The Nursing Data and Research Consortium (NDR Consortium)
To create a data and research infrastructure for nursing and to spur high quality nursing research.
To drive nursing research to inform patient care outcomes, workforce decision-making, and policy formation, in line with the quintuple aim. Improving nursing data and research infrastructure is a necessary prerequisite for advancing the VHA nursing research priority areas identified at the Nursing SOTA: nurse workforce capacity, nursing work environment; and optimizing nursing practice around pressure injury, social determinants of health, and care coordination.
Who are we and what will we do?
The NDR Consortium is an interprofessional and interdisciplinary team of experts in nursing research working collaboratively to guide VHA nursing research and practice to improve Veteran healthcare using a learning health system model.

- Data: Develop nursing data infrastructure to support nursing research and evaluation initiatives.
- Evidence: Identify state of the research, methods, and data across the translation spectrum, as it relates to VHA and Veteran outcomes and quintuple aim, as well as identify effective interventions, policies, and programs that are ready for further dissemination, implementation, evaluation, and technology transfer/licensure.
- Practice: Cultivate inclusive networks to advance the VHA Nursing Research Agenda that lead to real-world impacts.
- VA Office of Nursing Services (ONS)
- VA Office of Quality and Patient Safety
- VA Office of Workforce Management and Consulting (WMC)
- VA Office of Nursing Informatics
- VA Information Resource Center (VIReC)
- VA Health Economics Resource Center (HERC)
- Access and Community Care Engagement Network Team (ACCENT)
- VA Houston Evidence-based Rapid Measurement and Evaluations Center (HERMES)
- VA Quality Scholars (VAQS)