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Sripada RK, Bohnert KM, Ganoczy D, Pfeiffer PN. Documentation of Evidence-Based Psychotherapy and Care Quality for PTSD in the Department of Veterans Affairs. Administration and policy in mental health. 2018 May 1; 45(3):353-361.
This study measured the prevalence of evidence-based psychotherapy (EBP) templated notes in VA and tested the hypothesis that template use would be associated with care quality for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Across 130 facilities, an average of 3.6% of patients with a PTSD diagnosis received at least one EBP template in 2015. Among patients receiving psychotherapy for PTSD, an average of 8.5% received an EBP template. In adjusted models, facility-level EBP template use was associated with a greater proportion of PTSD-diagnosed patients treated in specialty clinics, greater facility-level rates of diagnostic assessment, and greater facility-level rates of psychotherapy adequacy.