost 70% of participants reported HIV stigma, with 1/4 experiencing stigma related to homelessness, substance use and mental health. Our current study highlights the complexity of stigma in vulnerable PLWHA and the importance of allocating resources to help improve outcomes.