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Rittman MR. Managing a Longitudinal Multi-Site Study Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods. Paper presented at: Minnesota Health Resources Annual Conference; 2004 Apr 30; Banff, Canada.
The frequency of large studies triangulating qualitative and quantitative methods has recently increased and project management poses significant challenges. Little information is available to assist researchers in managing large datasets. The purpose of this presentation is to describe a successful strategy used to manage a large longitudinal multi-site study combining qualitative and quantitative methods defining culturally sensitive models of stroke recovery following discharge home. The five-year project, funded by the US Veterans Health Affairs, is being conducted in four VA medical centers in Florida and one Puerto Rico. A project management database utilizing Microsoft Access was developed and will be demonstrated during the presentation. The database provides a system for scheduling and tracking longitudinal data collection, tracking transcription and coding of interviews, and generating reports to monitor the status of the study to successfully meet project goals. The presentation includes an overview of the study emphasizing lessons learned.