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CDA 14-156 – HSR Study

CDA 14-156
A Patient-centered Approach to Comorbidity Management in Aging Veterans with HIV
Gemmae M Fix, PhD MA BS
VA Bedford HealthCare System, Bedford, MA
Bedford, MA
Funding Period: May 2016 - April 2021
Portfolio Assignment: Career Development
As a leader in healthcare, the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) is transforming to a patient-centered model where care is personalized, proactive and patient-driven; health and wellbeing are situated within patients' life contexts. Complex patients, such as those with HIV, may benefit in particular from this transformation to a patient-centered model of care. HIV is now a chronic condition; Veterans with HIV are living longer. Consequently, comorbidities are often of greater importance to their overall health than HIV status alone and a major concern of providers. Further complicating disease management, patients with HIV have less education, high unemployment, and are more likely to live in poverty or experience homelessness. Yet, HIV providers may not be attuned to patient life contexts and, as specialists, may not be comfortable managing comorbidities. Patient-centered management of HIV necessitates providers ask about patients' life context, learn about their daily activities and priorities, and then tailor care plans accordingly.

1) Understand how Veterans with HIV engage in health behaviors in the context of their daily lives. 2) Explore how HIV providers consider the role of patient context and comorbidities when providing care. 3) Examine communication between HIV providers and their aging patients to understand how they attend to context and comorbidities.

The objectives will be accomplished through three projects. Project 1 will be an ethnographic exploration of patients' illnesses experiences situated in their daily-lives and contexts. Patients with HIV will be interviewed and observed as they go about daily activities. Project 2 will examine how HIV providers attend to and incorporate patient contexts and comorbidities when providing care. General HIV clinic functioning will be observed and providers will be interviewed. Project 3 will examine how providers attend to and incorporate context in clinical interactions with patients with HIV. Patient-provider clinical encounters will be recorded and analyzed, to identify elements of comorbidity management, attention to context and shared-decision making.

Not yet available.


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Grant Number: IK2HX001783-01A2

