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CDA 18-005 – HSR Study

CDA 18-005
Targeting Barriers to Pain Self-Management in Women Veterans: Refinement and Feasibility of a Novel Peer Support Intervention (Project CONNECT)
Mary Driscoll, PhD
VA Connecticut Healthcare System West Haven Campus, West Haven, CT
West Haven, CT
Funding Period: May 2020 - April 2024
Portfolio Assignment: Women's Health


Background. Women are the fastest-growing segment of Veterans Healthcare Administration (VA) utilizers. Although men and women Veterans both report high rates of chronic pain, rates are higher in women. Addressing their unique needs is a priority. VA has placed renewed emphasis on promoting self-management for pain. Despite having a widely supported program for doing so, cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic pain (CBT-CP), several barriers to accessing this care and engaging optimally with its recommendations are noted and these may be particularly salient for women. These include logistical, healthcare delivery, and psychosocial barriers. Patient-centered efforts to address these in the context of evidence-based pain interventions, like CBT-CP, may translate to improved treatment access, engagement, adherence, and more optimal outcomes for women Veterans. Accordingly, a home-based, intervention integrating an evidence- based CBT-CP program with reciprocal peer support (RPS) has been developed (CONNECT) and is currently being pre-piloted. Results are promising but substantial refinement and feasibility testing is warranted before a full-scale trial is warranted. This proposal will optimize the feasibility and acceptability of CONNECT and examine the potential feasibility of candidate control conditions for a future randomized trial. Significance/Impact: Because CONNECT is less resource-intensive than CBT-CP and because it is home based, it may reduce costs and improve access to behavioral pain care, and its success may have implications for male Veterans with pain. It targets previously unaddressed and potentially modifiable factors (e.g. social support) thought to be relevant for adjustment and uptake of pain self-management among women Veterans. Innovation: CONNECT examines an alternate method for promoting CBT-CP that is potentially scalable, cost- effective and transportable. Specific Aims: Aim 1a. Solicit Veteran feedback on the refined recruitment strategies, treatment components and materials, duration/content, engagement strategies peer-matching and data collection methods. Aim 1b. Evaluate the feasibility (retention, adherence, assessment methods, recruitment rate) and acceptability (credibility, satisfaction) of a refined 8-week RPS pain self-management intervention (CONNECT) in a sample of 30 women Veterans with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Aim 1c: Conduct a responder analysis to classify the percentage of women Veterans that evidence clinically meaningful improvements in pain intensity/interference and depressive symptoms. Aim 2: Use qualitative methodology to a) examine participant perceptions regarding satisfaction/acceptability of CONNECT, and of specific components, and b) examine participant perceptions of underlying mechanisms. Aim 3: In preparation for a future randomized-controlled trial (RCT), conduct a feasibility analysis to determine preferences for treatment using the prospective preference assessment, which includes a) qualitative interviews to query motivations for, concerns about and factors influencing participation in a future RCT as well as survey measures to assess b) willingness to be randomized to candidate control conditions, and c) factors influencing their willingness. Methodology: A single arm pilot design and an analogue study to examine the feasibility of randomization to candidate control conditions. Next Steps/Implementation. If CONNECT is feasible a Hybrid Type 1 trial will be warranted to determine whether providers may confidently recommend CONNECT to women Veterans and to examine implementation factors.

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NIH Reporter

Grant Number: IK2HX002664-01A1

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Journal Articles

  1. Iverson KM, Danitz SB, Driscoll M, Vogt D, Hamilton AB, Gerber MR, Wiltsey Stirman S, Shayani DR, Suvak MK, Dichter ME. "Recovering from intimate partner violence through Strengths and Empowerment (RISE): Development, pilot testing, and refinement of a patient-centered brief counseling intervention for women": Correction. Psychological Services. 2022 May 19; 19(Suppl 2):112. [view]
  2. Adamowicz JL, Thomas EB, Lund BC, Driscoll M, Weg MV, Hadlandsmyth K. A population-based investigation into the prevalence of chronic fatigue syndrome in United States military Veterans with chronic pain. Fatigue : biomedicine, health & behavior. 2023 Aug 2; 11(2-4):129-141. [view]
  3. Driscoll MA, Edwards RR, Becker WC, Kaptchuk TJ, Kerns RD. Psychological Interventions for the Treatment of Chronic Pain in Adults. Psychological science in the public interest : a journal of the American Psychological Society. 2021 Sep 1; 22(2):52-95. [view]
  4. Hadlandsmyth K, Driscoll MA, Mares JG, Au V, Miell KR, Lund BC. Rurality impacts pain care for female veterans similarly to male veterans. The Journal of rural health : official journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association. 2023 Mar 1; 39(2):313-319. [view]

DRA: Health Systems Science, Musculoskeletal Disorders
DRE: TRL - Applied/Translational, Technology Development and Assessment
Keywords: None at this time.
MeSH Terms: None at this time.

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