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Korthuis PT, Fiellin DA, Fu R, Lum PJ, Altice FL, Sohler N, Tozzi MJ, Asch SM, Botsko M, Fishl M, Flanigan TP, Boverman J, McCarty D, BHIVES Collaborative. Improving adherence to HIV quality of care indicators in persons with opioid dependence: the role of buprenorphine. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999). 2011 Mar 1; 56 Suppl 1:S83-90.
In this observational cohort study, HIV-infected patients with opioid dependence received approximately half of HIV QIs at baseline. Buprenorphine treatment was associated with improvement in HIV QIs at 12 months. Integration of bup/nx into HIV clinics may increase receipt of high-quality HIV care. Further research is required to assess the effect of improved quality of HIV care on clinical outcomes.