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Health Care Discrimination Affects Patient Activation, Communication Self-Efficacy, and Pain for Black Americans.

Derricks V, Hirsh AT, Perkins AJ, Daggy JK, Matthias MS. Health Care Discrimination Affects Patient Activation, Communication Self-Efficacy, and Pain for Black Americans. The journal of pain. 2024 Dec 1; 25(12):104663.

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This study examines whether a key psychosocial factor-perceiving racial discrimination in health care-is associated with worse patient activation, communication self-efficacy, and physical health outcomes for Black veterans with chronic pain. Moreover, we explore the role of physician-patient working alliance as a moderator that may alleviate the potential consequences of perceiving racial discrimination. This work is a secondary analysis of baseline data from a clinical trial with 250 U.S. Black veterans with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Participants were recruited from primary care clinics at a Midwestern VA hospital between 2018 and 2021. Perceiving racial discrimination in health care was associated with lower patient activation, lower self-efficacy in communicating with one''s physician, higher pain intensity, and lower pain management self-efficacy (ps  <  .049) but was unrelated to reports of pain interference or use of pain coping strategies (ps  >  .157). Although the relationship between perceived discrimination and patient activation was moderated by working alliance (P  =  .014), having a stronger working alliance improved patient activation to varying degrees across levels of perceived discrimination (rather than buffering against negative outcomes when perceiving higher levels of discrimination). Moderation was not significant on any other measures. This study deepens our understanding of the broad range of health outcomes that are (not) associated with perceiving racial discrimination in health care. Contrary to prior theorizing, this work also indicates that having a strong working alliance does not attenuate the consequences of perceiving discrimination among Black individuals living with pain. These results highlight the need for system-level interventions to address perceptions of racial mistreatment in health care. PERSPECTIVE: This work has important public health implications by identifying the broad range of outcomes associated with perceived discrimination in health care among Black Americans. Importantly, a strong physician-patient relationship did not buffer Black individuals from the consequences of perceiving discrimination. These findings inform intervention targets to mitigate racial health disparities.

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