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Author = Connolly S
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  1. Miller CJ, Bailey HM, Abel EA, Burgess CM, Connolly SL, Franz A, Smith E, Bauer MS. Efficacy of life goals collaborative care for bipolar disorder: A systematic review. Journal of affective disorders. 2024 Aug 15; 359:356-363.
  2. Kim B, Sullivan JL, Brown ME, Connolly SL, Spitzer EG, Bailey HM, Sippel LM, Weaver K, Miller CJ. Sustaining the collaborative chronic care model in outpatient mental health: a matrixed multiple case study. Implementation science : IS. 2024 Feb 19; 19(1):16.
  3. Miller CJ, Sullivan JL, Connolly SL, Richardson EJ, Stolzmann KL, Brown M, Bailey HM, Weaver K, Sippel L, Kim B. Adaptation for sustainability in an implementation trial of team-based collaborative care. Implementation research and practice. 2024 Jan 23; 5:26334895231226197.
  4. Connolly SL, Sherman SE, Dardashti N, Duran E, Bosworth HB, Charness ME, Newton TJ, Reddy A, Wong ES, Zullig LL, Gutierrez J. Defining and Improving Outcomes Measurement for Virtual Care: Report from the VHA State-of-the-Art Conference on Virtual Care. Journal of general internal medicine. 2024 Feb 1; 39(Suppl 1):29-35.
  5. Pyne JM, Kelly PA, Fischer EP, Owen RR, Cucciare MA, Miller CJ, Connolly SL, Zamora KA, Koenig CJ, Seal KH, Fortney JC. Trust and perceived mental health access: Exploring the relationship between perceived access barriers and veteran-reported trust. Psychological Services. 2024 Feb 1; 21(1):102-109.
  6. Jacob C, Lindeque J, Müller R, Klein A, Metcalfe T, Connolly SL, Koerber F, Maguire R, Denis F, Heuss SC, Peter MK. A sociotechnical framework to assess patient-facing eHealth tools: results of a modified Delphi process. NPJ digital medicine. 2023 Dec 15; 6(1):232.
  7. Connolly SL, Charness ME, Gifford AL, Miller CJ. Discipline-level differences in mental health provider perceptions of video and phone telehealth. Psychological Services. 2023 Jul 13.
  8. Barbeito A, Raghunathan K, Connolly S, Mariano ER, Blitz J, Stafford RS, Mudumbai S. Barriers to Implementation of Telehealth Pre-anesthesia Evaluation Visits in the Department of Veterans Affairs. Federal practitioner : for the health care professionals of the VA, DoD, and PHS. 2023 Jul 1; 40(7):210-217a.
  9. Ruderman MA, Byers AL, Bauer MS, Stolzmann K, Miller CJ, Connolly SL, Kim B. One-Year All-Cause Mortality and Delivery of the Collaborative Chronic Care Model in General Mental Health Clinics. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 2023 Oct 1; 74(10):1077-1080.
  10. Kim B, Sullivan JL, Drummond KL, Connolly SL, Miller CJ, Weaver K, Bauer MS. Interdisciplinary behavioral health provider perceptions of implementing the Collaborative Chronic Care Model: an i-PARIHS-guided qualitative study. Implementation science communications. 2023 Mar 30; 4(1):35.
  11. Miller CJ, Kim B, Connolly SL, Spitzer EG, Brown M, Bailey HM, Weaver K, Sullivan JL. Sustainability of the Collaborative Chronic Care Model in Outpatient Mental Health Teams Three Years Post-Implementation: A Qualitative Analysis. Administration and policy in mental health. 2023 Jan 1; 50(1):151-159.
  12. McKee GB, Knopp K, Morland LA, Glynn SM, Connolly SL, McDonald SD. Use of telemental health for VA family services before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychological Services. 2022 Sep 1.
