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Mackintosh MA, Morland LA, Kloezeman K, Greene CJ, Rosen CS, Elhai JD, Frueh BC. Predictors of anger treatment outcomes. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2014 Oct 1; 70(10):905-13.
OBJECTIVE: This study investigated predictors of therapeutic outcomes for veterans who received treatment for dysregulated anger. METHOD: Data are from a randomized controlled trial investigating the effectiveness of video teleconferencing compared to in-person delivery of anger management therapy (AMT) among 125 military veterans. Multilevel modeling was used to assess 2 types of predictors (demographic characteristics and mental health factors) of changes in anger symptoms after treatment. RESULTS: Results showed that while veterans benefited similarly from treatment across modalities, veterans who received two or more additional mental health services and who had longer commutes to care showed the greatest improvement on a composite measure of self-reported anger symptoms. CONCLUSION: Results highlight that veterans with a range of psychosocial and mental health characteristics benefited from AMT, while those receiving the most additional concurrent mental health services had better outcomes.