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Development of evidence-based performance measures for bipolar disorder: overview of methodology.

Golden WE, Hermann RC, Jewell M, Brewster C. Development of evidence-based performance measures for bipolar disorder: overview of methodology. Journal of psychiatric practice. 2008 May 1; 14 Suppl 2:18-30.

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The STAndards for BipoLar Excellence (STABLE) Project was organized in 2005 to improve quality of care for bipolar disorder by developing and testing a set of evidence-based clinical process performance measures related to identifying, assessing, managing, and coordinating care for bipolar disorder. This article first briefly reviews the literature on the science of performance measurement and the use of performance measures as a tool for quality improvement. It then presents a detailed overview of the methodology used to develop the STABLE performance measures. Steps included choosing a clinical area to be measured, selecting key aspects of care for measurement, designing specifications for the measures, developing a data collection strategy, testing the scientific strength (validity, reliability, feasibility) of the measures, and obtaining, analyzing, and reporting conformance findings for the measures. Five of the STABLE measures have been endorsed by the National Quality Forum as part of their Standardizing Ambulatory Care Performance Measures project: screening for bipolar mania/hypomania in patients diagnosed with depression, assessment for risk of suicide, assessment for substance use, screening for hyperglycemia when atypical antipsychotic agents are prescribed, and monitoring change in level of functioning in response to treatment. Additional STABLE measures will be submitted to appropriate national organizations in the future. It is hoped that these measures will be used in quality assessment activities and that the results will inform efforts to improve care for individuals with bipolar disorder.

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