  13. Lindsay JA, Caloudas A, Hogan J, Ecker AH, Day S, Day G, Connolly SL, Touchett H, Weaver KR, Amspoker AB. Getting Connected: a Retrospective Cohort Investigation of Video-to-Home Telehealth for Mental Health Care Utilization Among Women Veterans. Journal of general internal medicine. 2022 Sep 1; 37(Suppl 3):778-785.
  14. Connolly SL, Charness ME, Miller CJ. To increase patient use of video telehealth, look to clinicians. Health services research. 2023 Feb 1; 58(1):5-8.
  15. Connolly SL, Sullivan JL, Lindsay JA, Shimada SL, Heyworth L, Weaver KR, Miller CJ. Factors influencing uptake of telemental health via videoconferencing at high and low adoption sites within the Department of Veterans Affairs during COVID-19: a qualitative study. Implementation science communications. 2022 Jun 20; 3(1):66.
  16. Connolly SL, Miller CJ, Gifford AL, Charness ME. Perceptions and Use of Telehealth Among Mental Health, Primary, and Specialty Care Clinicians During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAMA Network Open. 2022 Jun 1; 5(6):e2216401.
  17. Kim B, Miller CJ, Ritchie MJ, Smith JL, Kirchner JE, Stolzmann K, Connolly SL, Drummond KL, Bauer MS. Time-motion analysis of external facilitation for implementing the Collaborative Chronic Care Model in general mental health clinics: Use of an interval-based data collection approach. Implementation research and practice. 2022 Apr 4; 3:26334895221086275.
  18. Lipschitz JM, Connolly SL, Van Boxtel R, Potter JR, Nixon N, Bidargaddi N. Provider perspectives on telemental health implementation: Lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic and paths forward. Psychological Services. 2022 Feb 24.
  19. Connolly SL, Stolzmann KL, Heyworth L, Sullivan JL, Shimada SL, Weaver KR, Lindsay JA, Bauer MS, Miller CJ. Patient and provider predictors of telemental health use prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic within the Department of Veterans Affairs. The American Psychologist. 2022 Feb 1; 77(2):249-261.
  20. Zocchi MS, Robinson SA, Ash AS, Vimalananda VG, Wolfe HL, Hogan TP, Connolly SL, Stewart MT, Am L, Netherton D, Shimada SL. Patient portal engagement and diabetes management among new portal users in the Veterans Health Administration. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2021 Sep 18; 28(10):2176-2183.
  21. Landes SJ, Pitcock JA, Harned MS, Connolly SL, Meyers LL, Oliver CM. Provider perspectives on delivering dialectical behavior therapy via telehealth during COVID-19 in the Department of Veterans Affairs. Psychological Services. 2022 Aug 1; 19(3):562-572.
  22. Connolly SL, Gifford AL, Miller CJ, Bauer MS, Lehmann LS, Charness ME. Provider Perceptions of Virtual Care During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Multispecialty Survey Study. Medical care. 2021 Jul 1; 59(7):646-652.
  23. Connolly SL, Kuhn E, Possemato K, Torous J. Digital Clinics and Mobile Technology Implementation for Mental Health Care. Current psychiatry reports. 2021 May 7; 23(7):38.
  24. Fuller JM, Ho YX, Morse R, Fix G, Cutrona SL, Gaziano T, Connolly SL, Hass R, Jackson J, McInnes DK. A Mobile Health Tool for Peer Support of Individuals Reentering Communities After Incarceration. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved. 2021 May 1; 32(2 Suppl):148-165.
  25. Ruderman MA, Kim B, Stolzmann K, Connolly S, Miller CJ, Bauer MS. Time course and heterogeneity of treatment effect of the collaborative chronic care model on psychiatric hospitalization rates: A survival analysis using routinely collected electronic medical records. PLoS ONE. 2021 Mar 25; 16(3):e0249007.
