The goal of the VA Virtual Care (VC) State of the Art Conference (SOTA), May 18-19, 2022, was to convene VA researchers, representatives from program offices, Veterans, and HSR&D leadership to identify research priorities that will inform VA virtual care policy and clinical operations. The SOTA was structured around three workgroups that were charged with identifying research priorities to:
The VA Virtual Care State of the Art Conference took place at the Higgins Hotel and Conference Center in New Orleans, LA. On the morning of Day 1, there was a plenary session with presentations from VA HSR&D and Office of Connected Care leadership, as well as a Veteran representative who shared her experiences using VA virtual care technologies.
Following the morning plenary presentations, attendees broke into three workgroups for discussion sessions during which they identified and prioritized research questions in their respective focus areas.
On Day 2 of the conference, each workgroup presented summaries of their discussions and their consensus priorities to all SOTA attendees. Following these presentations, an open discussion was held for further comments, suggestions, and clarifications, followed by responses from VA HSR&D and Office of Connected Care leadership.
At the conclusion of the SOTA, all attendees participated in a prioritization exercise to identify the most compelling research questions. Priorities emerging from the VC SOTA address a mix of access, engagement, and outcomes related topics, and will be shared with the VA research community, VA HSR&D leadership, and VA’s Office of Connected Care.