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Kaboli PJ. Hospital Readmission: A Measure of Hospital Quality? [Cyberseminar]. 2013 Feb 20.
The hospital readmission is both a necessary part of the care of patients with acute and chronic illness, but can reflect poor quality of care at the time of care transitions out of the hospital. The objective of this cyber seminar is to give an overview of research in the area of hospital readmissions, interventions to reduce preventable events, and implications of potential changes in reimbursement. 1. Attendees will gain a better understanding of rates and trends in hospital readmissions and factors associated with higher rates. 2. They will be introduced to proven strategies to prevent hospital readmissions. 3. They will understand the potential implications of healthcare payment reform or "bundled" payments. 4. The format will provide an opportunity to ask questions and share challenges and opportunities in the care of hospitalized patients.