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Zullig LL, Melnyk SD, Goldstein K, Shaw RJ, Bosworth HB. The role of home blood pressure telemonitoring in managing hypertensive populations. Current Hypertension Reports. 2013 Aug 1; 15(4):346-55.
Hypertension is a common chronic disease affecting nearly one-third of the United States population. Many interventions have been designed to help patients manage their hypertension. With the evolving climate of healthcare, rapidly developing technology, and emphasis on delivering patient-centered care, home-based blood pressure telemonitoring is a promising tool to help patients achieve optimal blood pressure (BP) control. Home-based blood pressure telemonitoring is associated with reductions in blood pressure values and increased patient satisfaction. However, additional research is needed to understand cost-effectiveness and long-term clinical outcomes of home-based BP monitoring. We review key interventional trials involving home based BP monitoring, with special emphasis placed on studies involving additionally behavioral modification and/or medication management. Furthermore, we discuss the role of home-based blood pressure telemonitoring within the context of the patient-centered medical home and the evolving role of technology.