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Lyles CR, Seligman HK, Parker MM, Moffet HH, Adler N, Schillinger D, Piette JD, Karter AJ. Financial Strain and Medication Adherence among Diabetes Patients in an Integrated Health Care Delivery System: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE). Health services research. 2016 Apr 1; 51(2):610-24.
OBJECTIVE: To examine self-reported financial strain in relation to pharmacy utilization adherence data. DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: Survey, administrative, and electronic medical data from Kaiser Permanente Northern California. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective cohort design (2006, n = 7,773). DATA COLLECTION/EXTRACTION METHODS: We compared survey self-reports of general and medication-specific financial strain to three adherence outcomes from pharmacy records, specifying adjusted generalized linear regression models. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Eight percent and 9 percent reported general and medication-specific financial strain. In adjusted models, general strain was significantly associated with primary nonadherence (RR = 1.37; 95 percent CI: 1.04-1.81) and refilling late (RR = 1.34; 95 percent CI: 1.07-1.66); and medication-specific strain was associated with primary nonadherence (RR = 1.42, 95 percent CI: 1.09-1.84). CONCLUSIONS: Simple, minimally intrusive questions could be used to identify patients at risk of poor adherence due to financial barriers.