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RCS 23-082 – HSR Study

RCS 23-082
HSR&D Research Career Scientist Award
Stephanie L Taylor, PhD MPH
VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Sepulveda, CA
Sepulveda, CA
Funding Period: October 2023 - September 2028
Portfolio Assignment: Career Development


As a sociomedical scientist, health services researcher, and implementation scientist, I have 20+ years’ experience and have been consistently VA funded with over $13 million as PI or Co-PI to lead complex and impactful research in: 1) geographic correlates of health/healthcare, 2) patient safety, and 3) complementary and integrative health (CIH) therapy effectiveness and implementation. I use advanced methods such as multi- level modeling, geospatial techniques, natural language processing, and pragmatic trials. My CIH research of the past decade has solidified my national and international stature within and beyond VA. For example, the NIH considers me one of the few people internationally at the intersection of implementation and CIH. CIH is a key VA “Whole Health” component and part of many top VA priorities. My work is often used to inform Congress and has substantially shaped VA healthcare nationally. As such, I was given the 2019 HSR&D Health Services Impact award. I currently am PI of two major research and evaluation initiatives totaling almost $9 million, one being a center with 9 projects. These ten current studies and projects stem mostly from one of my five most important studies. The resulting paper, “What Should Health Care Systems Consider When Implementing Complementary and Integrative Health…” was the third most cited paper in 2019 in the leading CIH journal, Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine (JICM). VA Office of Patient Centered Care’s (OPCC&CT, the VA Office guiding CIH/Whole Health policy) frequently uses it when shaping policy, referring to it as their “implementation bible”. My current “APPROACH” trial for which I am Co-PI (with Dr. Steve Zeliadt, VA Puget Sound), is an HSR&D Merit for a six-year, $4.3 million pragmatic trial. This high-profile study includes nine Co-Is from four VAs to longitudinally examine the effectiveness of CIH therapies among the largest-ever sample of CIH recipients (5,600+) and is conducted in partnership with the OPCC&CT. The other nine projects stemming from that key 2019 paper are part of the Complementary and Integrative Health Evaluation Center (CIHEC), for which I am PI. CIHEC is a large-scale QUERI Partnered Evaluation Initiative co-funded by OPCC&CT for six years (funded in 2017, renewed every two years for $3.5 million to-date). As CIHEC’s Director, I have overseen 22 Co-Is and staff in nine VAs to conduct nine CIH projects. All are done in collaboration with OPCC&CT to help guide their national strategy, support evidence-based CIH implementation, and respond to Congress. Their papers and reports have been the subject of briefings to Congresspersons, Congressional commissions, and VA leadership, and have been featured in ORD and HSR&D publications circulated to VACO. I have published 35 peer-reviewed papers in the past 3 years, 60% as first or senior author and 77% in higher quality journals, with an h-index of 29 and an i10-index of 51. My most important CIH-related paper is the above 2019 paper and my most important patient safety paper is, “What Context Features Might be Important Determinants of the Effectiveness of Patient Safety Practice Interventions?”. Published in the prestigious BMJ Quality & Safety in 2011, it was Editor’s Choice, and has been cited 185 times. I am an Associate Editor and on the editorial board for the leading CIH journal, JICM, and have served as Guest Editor Medical Care twice. In the past three years, I have had 26 VA mentees and collaborated with 101 investigators, most from 10 VAs or universities, and have given many invited national and local lectures to VA clinicians and national leadership and external briefings to 8 Congresspersons or Congressional staffers. For the past three years, I served as the Los Angeles (LA) HSR&D Associate Director (until 2021) and served on four LA VA committees, four local VA postdoctoral programs, and 23 VA and non-VA service activities. At UCLA, I am Adjunct Professor in two departments, Medicine, and Health Policy and Management. I am the VA Director of the UCLA Los Angeles Area Health Services Research Training Program and am faculty mentor in a second UCLA program.

