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IIR 17-223 – HSR Study

IIR 17-223
Eating Disorder Screening and Diagnostic Tools for the Veteran Healthcare System
Robin M Masheb, PhD
VA Connecticut Healthcare System West Haven Campus, West Haven, CT
West Haven, CT
Shira Maguen PhD
San Francisco VA Medical Center, San Francisco, CA
San Francisco, CA
Funding Period: December 2018 - September 2023
Portfolio Assignment: Women's Health


Eating disorders are serious psychiatric disorders that are associated with a range of significant health problems, including elevated mortality and suicide rates. A recent systematic review found prevalence rates of eating disorders among Veteran and Service Members to be comparable to or higher than prevalence estimates for the general population. Our pilot data, as well as published data by others, has demonstrated that 15-25% of Veterans meet diagnostic criteria for eating disorders when assessed, in contrast to Veteran electronic medical record data that reveals eating disorders are underdiagnosed. At the same time, the proportion of Veterans in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) with eating disorders are increasing due to several factors, including the growing number of women in the military, expansions of eating disorder diagnostic criteria, and increasing numbers of Veterans affected by risk factors for eating disorders that are characteristic of military life. Although eating disorders are not thought of as service-related conditions that may also impact male Veterans, poor eating habits under stressful conditions while in the military can set the foundation for disordered eating behavior and trajectories of weight gain post-military in both female and male Veterans. Currently, there are no VHA recommended guidelines for eating disorder screening or diagnosis. Consequently, eating disorders in Veterans may be undetected, resulting in insufficient or delayed treatment, and in the worst case, premature death. Eating disorders identification and treatment has been identified as a top priority by facility-level stakeholders from mental health. In response, VHA Mental Health Services and Women’s Health Services are disseminating a clinician training program for the multidisciplinary care of eating disorders. While the ultimate goal is to implement this training nationwide, the health services challenge is how to best establish a clinical pathway that includes targeted screening and diagnosis to best identify Veterans who need this specialty care. Our goal is to develop an evidence-based clinical pathway to identify eating disorders in the Veteran population that will aid in standardizing care and improving outcomes for Veterans. We will use a mixed methods approach with three specific aims. The first aim will be to further develop and validate a primary care eating disorder screen for DSM-5 that is generalizable for Veterans. The second aim will be to validate a self-report measure of eating disorders that assesses for all DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and is generalizable for Veterans. The third aim will be to assess how to best implement the screen and measure across VHA for clinical practice. In our quantitative study (Aims 1 and 2), we will recruit Veterans from the San Francisco VA Healthcare System and VA Connecticut Healthcare System. Veterans (N=400) will complete a series of questionnaires to identify eating disorder symptoms. A random subset of those with and without probable eating disorders (n=156) will be invited to participate in a gold-standard diagnostic clinical interview to validate the proposed screen and self-report measure for the full spectrum of eating disorder diagnoses. In order to revalidate the screen, we will subsequently recruit Veterans from a national Veteran sample to complete the proposed screen and self-report diagnostic measure (N=400). Concurrently for our qualitative study (Aim 3), we will interview stakeholders (N=38; VHA patients, providers, and leaders) on how to best implement the screen and self-report diagnostic measure across multiple VHA-user entry points (Primary Care, Mental Health, Women’s Clinic, and the VA National Weight Management Program, MOVE!). Our aims will allow us to fill a gap through partnered work and stakeholder feedback, and help build a clinical pathway to identify Veterans that may be falling through the cracks and not getting the care that they need. This project meets several strategies consistent with the VHA Blueprint for Excellence including meeting the “unique needs” of Veterans, providing a clinical pathway for “high quality, Veteran-centered care,” and “leading the nation in research and treatment of military service-related conditions.”

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NIH Reporter

Grant Number: I01HX002563-01A1

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Journal Articles

  1. Masheb RM, Sala M, Marsh AG, Snow JL, Kutz AM, Ruser CB. Associations between adverse childhood experiences and weight, weight control behaviors and quality of life in Veterans seeking weight management services. Eating Behaviors. 2021 Jan 1; 40:101461. [view]
  2. Kutz AM, Marsh AG, Gunderson CG, Maguen S, Masheb RM. Eating Disorder Screening: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Diagnostic Test Characteristics of the SCOFF. Journal of general internal medicine. 2020 Mar 1; 35(3):885-893. [view]
  3. Casu G, Gremigni P, Masheb RM. Emotional overeating questionnaire: a validation study in Italian adults with obesity, overweight or normal weight. Eating and Weight Disorders : EWD. 2020 Dec 1; 25(6):1747-1754. [view]
  4. Masheb RM, Snow JL, Siegel SE, Munro LF, Huggins J, Hamilton AB, Maguen S. US Military Veteran Perspectives on Eating Disorder Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment: A Qualitative Study. The International Journal of Eating Disorders. 2024 Jul 11. [view]

DRA: Mental, Cognitive and Behavioral Disorders
DRE: Diagnosis, TRL - Applied/Translational
Keywords: None at this time.
MeSH Terms: None at this time.

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