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Journal Articles

  1. Kearney L, Wiener RS, Dahodwala M, Fix GM, Hicks J, Little F, Howard J, Foreman AG, Wakeman C, O'Donnell C, Bulekova K, Drainoni ML, Kathuria H. A mixed methods study to inform and evaluate a longitudinal nurse practitioner/community health worker intervention to address social determinants of health and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease self-management. BMC pulmonary medicine. 2022 Mar 1; 22(1):74. [view]
  2. Fuller JM, Ho YX, Morse R, Fix G, Cutrona SL, Gaziano T, Connolly SL, Hass R, Jackson J, McInnes DK. A Mobile Health Tool for Peer Support of Individuals Reentering Communities After Incarceration. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved. 2021 May 1; 32(2 Suppl):148-165. [view]
  3. Shimada SL, Petrakis BA, Rothendler JA, Zirkle M, Zhao S, Feng H, Fix GM, Ozkaynak M, Martin T, Johnson SA, Tulu B, Gordon HS, Simon SR, Woods SS. An analysis of patient-provider secure messaging at two Veterans Health Administration medical centers: message content and resolution through secure messaging. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2017 Sep 1; 24(5):942-949. [view]
  4. Dryden EM, Hyde JK, Wormwood JB, Wu J, Calloway R, Cutrona SL, Elwyn G, Fix GM, Orner MB, Shimada SL, Bokhour BG. Assessing Patients' Perceptions of Clinician Communication: Acceptability of Brief Point-of-Care Surveys in Primary Care. Journal of general internal medicine. 2020 Oct 1; 35(10):2990-2999. [view]
  5. Bolton RE, Fix GM, VanDeusen Lukas C, Elwy AR, Bokhour BG. Biopsychosocial benefits of movement-based complementary and integrative health therapies for patients with chronic conditions. Chronic Illness. 2020 Mar 1; 16(1):41-54. [view]
  6. Fix GM, Kim B, Ruben M, McCullough MB. Direct Observation Methods: a Practical Guide for Health Researchers. PEC innovation. 2022 Dec 1; 1. [view]
  7. Hill JN, Locatelli SM, Bokhour BG, Fix GM, Solomon J, Mueller N, LaVela SL. Evaluating broad-scale system change using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research: challenges and strategies to overcome them. BMC research notes. 2018 Aug 4; 11(1):560. [view]
  8. Fix GM, Reisinger HS, Etchin A, McDannold S, Eagan A, Findley K, Gifford AL, Gupta K, McInnes DK. Health care workers' perceptions and reported use of respiratory protective equipment: A qualitative analysis. American journal of infection control. 2019 Oct 1; 47(10):1162-1166. [view]
  9. Bokhour BG, Fix GM, Mueller NM, Barker AM, Lavela SL, Hill JN, Solomon JL, Lukas CV. How can healthcare organizations implement patient-centered care? Examining a large-scale cultural transformation. BMC health services research. 2018 Mar 7; 18(1):168. [view]
  10. Khanna A, Fix GM, McCullough MB, Herbst AN, Li M, Miano D, Barker AM, Wiener RS. Implementing Shared Decision-Making for Lung Cancer Screening across a Veterans Health Administration Hospital Network: A Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Study Protocol. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2022 Mar 1; 19(3):476-483. [view]
  11. LoBrutto LR, Fix G, Wiener RS, Linsky AM. Leveraging the timing and frequency of patient decision aids in longitudinal shared decision-making: A narrative review and applied model. Health expectations : an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy. 2022 Aug 1; 25(4):1246-1253. [view]
  12. Fix GM, VanDeusen Lukas C, Bolton RE, Hill JN, Mueller N, LaVela SL, Bokhour BG. Patient-centred care is a way of doing things: How healthcare employees conceptualize patient-centred care. Health expectations : an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy. 2018 Feb 1; 21(1):300-307. [view]
  13. Gurewich D, Gurewich D, Kressin N, Kressin N, Bokhour BG, Bokhour BG, Linsky AM, Linsky AM, Dichter ME, Dichter ME, Hunt KJ, Fix GM, Fix GM, Niles BL, Niles BL. Randomised controlled trial evaluating the effects of screening and referral for social determinants of health on Veterans' outcomes: protocol. BMJ open. 2022 Sep 23; 12(9):e058972. [view]
  14. Fix GM, Hyde JK, Bolton RE, Parker VA, Dvorin K, Wu J, Skolnik AA, McInnes DK, Midboe AM, Asch SM, Gifford AL, Bokhour BG. The moral discourse of HIV providers within their organizational context: An ethnographic case study. Patient education and counseling. 2018 Dec 1; 101(12):2226-2232. [view]
  15. Fix GM, Dryden EM, Boudreau J, Kressin NR, Gifford AL, Bokhour BG. The temporal nature of social context: Insights from the daily lives of patients with HIV. PLoS ONE. 2021 Feb 11; 16(2):e0246534. [view]
Journal Other

  1. Fix GM, Bolton RE, Bokhour BG. Challenges in Implementing Personalized Care Planning. JAMA. 2017 Nov 7; 318(17):1713. [view]
  2. Wiener RS, Barker AM, Carter-Harris L, Caverly TJ, Crocker DA, Denietolis A, Doherty C, Fagerlin A, Gallagher-Seaman M, Gould MK, Han PKJ, Herbst AN, Ito Fukunaga M, McCullough MB, Miano DA, Quaife SL, Slatore CG, Fix GM. Stakeholder Research Priorities to Promote Implementation of Shared Decision-Making for Lung Cancer Screening: An American Thoracic Society and Veterans Affairs Health Services Research and Development Statement. [Abstract]. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 2022 Mar 15; 205(6):619-630. [view]
Conference Presentations

  1. Luger T, Bokhour BG, Bolton RE, Ruben M, Hogan TP, Solomon J, Barker A, Fix GM. Continuing the Conversation: Ongoing Follow-up of Personalized Health Plan. Presented at: Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions; 2016 Mar 30; Washington, DC. [view]

DRA: Aging, Older Veterans' Health and Care, Infectious Diseases
DRE: Prognosis
Keywords: Care Coordination
MeSH Terms: none

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