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Short NA, Cronkite R, Moos R, Timko C. Men and women who attend Al-Anon: gender differences in reasons for attendance, health status and personal functioning, and drinker characteristics. Substance use & misuse. 2015 Jan 1; 50(1):53-61.
Although Al-Anon Family Groups (Al-Anon) is the most common source of help for people concerned about someone else's drinking, only 16% of members are men. To identify gender differences, we compared demographics, reasons for attendance, health status, and personal functioning, and drinker characteristics of 174 men and women attending Al-Anon. Men and women were similar in most areas; however, some key differences emerged. Men reported better overall mental health than women, and described some differing concerns and drinker characteristics. With this information, healthcare providers may facilitate men's participation in Al-Anon by addressing their unique concerns and possible barriers to attendance.