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HSR Citation Abstract

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Creation and storage of standards-based pre-scanning patient questionnaires in PACS as DICOM objects.

Robinson TJ, DuVall SL, Wiggins RH. Creation and storage of standards-based pre-scanning patient questionnaires in PACS as DICOM objects. Journal of digital imaging : the official journal of the Society for Computer Applications in Radiology. 2011 Oct 1; 24(5):823-7.

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Radiology departments around the country have completed the first evolution to digital imaging by becoming filmless. The next step in this evolution is to become truly paperless. Both patient and non-patient paperwork has to be eliminated in order for this transition to occur. A paper-based set of patient pre-scanning questionnaires were replaced with web-based forms for use in an outpatient imaging center. We discuss this process by which questionnaire elements are converted into SNOMED-CT terminology concepts, stored for future use, and sent to PACS in Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) format to be permanently stored with the relevant study in the DICOM image database.

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