  26. Sullivan JL, Kim B, Miller CJ, Elwy AR, Drummond KL, Connolly SL, Riendeau RP, Bauer MS. Collaborative chronic care model implementation within outpatient behavioral health care teams: qualitative results from a multisite trial using implementation facilitation. Implementation science communications. 2021 Mar 24; 2(1):33.
  27. Bauer MS, Stolzmann K, Miller CJ, Kim B, Connolly SL, Lew R. Implementing the Collaborative Chronic Care Model in Mental Health Clinics: Achieving and Sustaining Clinical Effects. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 2021 May 1; 72(5):586-589.
  28. Pyne JM, Kelly PA, Fischer EP, Miller CJ, Connolly SL, Wright P, Zamora K, Koenig CJ, Seal KH, Fortney JC. Initial concurrent and convergent validity of the Perceived Access Inventory (PAI) for mental health services. Psychological Services. 2022 Feb 1; 19(1):118-124.
  29. Miller CJ, Griffith KN, Stolzmann K, Kim B, Connolly SL, Bauer MS. An Economic Analysis of the Implementation of Team-based Collaborative Care in Outpatient General Mental Health Clinics. Medical care. 2020 Oct 1; 58(10):874-880.
  30. Connolly SL, Stolzmann KL, Heyworth L, Weaver KR, Bauer MS, Miller CJ. Rapid Increase in Telemental Health Within the Department of Veterans Affairs During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association. 2021 Apr 1; 27(4):454-458.
  31. Connolly SL, Hogan TP, Shimada SL, Miller CJ. Leveraging Implementation Science to Understand Factors Influencing Sustained Use of Mental Health Apps: a Narrative Review. Journal of technology in behavioral science. 2020 Sep 7; 1-13.
  32. Burgess C, Miller CJ, Franz A, Abel EA, Gyulai L, Osser D, Smith EG, Connolly SL, Krawczyk L, Bauer M, Godleski L. Practical lessons learned for assessing and treating bipolar disorder via telehealth modalities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Bipolar disorders. 2020 Sep 1; 22(6):556-557.
  33. Stewart MT, Hogan TP, Nicklas J, Robinson SA, Purington CM, Miller CJ, Vimalananda VG, Connolly SL, Wolfe HL, Nazi KM, Netherton D, Shimada SL. The Promise of Patient Portals for Individuals Living With Chronic Illness: Qualitative Study Identifying Pathways of Patient Engagement. Journal of medical Internet research. 2020 Jul 17; 22(7):e17744.
  34. Connolly SL, Etingen B, Shimada SL, Hogan TP, Nazi K, Stroupe K, Smith BM. Patient portal use among veterans with depression: Associations with symptom severity and demographic characteristics. Journal of affective disorders. 2020 Oct 1; 275:255-259.
  35. Robinson SA, Zocchi MS, Netherton D, Ash A, Purington CM, Connolly SL, Vimalananda VG, Hogan TP, Shimada SL. Secure Messaging, Diabetes Self-management, and the Importance of Patient Autonomy: a Mixed Methods Study. Journal of general internal medicine. 2020 Oct 1; 35(10):2955-2962.
  36. Connolly SL, Sullivan JL, Ritchie MJ, Kim B, Miller CJ, Bauer MS. External facilitators' perceptions of internal facilitation skills during implementation of collaborative care for mental health teams: a qualitative analysis informed by the i-PARIHS framework. BMC health services research. 2020 Mar 4; 20(1):165.
  37. Williamson AK, Riendeau RP, Stolzmann K, Silverman AF, Kim B, Miller CJ, Connolly SL, Pitcock J, Bauer MS. An Exploratory Analysis of Self-Reported Protective Factors against Self-Harm in an Enrolled Veteran General Mental Health Population. Military medicine. 2019 Dec 1; 184(11-12):e738-e744.
  38. Connolly SL, Miler CJ, Bauer MS, Lindsay JA. A systematic review of providers' attitudes toward telemental health via videoconferencing. Clinical psychology : a publication of the Division of Clinical Psychology. 2019 Nov 30; DOI: 10.1111/cpsp.12311.
