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HIV-CAUSAL Collaboration, Ray M, Logan R, Sterne JA, Hernádez-Díaz S, Robins JM, Sabin C, Bansi L, van Sighem A, de Wolf F, Costagliola D, Lanoy E, Bucher HC, von Wyl V, Esteve A, Casbona J, del Amo J, Moreno S, Justice A, Goulet J, Lodi S, Phillips A, Seng R, Meyer L, Pérez-Hoyos S, García de Olalla P, Hernán MA. The effect of combined antiretroviral therapy on the overall mortality of HIV-infected individuals. AIDS. 2010 Jan 2; 24(1):123-37.
We estimated that cART halved the average mortality rate in HIV-infected individuals. The mortality reduction was greater in those with worse prognosis at the start of follow-up.