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Radosevich DM, Partin MR, Nugent S, Nelson D, Flood AB, Holtzman J, Dillon N, Haas M, Wilt TJ. Measuring patient knowledge of the risks and benefits of prostate cancer screening. Patient education and counseling. 2004 Aug 1; 54(2):143-52.
This manuscript describes the development and validation of measures assessing patient knowledge about the risks and benefits of prostate cancer (CaP) screening. The measures described include a 10-item knowledge index and four single-item measures, used in previous studies, that assess knowledge of: CaP natural history and treatment efficacy, expert disagreement over the value of CaP screening, and the accuracy of the prostate specific antigen (PSA) test for CaP. We assessed the validity and reliability of these measures on a sample of 1152 male veteran patients age 50 and older. All knowledge index items had acceptable levels of discrimination, difficulty, and reliability. The index demonstrated strong evidence for construct and criterion validity. Much weaker validity evidence was found for the four single-item knowledge questions. The 10-item index developed in this study provides a valid and reliable tool for assessing patient knowledge of the risks and benefits of CaP screening.