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CDA 18-185 – HSR&D Study

New | Current | Completed | DRA | DRE | Portfolios/Projects | Centers | Career Development Projects
CDA 18-185
Enhancing Social Connectedness Among Veterans at High Risk for Suicide through Community Engagement
Jason I. Chen PhD
Portland, OR
Funding Period: July 2019 - June 2024


The objective of this HSR&D Career Development Award-2 Proposal is to facilitate Dr. Jason Chen's transition into an independent, VA mental health services research career focused on intervention development for Veterans at high-risk of suicide. The goal of the project is to develop a multicomponent intervention focused on increasing social connectedness among Veterans with recent psychiatric hospitalizations through supported participation in community activities. This intervention will be informed by input from Veteran, VHA clinical (e.g. psychiatrists, administrators), and community (e.g. non-profit organizations, family) stakeholders. Research Plan: Although multiple national efforts have been introduced to address Veteran suicide, suicide rates remain high. Systematic reviews have identified few interventions that effectively decrease suicide risk. One promising area for intervention is social connectedness which has been identified as a strong protective factor. However, few interventions directly target social connectedness among at-risk individuals. Increasing Veteran participation in community activities may be one way to improve social connectedness difficulties. The current project proposes the following research aims: 1) Identify Veterans' current behaviors, needs, and preferences for community engagement following psychiatric hospitalization, 2) Identify VHA staff and community stakeholder perceptions and perceived needs related to Veteran community engagement following psychiatric hospitalization, and 3) Develop and pilot a multicomponent, peer-support facilitated intervention for increasing social connectedness among Veterans at elevated risk of death by suicide. Expected outcomes from these aims include clinical toolkits for VA and community stakeholders, academic manuscripts and presentations, and two HSR&D IIR submissions over the course of the CDA award period. Career Plan: Dr. Chen has assembled a mentorship team who will support his development as a VA mental health services researcher. Team members include: Steven Dobscha, MD (Primary Mentor), Julie Lowery, PhD (Co-Mentor; Implementation Science/Qualitative Methods), Paul Pfeiffer, MD, MS (Co-Mentor; Peer Support Intervention Development), Sarah Ono, PhD (Consultant; Veteran Engagement/Qualitative Methods), and Alan Teo, MD, MS (Consultant; Social Support). Dr. Chen will also have three Operations Partners/Consultants: Aimee Johnson, LCSW (Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention), Tracy Weistreich, PhD (Office of Community Engagement/Center for Compassionate Intervention), and Jason Zimmerman, CPSC (Peer Support Lead). Dr. Chen and his mentorship team have developed the following training goals which align with his research aims: 1) Develop advanced qualitative health services research skills, 2) Acquire intervention development and evaluation skills for conducting clinical trials, 3) Gain didactic and applied training in implementation science, and 4) Achieve further competence in program development to support effective VA-community collaborations including peer support. Dr. Chen will achieve these training goals through coursework, mentorship/consultant meetings, and applied training during CDA research activities. Following the completion of these training goals, Dr. Chen will be well-prepared to become an independent VA HSR&D mental health services researcher with expertise in utilizing qualitative methodology, clinical trials, implementation science, and program development to enhance current Veteran suicide prevention efforts.

NIH Reporter Project Information:


Journal Articles

  1. Roth B, Chen JI, Nagarkatti-Gude DR, Pfeiffer PN, Newgard CD, Hynes DM, Boudreaux ED. Adapting the Zero Suicide framework to the adult emergency department setting: Strategies for nurse leaders. Archives of psychiatric nursing. 2024 Aug 1; 51:76-81.
  2. Chen JI, Roth B, Dobscha SK, Lowery JC. Implementation strategies in suicide prevention: a scoping review. Implementation science : IS. 2024 Feb 26; 19(1):20.
  3. Orlowski EW, Chen JI, Breznik LH, Gleason DL, Karver MS. Psychotherapist perceptions of engagement-building behaviours with youth clients across developmental levels. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy. 2024 Jan 1; 31(1):e2962.
  4. Peterson A, Chen J, Bozzay M, Bender A, Chu C. Suicide risk profiles among service members and veterans exposed to suicide. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2024 Jan 1; 80(1):65-85.
  5. Chen JI, Ono SS, Laliberte AZ, Roth B, The Center To Improve Veteran Involvement In Care Veteran Engagement Group Veg , Dobscha SK. Veteran community engagement and social connection needs following inpatient psychiatric hospitalization. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. 2022 Dec 1; 45(4):324-330.
  6. Hjelvik A, Eldridge A, Furnari M, Hoeflich H, Chen JI, Roth B, Black W. A Peer-to-Peer Suicide Prevention Workshop for Medical Students. MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources. 2022 Apr 19; 18:11241.
  7. Nugent SM, Morasco BJ, Handley R, Clayburgh D, Hooker ER, Ganzini L, Knight SJ, Chen JI, Sullivan DR, Slatore CG. Risk of Suicidal Self-directed Violence Among US Veteran Survivors of Head and Neck Cancer. JAMA otolaryngology-- head & neck surgery. 2021 Nov 1; 147(11):981-989.
  8. Laliberte AZ, Roth B, Edwards B, Chen JI. Suicide Screening and Risk Assessment in the Emergency Department: Case Review of a Suicide Attempt Survivor. Journal of emergency nursing. 2021 Nov 1; 47(6):846-851.
  9. Gleason LL, Bender AM, Chen JI, Bozzay M, Hangartner R, Romero G, Karver MS, Elzy M, Gryglewicz K, Labouliere CD. Under the Surface: The Role of Covert Cues in Peer Suicide Risk Referrals. School Mental Health. 2021 Jun 22; 13(2):DOI:10.1007/s12310-021-09459-1.
  10. Bowersox NW, Jagusch J, Garlick J, Chen JI, Pfeiffer PN. Peer-based interventions targeting suicide prevention: A scoping review. American journal of community psychology. 2021 Sep 1; 68(1-2):232-248.
  11. Chen JI, Cameron DC, Laliberte AZ, Hooker ER, Niederhausen M, Denneson LM. Assessment of Suicidal Intent in Self-directed Violence and Subsequent Care Received Among Military Veterans: A National Study of Gender Differences. Medical care. 2021 Feb 1; 59:S17-S22.
  12. Peterson A, Bozzay M, Bender A, Monahan M, Chen J. Those left behind: A scoping review of the effects of suicide exposure on veterans, service members, and military families. Death Studies. 2020 Aug 7; 1-10.
  13. Eldridge A, Chen J, Furnari M, Makowichuk K, Black WE. Adopting a Peer-to-Peer Approach to Trainee Suicide Prevention. Academic Psychiatry : The Journal of The American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and The Association For Academic Psychiatry. 2021 Jun 1; 45(3):306-307.
  14. Chuop M, Michel Z, Shah R, Chen JI, Black W. From Screening to Interventions: Teaching Clinical Suicide Prevention Skills to Medical Students. Academic Psychiatry : The Journal of The American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and The Association For Academic Psychiatry. 2021 Jun 1; 45(3):292-296.
  15. Chen JI, Mastarone GL, Denneson LM. It's Not Easy - Impacts of Suicide Prevention Research on Study Staff. Crisis. 2019 May 1; 40(3):151-156.

DRA: Mental, Cognitive and Behavioral Disorders
DRE: None at this time.
Keywords: None at this time.
MeSH Terms: None at this time.

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