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Grant Number: IK6HX003766-01

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Journal Articles

  1. Haderlein TP, Zeliadt SB, Kloehn AT, Lott BD, Toyama J, Resnick A, Elwy AR, Der-Martirosian C, Taylor SL. Are Virtual Complementary and Integrative Therapies as Effective as In-Person Therapies? Examining Patient-Reported Outcomes Among Veterans with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association. 2024 Sep 11. [view]
  2. Burgess DJ, Calvert C, Bangerter A, Branson M, Cross LJS, Evans R, Ferguson JE, Friedman JK, Hagel Campbell EM, Haley AC, Hennessy S, Kraft C, Mahaffey M, Matthias MS, Meis LA, Serpa JG, Taylor SL, Taylor BC. Do mindfulness interventions cause harm? Findings from the Learning to Apply Mindfulness to Pain (LAMP) Pragmatic Clinical Trial. Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.). 2024 Nov 1; 25(Supplement_1):S68-S76. [view]
  3. Oberman RS, Huynh AK, Cummings K, Resnick A, Taylor SL, Bergman AA, Chang ET. Engaging healthcare teams to increase access to medications for opioid use disorder. Health services research. 2024 Sep 8. [view]
  4. Burgess DJ, Hagel Campbell EM, Branson M, Calvert C, Evans R, Allen KD, Bangerter A, Cross LJS, Driscoll MA, Hennessy S, Ferguson JE, Friedman JK, Matthias MS, Meis LA, Polusny MA, Taylor SL, Taylor BC. Exploring Gender Differences in Veterans in a Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Mindfulness for Chronic Pain. Women's health reports (New Rochelle, N.Y.). 2024 Feb 12; 5(1):82-92. [view]
  5. Edmond SN, Kerns RD, Geda M, Luther SL, Edwards RR, Taylor SL, Rosen MI, Fritz JM, Goertz CM, Zeliadt SB, Seal KH. Initial Development of a Self-Report Survey on Use of Nonpharmacological and Self-Care Approaches for Pain Management (NSCAP). Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.). 2024 Aug 20. [view]
  6. Resnick A, Bergman AA, Oberman RS, Taylor SL, Chuang E, Cummings KM, Chang ET. Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Use of Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies for Veterans with Opioid Use Disorder in the Veterans Health Administration. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine. 2024 Jan 31; 9(1):doi:10.21926/obm.icm.2401012. [view]
  7. Taylor SL, Elwy AR, Bokhour BG, Coggeshall SS, Cohen A, Der-Martirosian C, Haderlein T, Haun J, Kligler B, Kloehn AT, Lorenz KA, Lott B, Shin MH, Schult T, Toyama J, Whitehead AM, Zhang X, Zeliadt SB. Measuring Patient-Reported Use and Outcomes From Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies: Development of the Complementary and Integrative Health Therapy Patient Experience Survey. Global advances in integrative medicine and health. 2024 Apr 6; 13(1):27536130241241259. [view]
  8. O'Hanlon CE, Zeliadt SB, DeFaccio R, Gaj L, Bokhour BG, Taylor SL. Patient-reported pain and physical health for acupuncture and chiropractic care delivered by Veterans Affairs versus community providers. PLoS ONE. 2024 May 15; 19(5):e0303651. [view]
  9. Bergman AA, Oberman RS, Taylor SL, Kranke B, Chang ET. Prescribing and Acceptance of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder in VA Primary Care: Veteran and Provider Perspectives. Journal of general internal medicine. 2024 Apr 8. [view]
  10. Burgess DJ, Calvert C, Hagel Campbell EM, Allen KD, Bangerter A, Behrens K, Branson M, Bronfort G, Cross LJS, Evans R, Ferguson JE, Friedman JK, Haley AC, Leininger B, Mahaffey M, Matthias MS, Meis LA, Polusny MA, Serpa JG, Taylor SL, Taylor BC. Telehealth Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Chronic Pain: The LAMP Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA internal medicine. 2024 Oct 1; 184(10):1163-1173. [view]
Journal Other

  1. Burgess DJ, Evans R, Calvert C, Campbell EM, Branson M, Allen KD, Bangerter A, Bronfort G, Cross LJ, Ferguson JE, Friedman JK, Haley AC, Mahaffey M, Mattias MS, Meis LA, Polusny MA, Serpa JG, Taylor SL, Taylor BC. Results from the Learning to Apply Mindfulness to Pain Study: A Pragmatic Clinical Trial. [Abstract]. Journal of Pain. 2024 Apr 12; 25(4):37, Get rights and content. [view]

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