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HSR Citation Abstract

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Recruitment of Hispanics with CKD: The Hispanic Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Study Experience

Fischer M, Lora C, Carmona E, Lopez A, Ricardo A, Reyes A, Go AS, Lash JP. Recruitment of Hispanics with CKD: The Hispanic Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Study Experience. Poster session presented at: National Kidney Foundation Clinical Spring Meeting; 2011 Apr 27; Las Vegas, NV.

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Despite the large burden of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Hispanics, this population has been underrepresented in research studies. We describe the effectiveness of various strategies utilized in recruiting a cohort of Hispanics with CKD into the Hispanic Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (HCRIC) Study. Recruitment efforts took place in high density Hispanic neighborhoods and focused on community clinics with Hispanic providers and accessible laboratory databases to ascertain estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) eligibility. Providers made initial contact with potential participants. Subsequent contact was established by bilingual study staff drawn from the community. Other sites of recruitment included university clinics and nephrology practices. Limited screenings at health fairs were also employed and the study was publicized at churches and using local Hispanic print media, television and radio stations. From October 2005 to July 2008, we recruited 327 Hispanics ages 21-74 with mild-moderate CKD as determined by age-specific eGFR inclusion criteria. Of 718 individuals completing a screening visit, 365 (51%) did not meet eGFR criteria and < 1% were excluded for other reasons. Community practices accounted for 76% of recruitment, University and nephrology clinics 33%, and publicity < 1%. A strategy focused on community clinics with Hispanic providers in combination with the use of bilingual recruiters allowed us to overcome barriers to the recruitment of the understudied Hispanic population with CKD.

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