  39. Lipschitz JM, Connolly SL, Miller CJ, Hogan TP, Simon SR, Burdick KE. Patient interest in mental health mobile app interventions: Demographic and symptom-level differences. Journal of affective disorders. 2020 Feb 15; 263:216-220.
  40. Bauer MS, Weaver K, Kim B, Miller C, Lew R, Stolzmann K, Sullivan JL, Riendeau R, Connolly S, Pitcock J, Ludvigsen SM, Elwy AR. The Collaborative Chronic Care Model for Mental Health Conditions: From Evidence Synthesis to Policy Impact to Scale-up and Spread. Medical care. 2019 Oct 1; 57 Suppl 10 Suppl 3:S221-S227.
  41. Etingen B, Hogan TP, Martinez RN, Shimada S, Stroupe K, Nazi K, Connolly SL, Lipschitz J, Weaver FM, Smith B. How Do Patients with Mental Health Diagnoses Use Online Patient Portals? An Observational Analysis from the Veterans Health Administration. Administration and policy in mental health. 2019 Sep 1; 46(5):596-608.
  42. Kim B, Sullivan JL, Ritchie MJ, Connolly SL, Drummond KL, Miller CJ, Greenan MA, Bauer MS. Comparing variations in implementation processes and influences across multiple sites: What works, for whom, and how? Psychiatry Research. 2020 Jan 1; 283:112520.
  43. George MD, Baker JF, Winthrop K, Alemao E, Chen L, Connolly S, Hsu JY, Simon TA, Wu Q, Xie F, Yang S, Curtis JR. Timing of Abatacept Before Elective Arthroplasty and Risk of Postoperative Outcomes. Arthritis care & research. 2019 Sep 1; 71(9):1224-1233.
  44. George MD, Baker JF, Winthrop K, Alemao E, Chen L, Connolly S, Hsu JY, Simon TA, Wu Q, Xie F, Yang S, Curtis JR. Risk of Biologics and Glucocorticoids in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis Undergoing Arthroplasty: A Cohort Study. Annals of internal medicine. 2019 Jun 18; 170(12):825-836.
  45. Bauer MS, Miller CJ, Kim B, Lew R, Stolzmann K, Sullivan J, Riendeau R, Pitcock J, Williamson A, Connolly S, Elwy AR, Weaver K. Effectiveness of Implementing a Collaborative Chronic Care Model for Clinician Teams on Patient Outcomes and Health Status in Mental Health: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open. 2019 Mar 1; 2(3):e190230.
  46. Miller CJ, Sullivan JL, Kim B, Elwy AR, Drummond KL, Connolly S, Riendeau RP, Bauer MS. Assessing Collaborative Care in Mental Health Teams: Qualitative Analysis to Guide Future Implementation. Administration and policy in mental health. 2019 Mar 1; 46(2):154-166.
  47. Connolly SL, Miller CJ, Koenig CJ, Zamora KA, Wright PB, Stanley RL, Pyne JM. Veterans' Attitudes Toward Smartphone App Use for Mental Health Care: Qualitative Study of Rurality and Age Differences. JMIR mHealth and uHealth. 2018 Aug 22; 6(8):e10748.
  48. Benjamin EJ, Chen PS, Bild DE, Mascette AM, Albert CM, Alonso A, Calkins H, Connolly SJ, Curtis AB, Darbar D, Ellinor PT, Go AS, Goldschlager NF, Heckbert SR, Jalife J, Kerr CR, Levy D, Lloyd-Jones DM, Massie BM, Nattel S, Olgin JE, Packer DL, Po SS, Tsang TS, Van Wagoner DR, Waldo AL, Wyse DG. Prevention of atrial fibrillation: report from a national heart, lung, and blood institute workshop. Circulation. 2009 Feb 3; 119(4):606-18.

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