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Quality Enhancement Research Initiative in ischemic heart disease: a quality initiative from the Department of Veterans Affairs. QUERI IHD Executive Committee.

Every NR, Fihn SD, Sales AE, Keane A, Ritchie JR. Quality Enhancement Research Initiative in ischemic heart disease: a quality initiative from the Department of Veterans Affairs. QUERI IHD Executive Committee. Medical care. 2000 Jun 1; 38(6 Suppl 1):I49-59.

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Despite the dramatic fall in ischemic heart disease (IHD) mortality rates over the last 3 decades, it remains the number one cause of death in the United States, and one of the most frequent indications for care by the US Department of Veterans Affairs. National practice guidelines have been developed and disseminated both by societies that specialize in cardiology and within the Veterans Health Administration. Despite these efforts, a substantial minority remains of patients with IHD who are not treated with guideline-recommended therapies. The Quality Enhancement Research Initiative in IHD is a Veterans Health Administration-sponsored initiative to address the gap between guideline-recommended therapies and actual Department of Veterans Affairs practice. Because guideline development for patients with IHD is relatively mature, the Quality Enhancement Research Initiative in IHD will concentrate on measuring existing practices, implementing interventions, and evaluating outcomes in veterans with IHD. Measurement of existing practices will be evaluated through analyses of existing Veterans Affairs databases developed for the Continuous Improvement in Cardiac Surgery Program, as well as data collected at the Center for the Study of Practice Patterns in veterans with acute myocardial infarction. To measure existing practices in outpatients with IHD, we plan to develop a new database that extracts electronic data from patient laboratory and pharmacy records into a relational database. Interventions to address gaps between guideline recommendations and actual practice will be solicited and implemented at individual medical centers. We plan to emphasize point-of-care electronic reminders as well as online decision support as methods for improving guideline compliance.

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