IIR 20-322
Teaching Obesity Treatment Options to Adult Learners (TOTAL): A Multi-site RCT
Luke M Funk, MD MPH William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital, Madison, WI Madison, WI Funding Period: May 2022 - September 2026 |
AbstractBackground: Nearly 80% of Veterans meet criteria for overweight (body mass index [BMI] of 25-29.9 kg/m2) or obesity (BMI≥30). VA offers three evidence-based obesity treatments at little to no cost to Veterans: MOVE! (to improve dietary intake and physical activity through behavioral modification); obesity medications; and bariatric surgery, but all are significantly underutilized: <10% of Veterans with obesity participate in MOVE!; 2% receive obesity medications; and 0.3% of those who meet BMI criteria for bariatric surgery (BMI≥35) undergo it. There is an urgent need to increase use of all three treatments to improve Veteran health. Significance/Impact: Nearly 4,000,000 Veterans meet BMI criteria for overweight/obesity. It is essential that Veterans with overweight/obesity are aware of the three treatment options and are motivated to pursue them. Currently, no interventions in VA seek to increase use of all three evidence-based obesity treatment options for Veterans not currently participating in MOVE!. The TOTAL intervention (Teaching Obesity Treatment Options to Adults Learners), if effective, would increase obesity treatment initiation for Veterans, lead to greater weight loss, and improve quality of life. Given that TOTAL is deliverable via VA telemedicine, it could be implemented throughout the VA healthcare system without requiring significant resources and could be integrated into the existing VA behavioral weight management program, MOVE!. Innovation: The research in this proposal would be the first adequately powered RCT in VA testing an intervention to increase use of all three evidence-based obesity treatments: MOVE!, obesity medications, and bariatric surgery. It would leverage the power of the VA electronic health record and would improve access to care by expanding use of a recently developed telemedicine technology – VA Video Connect (VVC) – which was developed by VA researchers. It could be implemented and disseminated efficiently within VA given that MOVE! is available at every VAMC and is supported by NCP. Specific Aims: Aim 1: Compare the effectiveness of TOTAL vs. usual care for increasing obesity treatment initiation among Veterans with overweight/obesity who are not participating in MOVE!; Aim 2: Compare the effectiveness of TOTAL vs. usual care for increasing sustained MOVE! participation, receipt of an obesity medication prescription or bariatric surgery referral, and weight loss; Aim 3: Inform future dissemination efforts of TOTAL via interviews with key stakeholders, a “Reach” analysis, and cost analysis. Methodology: Study population: Veterans at two VAMCs, age 18-75 with a BMI ≥30 or 27-29.9 + an obesity- related comorbidity who have not had a MOVE! visit within the past 12 months and thus are not participating in obesity treatment will participate in the RCT; Intervention: The TOTAL intervention consists of an 18-minute obesity treatment educational video and three motivational sessions (all delivered via VA Video Connect [VVC]); Comparison: Usual care (Veterans who have not had a MOVE! visit in the previous 12 months); Outcomes: MOVE! initiation, sustained MOVE! participation, obesity medication use, bariatric surgery referral, weight change; Timing: Primary and secondary outcomes will be measured 18 months post-randomization. Implementation/Next Steps: Facilitators and barriers to TOTAL implementation will be assessed in Aim 3 interviews with Veteran, provider, and operations stakeholders using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). [We will also perform “reach” and cost analyses. We will collaborate with NCP to disseminate TOTAL to all VAMCs that have a MOVE! program. The National MOVE! Director will present study results on a national MOVE! call and make presentation materials available on the national MOVE! SharePoint dissemination site. The National MOVE! Director will support MOVE! coordinators who work directly with health behavior coordinators at every VAMC with MOVE!. The study team will consider partnering with NCP to conduct a QUERI National Partnered Evaluation evaluating how TOTAL can be implemented throughout VA.
External Links for this ProjectNIH ReporterGrant Number: I01HX003354-01A2Link: https://reporter.nih.gov/project-details/10424975 Dimensions for VADimensions for VA is a web-based tool available to VA staff that enables detailed searches of published research and research projects.Learn more about Dimensions for VA. VA staff not currently on the VA network can access Dimensions by registering for an account using their VA email address. Search Dimensions for this project
PUBLICATIONS:None at this time. DRA:
Health Systems, Diabetes and Other Endocrine Conditions, Other Conditions
Treatment - Efficacy/Effectiveness Clinical Trial, TRL - Applied/Translational
Outcomes - Patient, Comparative Effectiveness
MeSH Terms:
None at this time.