RRP 09-129
Promoting Implementation of My Health-e-Vet Among Veterans with SCI/D
Timothy Patrick Hogan, PhD MS BS Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital, Hines, IL Hines, IL Funding Period: October 2009 - March 2011 |
VA is the world's largest integrated healthcare system for individuals with SCI/D, a lifelong condition requiring ongoing management and novel ways to promote access to care. Patient-facing technologies like My HealtheVet (MHV), VA's integrated, web-based personal health record (PHR) portal have great potential to improve care for Veterans with SCI/D; however, adoption and use of the system in this population is low. OBJECTIVE(S): 1) To understand perceptions and use of MHV among Veterans with SCI/D and VA SCI/D healthcare providers; 2) To implement and assess 2 MHV promotional campaigns for Veterans with SCI/D and their healthcare providers. METHODS: Based on the Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (PARIHS) framework, we conducted a two-phase mixed methods study at 2 SCI Centers. Phase 1 encompassed semi-structured face-to-face interviews and background questionnaires with VA SCI/D healthcare providers, mail survey of Veterans with SCI/D, and chart reviews to understand perceptions and use of MHV. Phase 2 implemented the MHV promotional campaigns: site 1 was characterized by enhanced facilitation and site 2 by basic facilitation. Phase 2 data included follow-up interviews with healthcare providers, follow-up mail survey and semi-structured telephone interviews with Veterans, and chart reviews. FINDINGS/RESULTS: Chart reviews were used to determine the number of Veterans who completed a MHV identify verification process known as in-person authentication (IPA). During the intervention period, IPA rates at Study Site 1 increased 100% (from 24 to 48), and at Site 2 77.8% (from 18 to 32). 792 surveys were mailed to Veterans in Phase 1, 292 were completed, and 32 were returned by the post office (38.4% response rate). In Phase 2, 174 of 746 Veterans completed surveys and 15 were returned by the post office (23.8% response rate). A majority of Phase 1 respondents (65%) reported using a computer, 70% of those reported daily computer use and about two-thirds (64%) reported using the Internet, with 70% using the Internet at least once per week. Half of the Phase 1 respondents (50%) reported having heard of MHV compared to (66.3%) of Phase 2 respondents. We interviewed 26 healthcare providers in Phase 1, and completed follow-up interviews with 16 in Phase 2. Providers visiting MHV increased from 69% to 81.3% over the intervention period, and their likelihood of recommending MHV to Veterans increased from 65% to 75%. Providers also described the ability to share information with patients and other providers and extend medical record data as potential advantages to MHV use, but expressed a need for training about MHV and concerns over its implications for the provider-patient relationship. Finally, 26 Veteran interviews conducted in Phase 2 revealed frequent use of specific MHV features (e.g., prescription refills), but also strong preference for other features, including the ability to view and make appointments, see laboratory results, and exchange messages with providers. IMPACT: Implementation and sustained use of patient-facing technologies is a priority for VA. Promotional campaigns were effective in increasing knowledge and use of MHV by Veterans with SCI/D and their providers. External Links for this ProjectDimensions for VADimensions for VA is a web-based tool available to VA staff that enables detailed searches of published research and research projects.Learn more about Dimensions for VA. VA staff not currently on the VA network can access Dimensions by registering for an account using their VA email address. Search Dimensions for this project PUBLICATIONS:Journal Articles
Health Systems, Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries and Disorders
DRE: Research Infrastructure, Prevention, Technology Development and Assessment Keywords: Informatics, Self-care, Spinal cord injury MeSH Terms: none |